Ways committee of congress can slow down Policy Making

The United States Congress consists of members both from Senate and House of Representatives who are chosen by direct election. Direct election is a system of choosing political office holders where the voters directly cast ballots for the person or persons or political party that they desire to see elected.

During policy or policies making, they can derail the process buy refusing to support unanimously any policy during the voting for the policies in the seating and this would delay the policy making process. Their vote would be divided and the proposes get outnumbered and this would see a policy being shot down and face a vote passing challenge if Congress itself get divided on the policy.
The Congressional Committees work is to discuss the bills that come to the house where by bills and their resolutions are usually referred to the appropriate committee, which then may report a bill back in its original form favorable or unfavorable or recommend amendments, report original measures, or allow the proposed legislation to die in committee stage any action if the bill was seen unfavorable or unsuitable.

Congress is important to the need of the citizens in the sense that the bills which are brought in the house which touches on the lives and economies of the country for them to be passed Congress has to unanimously pass them. Without which such bills wont be passed and hence wont be applied even if how much they would be of value to the citizens.

Congress needs to be decentralized in the sense to kill monopoly and be able to collect views and interests from various platforms and corridors so that the bills presented to the house are unilateral and are those that are a benefit to the majority and not vise versa.

The oversight body of the committee is made up of members from the administration, advisory commissions, regulatory reform committees of the cabinet, parliamentary committees and intergovernmental committees. The members are wide spread and their role is to regulate, coordinate and supervise the reforms to ensure quality standards.

The president can come up with policies and bills which he would want to see them pass and in such case he would first consult his party committee members and have them tabled and discussed by various committees for passing. His role is tamed in that, he can not just pass any policy, it has to be vetted and all he has to do is to align his members towards supporting the bills when they come to the house.

Miller Center on Carrot and Stick was referring the power struggle of persuasion that prevails towards proposals, negotiating compromises that involves congress to have their vote on matters relating to some sensitive bills in statehouse.

Max Weber was a political economist and a sociologist who came with the concept of social theory influence and the giving of sociology itself. In Webers theory the modern capitalism and rational bureaucracy as a point of departure in research i.e. natural laws are possible of establishment in cultural science and that such laws are conditioned psychologically.

The patronage system in the US government was a system where the winning party in election dispensing all appointive office positions to loyal members of the party in power. After the assassin of President Garfield, the Congress swung into action prompting their public authority to facilitate a reelection and thereby enacting numerous reforms that shed more light on the represented and their representatives.

Accountability n policy making is important in the sense that views from all regions and groups and relevant vetting is made to forester greater transparency through direct public scrutiny.
The Administrative Act of 1946 is an act which was to govern the process that federal administrative agencies follow in carrying out their responsibilities. The law governed the conduct of the state agencies.

The Clean Air Act was an act which was put to control air pollution in the United States. Though the law was initially passed in 1963, major amendments were made and added in 1970 with a comprehensive program of reducing air pollution.

The Supreme Courts role in the United States Government is to declare whether an act is constitutional or unconstitutional when it comes to policy making. Its major and only role is to adjudicate and the judges are appointed by the sitting president.

Judges should make decisions based on principle not political they should more focus on decisions not opinions. That way the decision would be a stand of right and wrong and opinion would favor a political position.

Supreme Court of the United States decided the case of (Joseph W. Cumming, James S. Harper, and John C. Ladeveze v. The County Board of Education of Richmond County, State of Georgia)  where in all-white Richmond County School Board closed Ware High School, a segregated, tax-supported, all-black high school in the City of Augusta.

The plaintiffs did not seek integration of the Augusta Public Schools nor did they lodge a complaint regarding the separation by race of children in the primary grades, they did not attempt to compel the board to provide a high school for blacks their demand was for injunctive relief that would force the closing of the white high school through the withholding of tax support until the black high school was reopened. This approach succeeded in the trial court but failed in the Georgia Supreme Court. In an opinion written by Justice John Marshall Harlan, the Justice who had just three years before asserted that the constitution was color-blind, the Supreme Court of the United States sustained the ruling of the Georgia Supreme Court denying the request for injunctive relief. Ware High School was not reopened.

The Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor will make a significant role in the face of race and origin if appointed to the bench. She comes from a race opposed by majority of Americans in terms of race her being Hispanic amid her experience and expertise in legal issues.


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