Welfare Reforms

The circle of life can not run smoothly if there is no change in the environment. For the stability of the structure we need change, as our structured is design in a way that modifications become a need. The pyramid structure of our society with social classes is inevitable. The poor remains poor for years over years and for the betterment of their lifestyle so that they get the basic needs of life the government bring welfare reforms. With time change is necessary in the shape of reforms.

Welfare reforms include a wide range of benefits and incentives given to the poor people such as education, health and even unemployment benefits. Welfare reforms are part of government public policy. These reforms are there to effect the life of masses as they give relieve to the people in pain and suffering. Welfare reformation in a wider sense can include political reforms in which the public should be aware and strict actions are needed against the corrupt politician who could be termed as political reforms. Others can be based on ethnicity and racial issue that all the segment of society should be treated equally and granted similar right as that of any other dominant ethnic group. welfare can also be in term of a change in approach of the system for example moving from the military approach to the humanitarian approach can symbolizes welfare for the public as it will give them ease and satisfaction. welfare reforms is also about identifying the major groups and giving them the responsibility of the betterment of the structure such as the dominating trade unions who are working for big organization should consider the importance for their fellow worker and should stand for their right as well emerging as a big force for the worker would be considered as a powerful welfare reform. welfare reforms does no only mean financial help but it also covers the benefits so its like taking care of the citizens just like family. Its a relationship of trust and loyalty from the government to its people.

One of the major agendas of the government in the election time period is the welfare reforms as they define how they will benefit the common man. The political parties are coming up with better and better welfare policy in order to get support. As it is directly related to the masses people decide on to their vote on these bases. Welfare reforms are the integral part of the system which is immensely imported for the political parties at the time of elections.

The political parties manifesto is mainly based on the welfare reforms agenda. All the political parties which come into existence they have the motive of change in their minds. A change can become the first step towards the betterment to the people in uplifting their standard of living. Its these welfare agenda which attracts the masses to the political parties and keep them motivated in the political system. So its show that the institution has strong bases and these foundations are laid on the goodwill gesture of welfare reforms.

Media plays a vital role in shaping up the minds of people it manipulates, exploits the people as well the government to make its voice heard. when media initially came in it was in the form of print media as at that time there were only news paper and those news paper were influencing but with the modernization media spread out to raised and from their to v and then to internet. Now TV is dependent on the media for our fate as they are the real people in power of creating a wave of opinions. So that is why a big responsibility lies with the kingship that controls the most important thing that is public. So with big power comes big responsibility. The media acts mature in portraying the public demand to the higher authority so they can implement the right policy as their welfare reforms. By doing polls on show through documentaries media can make the government realize the misery of the common man as media works as a connecting source in between. Media focuses on issues such as the law regarding rape, regarding discrimination on the basis of race and ethnicity. These topics need to be understood by the masses and the ruling forces. Racism is a common practice from all round the globe so its media who promote equality among us and adopts a leading role in directing the government to give equal rights to the people. The perception created by media becomes the welfare police of the government. So the power of media as a separate entity can never be under estimated as it is there present in the system and has a large scale market in creating the people aware of what needs to be changed.

Welfare reforms do not come into existence on the recommendation of one institution in the system. Institutions play a major role according to its function and jurisdiction. The technicality of welfare reforms are designed by the tools functioning in the system such as the justice system. Justice system of a country is one of the most important pillar f the state. Strong justice system will eventually lead to a better nation as they guardian the fact that everyone is treated on equal grounds. Even the dominant ruling political party who are in power has to give high regard to the justice system in order to get the welfare reforms implemented. The role of judiciary is to analyze the welfare policies and how they are being distributed in the society. Financial assistance provide in terms of unemployment benefits, pensions, financial aid to families who are in extreme condition. This all requires accountability and a strict check that this money of the state treasury is been allocated in the right hands. The justice system keeps the wheel spinning because if a country does not have a strong justice system then it can never prosperous as the check and balance is required. judiciary gives significant importance in protecting individuals in welfare reforms for example the rights to homosexual which have been allotted recently in six states of USA and in Canada came as a welfare reforms for the community by giving them the social rights. The government directly intervenes the law making agencies of the system as the changes come in the reforming of laws to make it more appealing and acceptable to the masses. So every reform has a strong backing of justice system behind it as a backing which will make the reforms a legal document for every one in the society to follow.

