Identity and Morality Politics Roots of Polarization

Euthanasia, homosexual marriage, and abortion and right to life these are just some of the hottest issues that have been polarizing Americans for a time. The different states may have different stands and legislations regarding this issue however, this situation has failed to appease opposing sides in these issues.

People who argue in favour of euthanasia says that this is one of the best ways to end the suffering of a person, as long as it has proper consent meanwhile, those who are against it argues that this is still murder no matter how good intentions are. Some believe in the right of homosexuals to be proud of their identity and marry those who are against it say that God only created males and females.

Advocates lobby for the right of choice, whether to abort or not while those who are against it argues that this is also murder, and that taking away the right to life of even an unborn baby is immoral.
Such debates are characteristic of two different kinds of politics morality politics and identity politics (Miceli, 2005). This is the reason why I think that compromise between advocates is virtually impossible both sides stand on entirely different planes. Morality politics is based upon moral grounds and Gods will, while identity politics focuses on the right of choice of the individual. Such different orientations are largely based upon personal beliefs and convictions, in which one cannot impose upon the other.

Given that the issues of euthanasia, abortion and homosexual marriage are largely grounded upon personal convictions, between morality and free will, I think that it is better for each state government to handle this problem. I still believe that the rule of the law must reflect the will of the people, wherein let the individual states decide on what side would they take. Given that the United States of America practices a federal kind of democracy, I believe that the states have the capability to make their own decisions and stand by their own legislations, according to the general will of the people.


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