Food security and food sovereignty in Kenya

The decline of Kenyas economy has been witnessed for the past few years. The government has not looked at this problem with a blind eye instead, it has it has set up goals to meet as a way of curbing this problem. One of these goals is to increase food production in the country as an assurance of food security in the country. According to One World Guide (2008), food security is the access to sufficient and affordable food, it can relate to a single household or to the global population. It has also looked at food sovereignty as all about ensuring that farmers are in control of what they farm and how they farm it. Kenya will only eliminate the fear of food insecurity through a fundamental change in the way it produces its agricultural knowledge and use it in policymaking

Populations contribution to the economys recovery is determined by their spiritual and physical well being. This state is largely determined by the food we take both in quality and quantity. Any country without sufficient food may face food shortages and delays its economy growth. The access of sufficient food in terms of both quality and quantity is referred to as food security. The communitys food production right to the community mainly termed as food sovereignty ascertains economy recovery. This is because the populations power is depends on their mental and physical well being which is determined by the food they take. However food remains to be a chief assurance of food security despite the food sovereignty drifting from the once believed right of food production to modern and more improved food production methods. This change has positively impacted on the well being of people in developed and developing countries all over the world.

Food security
Human body requires all food components for a variety of functional activities that occur within the body. Any food supply should be within the set standards so as to ensure that our bodies function properly. Sikorski, (2007) demonstrated that our bodies mechanically synthesize different components contained in the food staff that we consume. The power or workforce generated by any given individual or a group of people is directly proportional to the physical, mental and spiritual well being of the concerned. This well being can only be attained by ensuring that the concerned get basic requirements food being one of them. Over more than 10 million Kenyans has been facing food insecurity. It is also important to note that, more than 3 million of them are in drought-prone areas such as North and North-Eastern parts of the country. Government has set defined ways of appropriately attaining and maintaining food security level in the country by reviving various agricultural projects such as irrigation schemes. In addition, it has also implemented methods of empowering its people so as to increase food production.

One of the methods of food production implemented by the government is Agricultural Development Corporation, (ADC). ADC has being a governments project for many years and it has shown improvement in both food production and supply. For all the time it has been in existence, food supply has neither been a major problem nor has the food shortage been a constant threat to the countrys fast growing population. ADCs officials have been providing technical and material support to both small-scale and large-scale farmers. In this way, the government has made it easy for these individual farmers to maximize their production hence profit. Farmers have also been delivering their surplus to the market at a reasonable and affordable price hence ensuring adequate food supply to the urban population which largely depends on its income. This cooperation has also been offering loans to the farmers in form of seeds (in case of crops) and calves, piglets, chicks etc (in case of animals). The variety of the seeds given or the breed of animal provided is usually the best in the sense that these officials are specialized in the agricultural field and the conditions prevailing in the area which favor the production of a particular crop or the breeding of a given animal in that area. This type of loan is considered the most appropriate and the easiest to repay by farmers since they cannot afford cash loans which in most cases have a high rate of interest and strict terms and conditions for them to meet especially incases of unpredictable drought occurrence.

The enlightenment of the farmers by the Agricultural officers has made them self reliant in sufficient and effective use of modern farming methods. Most of them nowadays use irrigation to grow their crops during dry seasons. There are affordable irrigation machines (generators) and some of them can even be operated manually. One such innovation is the Money-maker type of irrigation machine. Other farmers opt to harvest water during the rainy season by acquiring or constructing storage facilities so as to meet their water demand when the dry period comes. Generally, food securities will determine whether the countrys economy will positively or negatively grow. This direct proportionality of food security and economy growth determines the course of the countrys development. This allows a concerned government, people in authority or even those at the lowest level of production to set appropriate goals to ensure their future well being. This is because different countries are at different levels of development and they can only set their goals as per their development capabilities (Gary Smith and Alan M. Kelly, 2008). Women in rural areas are the main producers of food in both developed and developing countries. It should be noted that, exclusion of women in food production has for years significantly contributed to food shortage in many countries all over the world.  The perception that women are to be commanded at will and or for personal gain should be dropped if food security has to be realized. Acquisition of food production requirements has strained them much since whatever they earn from their occasional surplus is obviously low. The country should release women from this burden by assisting them whenever possible (Patel, 2009). Men should now recognize women as equal partners who if given chance can shape the future of the country and moreover accelerate countrys food production thus ensuring food security and economy positive growth.

