U.S. Government.

The tax system of the U.S. Government has been improving for more than 200 years. Today it serves not only to supply the income of the federal budget, states budget and local budgets, but it is also the instrument for the economy development. The formation of the budget and the capital movement play the major role in the implementation of the economic policy of the United States government. Taxes that provide the major takings and the most stable one are directed into the federal budget. The federal budget shares about 70 of the expenses and incomes (Pechman, 1987).
    By the end of the 19th century, the worldwide economic center moved from Great Britain to the United States. A number of financial and industrial enterprises have taken the control over several key fields of the American economy  steel smelting, tobacco, telegraph, roads, and a great number of other spheres. Among them are such giants of the world size as General Motors, IBM, Microsoft and others. The Council on Foreign Relations is the biggest organization in the world that unites the most influential people of the United States and the Western Europe. Among them are former and active presidents, ministers, leading bankers, financiers, mass media representatives, transnational corporations and others. The founder of this system was a famous banker Morgan. This unofficial organization has influenced the American policy and strategy in the world and their target was to achieve world power status. It was founded in 1921 as a part of the Carnegie foundation and it influenced the worldwide policy. The headquarters of the C.F.R. are situated in New York (Shoup et al, 2004).
    Due to the technological progress and the modernization of the communications in the 20th century, the World Wide Web, called the Internet, has spread all over the world. The U.S. Government were the first to propose the term e-democracy, with the help of the scientists from Great Britain and USA, and eventually it has gained its popularity among scientific and corporation universities.
The e-democracy means the implementation of the new technologies for the protection and development of the main democratic values. It also serves to attract citizens in global decision-making process of the local government. The electronic democracy helps people to sense their personal participation in the politics of the country and to observe the effectiveness of their own choice. The possibilities from using the Internet and its informational structure are boundless. People can use polls, votes to choose their candidate, retrieve various information of the candidate from the mass-media web sites to organize electronic elections. The experts concern the term e-democracy as a technological aspect, assuming that the modern democracy is changing through the communication system, and can influence the political authority (Helmut et al., 2004).
    The electronic democracy in the United States is developing in a rapid rate and it is getting more power, than television debates. Internet lobbying is the most popular side of the e-democracy in the United States, it involves three main sectors the usage of the computer network as an informational source of the lobbying direct informational pressure by the means of the Internet and usage of the computer networks for communicating bodies of the state power.
    The information technology is the most effective tool for increasing the governmental power, reducing its unproductive expenses and strengthening its authority in the modern society. One by one country, all over the world, are developing new model of government that will allow people to observe and to choose the course they desire. U.S. Government e-system is spread all over the country and in Canada, as well. It is chasing the goal to ease and to cheap the process of communication and election between the people and the government.


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