Apart from the political parties and justice system there are other dominant forces which play a strong role. The forces which influence the ruling party to surrender to its will can be termed as the pressure groups and interest groups. The interest groups are entirely different from political parties as they dont have the authority to actually bring a change in the system but they are the silent actors who influences the government to get there job done. The elitist in the system who have connection which can make a difference can play the role of pressure groups or else people with strong market share can also be termed as interest groups. Interest groups as the main suggest have some interest in the system, there motive is predefined and its their end goals which bring them together in the larger circle. These groups are very important when it comes to the welfare reforms in a country as there large influences helps in shaping up the policy as they are invisible hands which are pushing the government for works in their interest. The transportation network in certain country can be termed as a pressure group. Transportation group will only effect if majority of the people uses public transport. If the transporters go on strike the system will collapse. the tools adopted by the interest group to make their voice heard is through strikes, lobbying, protest etc. through this they do get their message across in a big way. So this way transporter can demand for a subsidy from the government on fuel prices this way it will be welfare for the people that now they have to pay less. The subsidies which all these interest grouped get such as on food items mainly agriculture later help the masses and becomes their welfare for a better society. Other interest groups can also be in terms of NGOs non governmental organization as there part is mainly focusing on the welfare of the people. NGOs in developing country can impact strongly as there are many women rights organization which raise their voice against the domestic violence and physical abuse of women so they promote it in such a way through rallies with the help of media that their voice doesnt go unnoticed in the society so the government can initiate welfare reforms o the demands of the interest group such as NGOs. The process of social reforms starts with the ray of hope and when organization and interest groups come forward the ray of open when it is on the medium of any survival and are of the chances that things will come to real. A dream of a better society will become reality if all the groups play their parts effectively.

Even after years of hardships and reforms done for the betterment of the system why do we still feel the need of these reforms again and again. Why the system is is no evolving this is because of the poor management of the system. Granting resources is not the only way of getting things done and that is not the only job of the government as its job is to stay there till the end result and make sure that the laws are being implemented in the right direction. The failure to fully implement reforms on the frontlines has implications for the achievement of policy objectives and for equity in service provision. Implementation issues will have even greater urgency as welfare is devolved from federal to state governments. This shows that the hierarchical structure present in the government is not in good contact as bit is because of the communication gap and difference of opinion. In the state or provincial government at federal level as this has the strong impact on the general population who are hoping for welfare. Welfare for the deserving people is like oxygen because they are totally dependent on it. This kind of mistake in implementing social policy is a challenge and the barriers need to be broken in order to achieve the harmony in the society. Not delivering to the highest standard will cost the political party in terms of voters. So a strong relationship needs to be build with the political structure so that policies passed one house should have the credibility of being implemented.

Reforms the ray of hope and change in the system is necessary for all as to some extend problems are present in all the parts of the world. The case of perfect scenery does not exist in reality. So with ever society with problems why the case that few have a lagre number of is reforms where as the other is very limited is just the difference in the resources of a particular country or it the difference in the approach to system. Some possible explanations found to be incomplete are institutional differences in welfare programs, the uniqueness of circumstances (for example, German unification), and the balance of political power in governing institutions. An important part of the puzzle is an increasing perception of the need to reform that was more widespread in Denmark and the Netherlands. The social construction of an imperative to reform in these countries generated a political consensus that was elusive in Germany but that may be developing under Gerhard Schrders government.This show that the reform formulation of a country depend on it structure. The institutions and public perception plays the vital role in the formulation of welfare reforms. In 1945, at the time of  the World War, Germany was lead by Nazis, Hitler was a strong dictator. At that time Hitler made the people used to of the authoritative type of rule. The opinion and views of the general public were suppressed so they never had the courage to raise their voice against the problem and ask for welfare reforms. the society needs to be a free and open society with a politically cultured so that the common man takes part in the political and institutional system to make his own life better through welfare reforms. So its the awareness among the people which matters as in the case of Denmark that its perception of the people that changes the world around them.

Welfare policies are for the betterment of the masses. As they provide assistance and relieve to them but that is not always the case. When the government is trying to improve the quality of the life of people it overshadows important aspects as well. Welfare reforms are for the under privilege class of the society so it should mainly focusing them and the policies formulated and implemented should be in a way that brings prosperity. Although the 1996 welfare reforms have spurred many welfare-to-work transitions, their time limits and, especially, sanctions are likely to deepen poverty among some families. We suggest ways policies might be aimed at preventing either economic deprivation itself or its effects.Welfare reforms have many dimensional effects that is why things need to be focus in a way that the end result doesnt bother the real beneficiaries. Further deterioration of their economic conditions can make life difficult for the people. The formulation and flexibility of the welfare reforms is a matter of high sensitivity as it required the allocation of resources on a large scale and the government who is responsible for the betterment of the people should not forget its mail goal in the way of power and authority over looking a reform is not the escape for any government.

