Texas State Constitution
Events that led to adoption of the current Texas constitution can be dated back to 1945 when the first constitution was adopted in Texas State. First amendment was done in 1950. The amendment aimed at electing holders of executive offices and state judges rather than appointment. After loosing in the Civil War, there was need for Texas to amend its constitution so as to fit in the Union of troops. Once in the Union, Texas was required to write a new constitution in1869. This was a representation of humiliation and defeat of Civil War.
The current Texas constitution was written in 1875 but ratified in 1876. Most of the delegates who participated in writing the constitution were Texas patrons known as Grange. The major event or objective of the patrons was to reduce scope and size of state government. Another reason was to control excess business in Texas. The current Texas constitution is a representation of political desires for people living in the rural areas in Texas (Andrew, 46). Current Texas constitution is considered to be longer than U.S constitution. It shares common features and also includes features that are not in U.S constitution.
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