Relationship Ideas and Interests in Foreign Policy
Definition of foreign policy
A nations foreign policy is generally a set of intentions or goals describing the way the country will interrelate with other nations in matters of economy, politics, society and the military and also to a lesser degree, the way the nation will seek to interact with actors which are no-state. This interaction is evaluated and looked at in the attempts to increase the benefits of the multilateral and at the same time, International Corporation. Foreign policies have therefore been designed to help in the process of protecting the nations interests, security, prosperity, economic as well as ideological goals (Deconde, 1957). This has occurred as a consequence of peaceful cooperation with other nations or even through exploitation. The creation of the foreign policy is the work of the federal government.
Ideas and their Influence on Foreign Policy
International diplomacy has used its wide sense to incorporate the wonderful processes through which countries and nations together with their respective governments come up with foreign policies. The ideas or rather the ideological assumptions from the policies that are expected to come up have never been a major preoccupation of many, according to the claims by the proponents of these ideas. A nation has to be sure of the thoughts and dreams of the country before coming up with any foreign policy. The interests of the nation could turn inward rather than the expected outward interests in achieving its goals and purposes.
The ideas required before the making of a foreign policy could form a variety of them. The nation or country needs to establish itself economically. The foreign policy drawn up should not interfere with the countrys gain of economic prosperity. The foreign policy is meant to build the country economically (Deconde, 1957). It is therefore very imperative for the country to have in mind these ideas before embarking in full force on a foreign policy. A policy that wastes the resources of the country cannot be considered as an economically feasible foreign policy.
Foreign policies need to get ideas of the state of security of the countries the nation is aiming to have an interaction with. It is very paramount to get information on this factor as lack of security and the policy of neutrality could negatively affect the country. However, the country can proceed on well with nations that exhibit the neutrality policy and peace. Also, in occasions when the country feels it could offer protection for herself, then the policy can be embraced. Generally, the country should seek to protect her ideological goals. Any attempts by the federal government to engage in practices that undermines this should be avoided at all costs. It is of no use to engage in practices which do not protect the interests of the country. It is therefore important to put in mind these ideas before coming into conclusion to any foreign policy.
Realists and Constructivists View On the Relationship between Interests and Ideas
Of important consideration in the foreign policy is the ideas born by the federal government. The Realists and Constructivists have brought out the relationship between ideas and interests in foreign policy making as a very key step in analyzing the policy. The ideas of the foreign policy should therefore not be left to override national interests. The purpose of the foreign policy could easily be affected by this. The process of making the foreign policy should exercise control in striking a balance between the national interests and the ideas leading to the establishment of the foreign policy. The consideration of the national interests is a prerequisite to the ideas of the foreign policy (Deconde, 1957). All the ideas born in the policy making process should always have their reference to the national interests. They should receive a backing from the aspirations of the country and the purposes that it wants to accomplish. The foreign policy should leave the country at ease to go after her interests in her own specific way. They should not be hampered by foreign complexities.
The principles or ideas which are believed to stand out in the foreign policy should be defended using all efforts as they preserve the interests of the nation. The country should exhibit confidence when executing the foreign policy. It would be very much embarrassing for any country to act on a policy that would derail her. There is therefore need to ensure the ideas of the policy does not conflict with the interests of the country. This is what the realists and constructivists of the foreign policy view the relationship between the ideas and interests in the foreign policy. The action taken could be destructive if not controlled by measures as seen in the interests of a particular country (Deconde, 1957). What is required therefore is the ability of the federal government to exercise control over these two factors as they contribute much to the establishment of the foreign policy.
US decision to launch a humanitarian operation in Somalia
The United States has for a long time now being a superpower. The problems in the country of Somalia have intensified to greater heights despite several interventions from outside forces. This raised a major concern to the United States. The idea to intervene with an enormous force began to gain momentum. The operation of the United States was purely based on humanitarian grounds (Graham, 1989). The input made by the United States was in the protection of the interests of the international peace and policy of neutrality. The United States has now for a long time been known as a superpower, a prestigious position to be in. The actions of the US federal government could have greatly been motivated by this fact. The country of Somalia had experienced human torture and seemingly no solution was emerging to protect the poor and the vulnerable. The US foreign policy on Somalia was influenced by the need to promote the agreement made by the nations of the world on matters of peace and maintaining neutrality. Though the country of Somalia is a sovereign state, the things going on in the country were far much the expectations of the entire world on protecting the rights of the people. Somalia seemed unable to solve her own internal problems (Clark, 2009). The position held by the USA could support the move it made in launching this humanitarian operation. However, the troops of the United States could not be placed in a dangerous situation not unless their numbers were overpowering the opponents.
Soviet Union of adopting new thinking
The growing organ on the advancement of the human reasoning has provided a new approach for predicting the trend of behaviors of societies and the individuals therein in the future. Whilst the statesmen and the strategists of the military have continued to look at the past history of behaviors, the national traits of character and the military together with the economic capabilities form a basis for the efforts of calculating the behaviors in various societies in the future. There is now more which is needed in giving weight concerning the assessments of modes and patterns used in judgment experienced in the society (Graham, 1989). This was also aimed at looking at the factors that could influence the process of translating the judgment as a result into behavior.
The Soviet Unions new thinking was prompted by these ideas of the differences occurring in the changes seen in the public opinion in the society and many more changes that were predictable in the reasoning patterns of the citizens (Graham, 1989). The ideas provided a ground for the people of Soviet for perestroika and a direction for reforms that would increase its projection for success.
United States adoption of bush doctrine
The doctrine of Bush is a phrase that was used to explain the several foreign policies which are related to the principles of the former president of the United States, George W. Bush. This phrase formerly was used to explain the policy that saw the United States secure and protect itself from the nations that harbor or have been found giving assistance to terrorist organizations and groups. It was used to give a good reason for the invasion of Afghanistan in the year 2001.
Later on the policy included preventive war policy which held that the US must overthrow foreign regimes that represented a threat to her security (Clark, 2009). The ideas of terrorism made the US continue with the Bush plans. Even if the threats were not seen as immediate ones, the US made a move of promoting democracy and more especially in the Middle East. The foreign policy was helpful in promoting the Security of the United States of America as it has all along been the target as a super power nation.
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