The welfare policies are distributed in a wide range and some way or the other it does cater everyone in the society. Welfare is for everyone as we see the demographic table. The levels of welfare is on every levels as for a child there are welfare policies such as health and protection as the child grows he faces the welfare policies of education by the government, then in the middle ages the financial assistance and the unemployment benefits are there and finally as we up in the order in terms of age the older people get pensions and old age benefits with the security for health. So it shows that how these welfare policies are supporting system for all of us. As it is there on every step of the ladder to motivate and make us feel courageous. The demographic also represent the gender differences. Men and women get different type of welfare benefit such as women gets protection from domestic and physical abuse and are also granted leaves at the time of pregnancy. The intensity and role of welfare can vary from the social classes and the organizations in the system but in general the government makes an effort in implementing these reforms for each one of us to satisfy us and to provide the citizens with a way of life which is dignified.

Welfare does not come free from problems everything which has a positive aspect dose have adverse social consequences as well. This is because so many people are involve in formulating and implementing these welfare policies that the lack of specialize skills from any department can damage the whole process of policy formation. Over the past twenty years, welfare reforms have challenged the salience of this conceptualization. This article argues that changes such as pension reform, administrative decentralization and efforts to revive the obligation of citizenship have fostered a more discursive conception of social rights. When rights are discursive, the relative power of various clientele interests plays a greater role in the distribution of benefits than objective conditions of need. Also, such notions as universality and solidarity are giving way to selectivity and individual responsibility as the paramount principles of the welfare state.

This shows that just focusing on the terminologies and not doing anything wont make a difference in the system. These social reforms goals should only be involving the government benefits and not aiming for other hidden motive. To understand the process of welfare reforms is very importance as these politicians can use this measure for their advantage fooling the public by just giving sentimental speeches and using terms such as universality. The culture of welfare is prime objective of any political party o when they come in power they should abide for what is right them misleading the people.

The terms and conditions of the welfare reforms are for very few people. as the overview picture suggest that welfare reforms are for everyone but this is not he case in real the technicalities of the reforms holders are complex for example in USA the financial assistance which is temporary in nature given to people who are jobless have a stick check on their requirement such as pregnant woman and families with children overlooking many people who are in need of this welfare desperately but cannot get through just because the dont match the requirement scale. So the limitation in the welfare policies is very much brutal. The welfare reforms are limiting with every day as the world is facing a recession the poor are the worst victims of. As the system is changing the policies are getting striker making it difficult for the ordinary people to take advantage of these welfare reforms. Since TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) is enacted, the number of people on welfare has declined dramatically. By 1999, there were only 7.2 million recipients, including 2.6 million families and 5.1 million children, roughly half the caseload of the 1994 peak. Analysts believe several factors have contributed to this decline, including an improved economy, tougher work requirements, and diversion strategies that have moved applicants directly to work programs. Not only have recipients left the program in higher numbers, but fewer have joined to replace them.

Welfare reforms should not only be limited to providing assistance and support but should focus on the larger consequences. This ray of hope will only effect if the government is trying to change things on a lager scale for a longer period that the effectiveness of these reforms is guaranteed and the resources of the country does not in to drain. The educational reforms in which free education is provided to a certain level as the welfare so there should be further checks on how this education is helping the student are they deserving enough to give them the privilege of free education. As the new trend suggest that now the number of school drop outs are increasing student showing in competence in their academia is adversely affecting the system of the country. Even the teaching staff and curriculum should be the major agenda in a way that it is implemented. So the potentials of the student can increase in the real sense making the effort of reforms as a useful medium to bring changes in the life of every student. The government job is not only to initiate but to make sure that what is initiated should have definite prosperous end.

