First Article

In state where war and chaos continue to exist even to this modern world, one cannot help but also to continue hoping to eventually find themselves in peace and stand again as one country delivering economic, political and most importantly social growth for all its citizens. This has been the vision of Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in his interview conducted by Lally Weymouth, in her article in Newsweek Magazines entitled SALAM FAYYAD MY PREOCCUPATION NOW IS THIS PLAN The Palestinian prime minister on building the institutions of self government, regarding his serious dedication to build his nation and its people. In spite of problems the Palestinian are currently facing, he still, believe that, together with his fellow Palestinians, he will be able to achieve their goal in just a matter of two years.

Prime Minister Salam Fayyad Speaking
In order to materialize Prime Minister Salam Fayyads goals, he accordingly presented his plan for his homeland country which is basically to established necessary institutions providing essential services to the country and its people.  He will do this by means of Palestinians current monetary competence together with other foreign moral and financial support. He also disregarded at the moment his political ambitions given the sense of urgency in the founding of institutions. With regards to handling Palestinian to its warring stateIsrael, he first and foremost recognized the non-existent of mutual and peaceful relationship, however, in terms of their plan, there are some Israelis who find it plausible. He also recognizes the previous mistakes made by his countrymen in dealing international agreement and that the Palestinian is now ready and sincere enough to achieve peace and prosperity not only within the state but also to the entire region and the world.

Personal Reaction
Indeed, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad may have a good intention for the Palestine however, still other people across the world continue to believe the impossibility of his plan considering both local and international factors involved not to mention his idealistic time frame. In addition, the international support particularly coming from the United State may have different intentions given that fact that the US has its long historical political internal policy intervention to various developing countries. Hence, my own perspective on this matter would be different from Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, but the point of disproving me however is at his own hand.

Second Article

In the course of world history, one can easily discern the existence of Marxs theory of thesis and anti-thesis. This can be exemplified in the contemporary film production wherein the powerful and popular Hollywood is being challenged by alternative media provider like the Cinemaville or better known as Hugowood as founded by Venezuelan President Hugo Chvez according to the article in Nov 2, 2009 issue of Newsweek Magazine written by Mac Margolis entitled Lights Camera Revolucin

Lights Camera Revolucin
In the article, although the author gave few positive impacts particularly in terms so economic gains, the main focus, however, is more on the negative aspects of the institution. At the very beginning of the article, Chvez was compared to other fascist leaders Mussolini and Stalin providing its reader a sense of fear. In relation to the Cinemaville, the author also pointed out that it is a mechanization of Chvez government in the promotion of the Latin Americas movement toward socialism rooting in the struggle of Simn Bolivar who fought to free Venezuela from neoliberalism. Margolis, upon capturing the imperfect Cinemavile also raised the fear of some directors given the militaristic style of government Chvez. The latter allegedly has been threatening other press by means of nationalizing various companies under his authoritative power granted by the amended Venezuelans constitution. In doing so, the author believed the catchphrase Lights Camera Revolucin would only entail the manipulation of consciousness of Venezuelans.

Personal Reflection
Evidently enough, the other existing form of government challenging the predominantly democratic states will always be resisted by some conventional thinkers. The concept of Cinemaville is very much contrasting media to the existing one thereby, a threat to the status quo of movie productionsspearheaded by Hollywood. However, the preferential taste of people is inevitably varies from time to time. The patronage Venezuelans to Cinemaville is a clear manifestation of existing shift of consumers perception to movies. These were not expounded in the article which make me believes that the article is a form of black propaganda against those countries heading to socialism and that offer alternative media of portraying the other perspective of the real world rather than teen flick and feel good movies mostly produced by Hollywood.
Hollywood may be the current thesis in terms of movie production, however, the alternative Hugowood certainly serves as the anti-thesis and the synthesis of these two will then be very much welcomed to my discernment and hopefully to other conventional people as well.


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