Obamas New Strategy

Barack Obamas new strategy against the war on terror calls for the comprehensive approach of military and civilian efforts against remaining Taliban insurgents and Al-Qaeda operatives moving in and out of Afghanistan, Pakistan and its neighboring countries.

In my opinion, the Afghan people can expect to see more stabilized areas with the deployment of additional troops. Afghan security forces and civilians tasked for peacekeeping and nation-building after a U.S. withdrawal can better prepare under the guidance of American instructors. Consequently, resources and socio-infrastructure support can afford livelihood for Afghan civilians in war-torn areas, and hopefully entice non-extremist fighters to surrender. However, a credible and local co-implementor is essential for this partnership to continuously succeed, as stressed by former United Nations envoy to Afghanistan Peter Galbraith (Valera, 2009).

Moreover, another notable development is the role of Pakistan in the Afghan conflict. In exchange for military and monetary aid to stabilize Pakitans economy, the U.S. expects it to perform and clear out the insurgents and terrorists within its area. However, this line is met with caution, as echoed by military consultant David Kilcullen, who states that combatants and civilians are clearly known in Afghanistan, but in Pakistan, it is harder to determine allies from enemies (PBS, 2009).

With these developments, U.S. presence in these areas may have an effect on the relationship of Afghanistan and Iran, the perceived arms race between Pakistan and India, and other countries as well. Clearly, the new strategy will not just influence the drive against terrorism because as the plan moves forward, new scenarios will soon emerge.


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