Option Paper How to Improve Life in Poor Countries in the Introduction

oor countries can be defined as countries which are faced with a myriad of problems arising from inadequate economic provisions. The poor countries are also called third word countries or developing nations. Some of the problems that these countries face include conflicts,  food and water shortages, poor infrastructure, increased unemployment, population increase, poor health and sanitation, poor economic growth and effects of natural catastrophes just to mention but a few.
The problem which the poor countries are facing to day can be traced generally to the colonial era where powerful countries from Western Europe, America and Asia decided to expand their political and economic spheres of influence to foreign territories. They almost exhausted the resources from their colonies leaving behind disgruntled nations with inexperienced governments led by selfish leader. Such poor and greedy governments are the ones which are majorly blamed for the problems the poor countries face today. The problems are also made worse by current economic, political and environmental challenges that the world is facing. Most of the poor countries in the world are mainly found in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Statement of the problem
What is the best approach to improve quality of life in poor countries over the next 25 years
Statement of Goals
High Priority
The poor countries should ensure that their country stays food secure by adopting better farming methods and reduce dependency on rain water by using other methods like irrigation. These countries should also ensure that they improve their food storage facilities to promise a steady food supply.
These poor countries should also make sure that there is a constant water supply for all their citizens. They should do this by conserving their water towers through planting of tress and reducing human interference. They should also adopt better water storage methods and purification methods.
Political stability is also an important way to improve the lives of people in the third world countries. The governments should therefore hold fair and transparent elections. The governments should also uphold democratic principles at all times.
Education is also another important way to promote development of a nation. Literacy levels should be reduced through improving educational curriculum and making education to be affordable to the majority.
                      Medium priority
        Infrastructure in the poor countries should be improved in terms of building modern             roads in all parts of the country. There should also be an improvement in the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) sector. This is because in the next 25 years, the world will be an Information Communication Technology society where everything will be computerized.
Improved health and sanitation standards should also be prioritized by the poor nation. This can be done by making sure that the hospitals are well equipped with medicines and modern facilities are built in almost every accessible part of the country. They should also ensure that there is maximum prevention and awareness of contagious diseases like water and air borne diseases and also sexually transmitted infections like AIDS.
Population control is also another aspect that poor countries need to control in order to improve their livelihoods. This is because most of these countries have an ever increasing population to an extent that it becomes a problem to feed their population. An increased population also exhausts the natural resources and leads to the depletion of such resources.
        Low Priority
The poor nations should also improve how they lend money to potential investors. This will improve both local and foreign investment and promote economic growth.
 These counties should encourage entrepreneurship an innovative ideas. Such ideas will provide a good environment for individual progression without much dependency on the government. This will reduce the unemployment rates greatly.  
    One of the major problems faced by the poor countries is political instability. Most of these countries especially the ones coming from Africa and Asia have always been associated with war in one way or another. Such internal conflicts are the ones which discourage investments. War also causes the destruction of already established institutions. In order for these countries to solve these political problems which hinder economic progression, they need to establish democratic structures which ensure that the rule of the majority is upheld. Democracy can also bring about an end to the power struggles which are always witnessed by these countries.
The achievement of political stability is also made possible by ensuring that the rule of law is upheld to the maximum. If all the citizens are made to follow the law to the latter then things like insecurity and corruption will be a thing of the past.
In order for a country ensure that political stability is long-lasting then they need to ensure that the resources are equally distributed to all the people. They should also ensure that foreign interference and dependency is minimized and the country remains sovereign. However, it becomes difficult for these countries to remain independent since they survive mostly through loans and grants from developed countries.
    For the poor nations to improve in the next 25 years, they need also to ensure that they encourage more investments by inviting foreign investors to boost the economy. The governments should also encourage entrepreneurs to emerge and begin different ventures which will in turn boost the economy and reduce unemployment rates. The poor countries should also ensure that they invest heavily in improving infrastructure and also the ICT sector. This will provide a competitive edge which will help in economic growth.
The poor nations should also ensure that they invest well in the education and health sectors. This is to ensure that all the citizens can be able to build the economy with minimal interference from diseases and illiteracy. The Agriculture sector should also be improved to guarantee the country problems like starvation. This can be done by importing modern technology and adopt improved methods of farming.
          The story of people living in poor conditions in the third world countries has been persistent since time in memorial. Over the years, efforts have been made towards trying to help these people from their problems but it still continues. Current global problems have even made the situation further from reaching its end. Therefore in order for these countries to break away from the shackles of poverty and start realizing economic development, they need revolutionalized systems to replace current ones. In doing so, things like ensuring food security and improved health standards must be given a high priority if they are to realize any forward progress.
         In conclusion, the poor countries needs to start their road to success by coming up with short term goals followed by middle term and then long-term in order to promise their future generation of a prosperous nation.


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