What would you ask

This is a fascinating question. There are many things that one can ask. What about over population and carbon footprints. Perhaps one could ask about health care and how epidemics are being handled. Although I would ask all these questions I think the one that is most prominent in my mind. Would be, does absolute power corrupt. When do you cross the line and become a megalomaniac. Many great men from Robespierre (Robespierre proclaimed himself a god) to Hitler, although I dont consider Hitler a great man in his time he was charismatic enough to lead a nation. They have all had charisma and grandiose plans for the future, but ultimate they become twisted. A good example would be Robert Mugabe, when he first came to power he educated his people and governed wisely. He then went to extremes. I once randomly read that a throne covered in blood is very slippery. I would want to know how someone with so much influence and power is moderated. Because ultimately the constitutions and legislations, all rest in the virtue that megalomania will not override the laws of the land. I would also ask is utopia just a word that we imagine to feel that there could be a better world. Where does one man find the wisdom to balance the insanity that absolute power encompasses The other question I would like to ask is we are already interacting in terms of a global economy and forum. Would a New World Order be a solution as we are already in the global village The question I ask is there a way of balancing power without democracy being a room filled with children and the one who shouts the loudest wins. How do we find the balance to talk in terms of futurism I would ask these questions not to confront you but instead to hear the wisdom of someone who has had to deal with these issues. I would ask how we can become guardians of our world and live in harmony when we are so diverse. I would ask is power and influence something to be abused or avoided. How do you balance yourself and how do you know that your decisions are the right decisions and not the start of madness. In the American declaration it says nothing about an insane man not being able to run for president.


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