Texas Education Board

This is an article that is very necessary in the running of the school program and in the implementation of the curriculum in the United States. The article seeks to answer some of the very difficult questions that need to be answered concerning the way children are being raised in the current times in the United States. There is a need to educate children and help them to understand democracy better. There is also the need to help the children to know learn how to live happily and in harmony. This is the information that the author is presenting in this article.

The author is trying to say that sociology is a very crucial subject in the schools today. He is saying that unlike science which had previously been implemented, there are much more to consider while making some changes in the field of sociology. The reason is that sociology happens to be a very broad topic and therefore, if good consideration is not made there is a chance of making the wrong choice or material which would not help the children. The author also says that there is a need to consider religion closely while discussing the issue of sociology. He is saying that in proper precaution is not taken there is a chance of providing the information that is not relevant leaving the relevant information and history out. Some of the other issues that the author has discussed in this artilce are the forms of government that would be taught in schools, holidays to be included, religions to be taught, human rights issues and conservatives. (Stutz, 2009)

From reading this article, I have learned that sociology is a very broad subject or rather discipline. I have also learned that in our day to day life, we really need to have some knowledge in sociology. I have also learned that sociology also acts as the backbone of the way of life in the society. I also learned that there is a need for the school to educate all the students in our current schools on the topic of sociology and also on religion. This is the only way that we will have good governance and a democratic society. (Stutz, 2009)

In the class, we learned about the changes that are taking place in the curriculum in the recent time. This is the same information that the author is presenting in this article. The author talks slightly about some the changes that have taken place in the scientific field. The author gives us some information concerning the need and the importance of studying sociology in our school system. These are the same things that we learned in our classes.


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