Food sovereignty
Since time immemorial food production has been a core value to each and every community on the world. Whether the community was basically a farmer, a pastoralist or a hunter and gatherer, food production was the target.  Each community has been having its own way of acquiring food depending on its beliefs and cultural values in a way it considers right to it. Food production has accumulated a debate momentum both locally and internationally. Irrespective of limited resources, food production can still be maintained at a higher level and consequently increase the gain and improve the lifestyle of the community in consideration (Forum on the Food Crisis, Climate Change, Agrofuels and Food Sovereignty 2008). The supreme and sole food acquisition power has no real explanation and it can only be based on political law. The concept has been argued through generations though in different perspective up to date and still no consensus can be really anticipated.

We can only hope for a sustainable future full of justice depending on both local and international food sovereigntys trends. It should be clear that food sovereignty is only applicable to policies redistribution and natural and productive resources control to rural communities. Rural community comprises of peasants, rural women, unemployed workers, pastoralists, rural workers and indigenous people among others. The right of rural community to produce food to be consumed either locally and  or nationally, territories rights etc form the base for food sovereignty, which consequently defends agricultural activities of the concerned community. Lack of direct food productions right to communities affirms the lack of incorporation to food sovereignty. (Farhad, Daniel, Satheesh  Farida, 2007). Based on the above facts, each and every person has a role to play in food sovereignty if the country is to realize its goals in fighting hunger within its population. Focus should not only be directed to the government since the individuals at the production level are more conversant with the prevailing environmental conditions, history of their lands production capability, external effects such as wildlife invasion and so on. The authority is only meant to supplement the farmers need by responding to their demand, providing relevant and appropriate technical and material support, ensuring loan accessibility and providing ready market for the surplus at a reasonable price.

Women were the pioneers of debates about health issues arising from chemically produced agricultural products. Since the world is fast accepting the fact that women are equal members of the society, possession of food need not be considered as males natural right for this will not only degrade women but will also deny them opportunity to courageously develop their skills and knowledge in agricultural field. Everybody should be exposed to these changes occurring in the world regardless of his or her gender, age, status, level of education, tribe and so on if the country has to regain its development momentum. On the basis of all the above, food sovereignty will no longer be a problem or threat to the country. Hunger and nutritional related diseases will never be a disaster and rural poverty will be history.

Setting appropriate policies to govern food production, allowing farmers to have freedom over their own production and offering appropriate assistance will enhance food production. This should be considered as the most appropriate and efficient way of ensuring continuous food supply. Since food sovereignty has both spiritual and cultural aspects, any community needs to be first given a chance to express it opinion, desires and ability to produce food before being exposed to new and sometimes completely unfamiliar methods of food production. Food sovereignty obviously determines the food security of the country hence the need to support the rural community. Recognizing women as equal partners has created an employment opportunity to women despite the fact that most of them did not get a chance to access high level of education. They are also able to supplement the little they get from their working husbands hence improved their life standards and that of their children.

Government bears the core responsibility of ensuring the well being of its population. It should support its farmers for them to produce more and meet the ever increasing demand of food staffs. It should also review the prices of both farm requirements such as fertilizers, chemicals and farm tools and agricultural products. By selling agricultural products at a recommendable price, farmers will be able to meet their primary and secondary needs hence improving their life standards. Providing a ready market for farm products motivates farmers to confidentially produce more. Experts in weather forecast should also provide appropriate information and at the right time since most of the rural farmers rely on the traditional method of predicting future weather occurrence despite the fact that global weather change due to industrial developments has significantly changed the  natural trend of weather (seasons).

Ministry of Agriculture through National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPD) has also improved storage facilities so as to ensure that Agricultural products are stored and maintained at a good condition for a long time. This has ensured that the products acquired from the farmers are stored for as long time as possible and can be used during the time of low production or in cases of drought.


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