Organization Behavior and Managerialism
The purpose of this presentation is to provide information on how current issues are affecting the policy area of an organization, behavior and managerialism. This inquiry is therefore intended as reference for future government and public administration.
This study therefore will be an inquiry on the current issues affecting policy area of an organization, behavior, and managerialism using appropriate literature. This will be more or less a twenty minutes presentation of information on the issue.
This study is expected to provide benefits to government and public administration through the information that will be presented in this report.
The term organization is very common and we often hear people from different social classes speaking of this term which seemed to suggest that everyone has knowledge what this term mean. But this may not really be the case as there are various components that are needed to include or satisfy in defining organization. Defining what an organization is can help determine issues affecting policy area of an organization. The author defines organization as a social structure meaning those activities, relationships, and interactions that take on a regular pattern. Managerilaism on the other hand is defined as a set of beliefs and practices, management will prove an effective solvent for a wide range of economic and social ills. This definition is based on five beliefs that, (a.) Social welfare can be maximized by continued economic, (b.) Economic growth can be sustained through productivity increases using technological innovation and information technologies (c.) technologies require a workforce devoted to increasing productivity (d.) Management is an important and distinct function, and (d.) Good management is creative and dynamic. Given the context above, there are surely issues that are affecting the policy area of an organization that may have an impact of the future of government and public administration.
In Chapter 1 of the reading, the author cited W. Richard Scotts (1987) assertion that the elements of an organization include social structure, participants, goals, technology, and environment. The author pointed out that social structure refer to those activities, relationships, and interactions that take on regular pattern (p. 2). Given this context, any issue that arises will surely have an impact on the policy area of an organization because the organization is the people bound to interact with each other through activities. Thus, issues such job description and organization chart will certainly affect the policy area and will have an impact on future government and public administration either positively or negatively. Positively perhaps when the job description matches with those who filled them, but negatively when there is a mismatch.
One that could surely have an impact on the policy area of an organization and managerialism is the participants or the people in the organization. This is logical because organization simply depend on human labor power. Without the right people, organization cannot meet its goal.
On managerialism, the author once more cited Scott which devices scheme based on three major perspectives. These were the rational system perspective, which is oriented in the pursuit of specified goals. The natural system and open systems perspective, participants have common interests in the survival of the system. The author asserted that through this perspective, organizations are collectivities oriented to the pursuit of specified goals (p. 4).
There are certainly many issues confronting policy area of an organization that will have an impact on government and public administration, because an organization is social structures which aim to fulfill its goals. In line with fulfilling its mission and goals, managerialism is a management system that will ensure improvement and productivity.
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