State Government
Based on the ideology of liberalism, healthcare services provided by the government should allow freedom of choice for each individual. The individual would have the option to decide on which treatments and medical procedures to receive, even if those procedures may be controversial, such as abortion or cosmetic surgery. Healthcare services will support the ideology of liberalism as long as they allow for these freedoms.
Conservatives, on the other hand support the viewpoint that government provided healthcare services must adhere to traditional values. Healthcare must not provide unethical, immoral or anti-Christian services such as elective abortion exceptions may be made if the life of the mother is at stake. If the government agrees to uphold traditional Christian values, then conservatives will consider keeping an open mind. However, conservatives in general believe that the government should leave healthcare alone and let the healthcare industry take care of itself like it has in the past.
The ideology of socialisms supports a makeover in healthcare services. Socialists believe we need a change. If that means government intervention in healthcare, so be it. If that means universal healthcare, then that is even better. Wealthy people are getting quality health care, say the socialists what about the rest of us We need a fair distribution of goods and services in this country.
Students should be provided with a well-rounded education, from the liberalism ideology. Since the government is providing a free education through high school, then the government should make sure the curriculum promotes individual freedoms in addition to democracy. Children need to learn how to think for themselves and analyze what they are being taught. They should be taught sex-education and given access to, and information about birth control.
Based on the conservatives, the liberals have it all wrong. There is no place for sex education in schools. If the government permits this in the curriculum it must teach abstinence only. Otherwise, that would be promoting promiscuity in our young people. Schools should teach reading, writing, math and science. American children are not going to be able to compete unless we get our schools back on track. Taking prayer out of schools made things worse.
Socialism supports the viewpoint that we should all have equal access and opportunities in education. It is great that education is free through high school, but what about college Everyone should be able to attend, and if there was a fair distribution of wealth then more people could attend.
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