How the Staley Workers Can Win a Fair Contract
GLEN While sharing same sentiments with you indeed appear appealing, it is very crucial for the audience to be given nothing but the facts if their choices to seek help from the union when drawing their contracts are to be effected. Your views are indeed only theoretical and lack the necessary vigor that you have presented in practice. Notably, the need to facilitate the employees and the employers success has been highly publicized, however, why doesnt Mr. WATT provide two examples of any labor unions that has achieved the above objectives. Indeed, as recent researchers indicate, the holistic agenda is a cut and paste from the nineteenth century when the workers unions used to be guided by real objectivity (George and Athina 120-122).
WATT Recent statistics indicate that over sixty percent of the workers in the United States are unionized. Further statistics indicates that most of the companies that do not allow their members to join or form unions are often oppressive to them in their contractual application. It is from this consideration that Mr. GLEN might be wrong in that companies have over the years failed to honor their trust to their employees. Therefore, the following objectives of having the employers and the workers unions negotiate should also be understood. To begin with, unions assist the employees with a better negotiating table for their contractual demands with their employees. At this point, I would like to bring to your attention that most of the employees lack the necessary skills and courage for negotiating with their employers with their employers (Logan 651-652). Any employer will definitely agree that once an employee is convinced that their issues are dealt with effectively, they tend to concentrate and out more efforts on their work.
GLEN Besides, unions have equally remained highly offensive and indeed only seek to make their names in cases of strikes. While unions are supposed to be at the center stage in supporting companies towards maintaining the necessary sustainability and therefore facilitating the necessary national economic support to nation, they have failed totally in that duty. Indeed, one would only wish for the old unions get back.
WATT One of the key tenets that have facilitated the current high demand for workers unions is their ability to mediate between the members and their employers at all levels. While acknowledging that differences will always emerge, unions act as rational platform for addressing workers and therefore preventing major damages. Notably, all the unions have labor specialists who are able to weigh and reason with the employer to arrive at the best possible agreements that are fit for both parties (Straume 653).
GLEN Indeed the current demands for a union are not justified. Presently, all the companies strictly follow established labor laws and occupational hazards in the at all levels. Besides, the present globalization trends dictates the acceptance of a given product depending on ethics employed in their production at all levels.
WATT While the debate on the effectiveness of labor laws in addressing and arresting the problem of strikes appear to far from over, I strongly feel that it is the company that fail to adhere to it that form the major problem in its implementation. According to the Taft-Hartley Act, companies are required to establish an effective bargaining system with the employees and avoid coercion to force the striking workers accept their requirements (Logan 651-653). Other laws that strengthen the need for collective bargaining include the Wegner Act which guarantees all the workers of their rights in their work place it further provided the employees with the rights to choose their leaders in the union. Finally, the law supports operations of a strike but insist that they must be more careful to avoid abuse of the same rights.
GLEN Please give all the details to ensure that there is greater comprehension by the audience. The Landgrum-Act provided further details of bad labor practices and recognizes the critical role played by the court of law in resolving these issues (Romain and Jessica 421-423). It is from this consideration employing a neutral body such as the court of law to address the problems of workers might be more effective.
WATT The events of the last decade of twentieth century and indeed presently gave the employees an upper hand in their reference by the union compared to non members. The presentation therefore indicated not a failure of the system, but effectively brought them to the negotiating table.
GLEN The last decade of the 20th century indicated the true picture of labor unions. Therefore the severe decline in the union membership presented the unstable nature of the unions and opportunistic outline of the situation. The leaders are presented to harbor key interest in getting to active politics. The unions therefore become a springboard for its leaders towards getting political powers (Eaton and Kriesky 45). It is not until the anomaly is addressed will support by the members be consistent and realistic.
WATT The need to facilitate the unions ability to address all the issues affecting them has culminated to assimilation of the most effective methods to improve their welfare. One such mechanism id the civil disobedience where the members deliberately refuse to follow the laws and regulation until their demands are met. This method should however be carefully employed as the very last options after others have failed.
GLEN Civil disobedience is an ancient method of addressing the problems faced by the society. It is indeed very sad that even the 21st century has met unions still implementing it (Vanessa 58). It is critical that unions drop this tactic and assimilate better mechanisms of negotiating with the employers. Indeed, Mr. WATT, please take note that 21st century is based on the need to provide possible solutions as opposed to becoming part of the problem.
WATT Another tactic mostly employed by the unions to gather support from both the members and the respective companies is the corporate campaigns for the unions. The corporate campaigns therefore sought to gather the best methodology for uncovering possible fraud, mismanagement, and other key events in the management that can be employed either privately or publicly to achieve the objectives of the union (Eaton and Kriesky 45-47).
GLEN It is from the above consideration that indeed, Mr. Watt should be able to explain what the values of the union are. Lack of clear truthfulness therefore culminated to the employers getting more support from the employees who view their systems to be increasingly more reflective to their demands and ethical application.
WATT Though I agree of the needed critical reevaluation to facilitate greater objectivity, it is also worth noting that it has been a center stage in educating its members, uniting them, and mobilizing them toward various initiatives on their welfare. It is this consideration that the need to comprehend issues related to contracts become much easier for both the employers and the employees union representatives.
GLEN While the notion of education and unifying the members is indeed good, it must be done effectively to reduce the creation of negative solidarity which is very destructive. However, the latter is very hard to prevent once the former has been effected.
WATT The ability to maintain the necessary ideals in the union anchors the needed trust by the members of the union. It is particularly important to note that the democratic system facilitate the members ability to choose their leaders. Application of hierarchical structure on the other hand further augments leadership by giving them the needed professional space for their propositions.
GLEN The democracy and bureaucracy denoted by the unions should be weighed against the current companys management where the need to involve the employees is taken from the highest level to the lower levels of management through teamwork and effective information technology application.
WATT While many people continue indicating their views on the shifting orientation of labor unions from social movements to business unionism, the same notion is untrue. The drive that anchors the union is not the actual financial consideration that is driven from its moves, but the need to have an ethical society where respect for human rights and their dignity is upheld (Straume 645-646).
GLEN But your unions for the last five years has strongly been involved in wages disputes, compensation, and business like relation it appears more business oriented as opposed to social outlook.
WATT To further maintain the needed relevance at the local and international level, an international outlook is essential. An intensive network with other unions, pressure groups and religious activists has been established to facilitate the needed image and indeed reinforcement when it is needed. This will maintain the necessary forces at the national level for the union and the entire fraternity.
GLEN This solidarity is a disaster in waiting as the key objective is indeed not positive. The consideration is especially crucial when executed by people who have various political interests. Besides, it may facilitate tuning of simple resolvable problems into national catastrophes where the solidarity manifests itself with speed.
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