The leadership has a big impact on all the policies of the country as he sees the country with a vision which does not have any other parallel. So the significance of welfare polices lies in the hand of leadership of the date. with all the good will form the leader why is that the problems of the poor people keeps on increasing the more they put effort in eliminating poverty the stronger t emerges. This show there is a problem with a system the problem could be the missing of good intention or the wrong policies because the loop holes are there in the system. In developing countries nothing seems to help in bring welfare to the people despite the efforts of the local government and with the help of the international world. This is due to a complex process of money system. That the more money comes into the economy is drained out by larger developed countries in the name of multi National Corporation this shows that the leaders in these countries are pretty much helpless and are not able to fight the system which has enslaved them. So the welfare of the common people is on stake from the big fish in the market. As in these cases the leadership is just not have the power to do anything and is being manipulated by the external forces. The welfare state or a state in which citizen are the first priority is more of a dream than anything real.

The civil society comprises of the common man the people who are educated and have a special forum in society. The doctors, engineers, lawyers and other professional combines together to formulate a civil society. civil society is one of the key players in bringing reforms in a country rather it be revolutionary change or change in the welfare system of the country its there say which counts the most. The welfare is the social right of every individual so its them who make the government realize of their responsibility about their citizens. As the betterment comes from within the system the whole of civil society need to join hand to make a difference as their efforts will not go waste if they become the voice of the unheard welfare reforms can be formulated and implemented in the right way. As welfare reforms is not the responsibility of the government but the responsibility is shared among the people of the nation.

The collaboration between all the entities is very important as one institution single handed cannot take all responsibility of the system. For the smooth process of the structure stability is needed. Welfare reforms are a ray of hope to bring changes in the life of those who desperately need them. So the ray of hope can only transform into a beam of light when all the institutions join hands for a better tomorrow. Welfare reforms is a process which is being on going from years as it was first introduce at the time of world economic depression in 1930s and from then onwards it became the central agenda for every one. The stages of growth of welfare reforms can be understood by the number and different directions of reforms that how the government and civil society is acting in a way that they are looking at all the matters from a micro level putting themselves in the shoes of the suffers and them formulating the welfare policies. So their efforts as a team should be respected to keep their spirits motivated towards the change in system.

On the flip of the coin there are times that the welfare policies cannot function properly because of miss communication among the entities in the system all the pillars does not show the same levels of enthusiasm in order to bring the change. Even the hierarchal structure with in one entity acts a barriers in either formulating or implementing a social welfare policies as many interest groups are involve whose prime motive it their personal benefit over everything. When doing well for the people the welfare work require pure intentions and determination which is missing in todays time. As the complexity of the world has made people very self centered and the problem of managing time has become a greater problem. The competitor and brutal world is not teaching any one about the importance of welfare in a society as the technological world has converted us into to robot making us numb so that we dont feel the pain ad misery of other individual at this hour of need our government should give extra attention so that all the entities can work together irrespective of their differences. So to achieve a new beginning, a new dawn for every one is required.

Against all the odd, the welfare system with the entire complexities is trying to make a difference and the researches have shown the success of these reforms. A growing body of evidence suggests that recent policy changes have influenced economic behavior and well-being. One particular set of new-style welfare programs seems to show especially promising results, with significantly increased work and earnings and reduced poverty.
Welfare reforms has shown in result but more is required from the government to make sure that these reforms becomes the part of each system in the country so poverty can be alleviated not from one country but the whole world. As the global village is more and more dependent o each other countries should help other countries in making sure that the welfare policies implemented are of highest credibility and the revenues of the government and the people are not going in drain.

This research paper can be further studied and can discuss specific reforms of countries in order to further highlight the role of welfare reforms. the primary data can also add o the authenticity of the paper as the local people of classes and sections of the society gives their view on welfare that how the upper classes are formulating then and hoe it is been implemented in the grass root level. Other suggestion for paper world that it should focus on comparison between two countries welfare polices so that the overview would more highlights that what are the institution and structure within a country that affects the trends of welfare reforms and development.

Welfare reform are the foundations for the basis of change for a country and hold keep performance In building up the countries roles in the international market. It is important to have practical reform policies but its of greater significance that those policies are being implemented in the right direction by the masses. The welfare policies deals with education facilities for student so they can get the primary education free of cost which is their fundamental social right. Other important aspect of welfare would be free health benefit provided to the under privilege people. The access to financial help on temporary bases is a relief that all countries provide to its people. Welfare reforms can also be in terms of subsidies that will make things easier and affordable to people.

The welfare reforms are a matter of concern for all, the key players holding the position to make a difference such as the politicians, interest groups, media, civil society are all the pieces of puzzle of welfare reforms which when joins together it the appropriate way with considering the timing can only result in the picture of glory and success for the country.


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