Merit System
Merit system was applicable as early as 1800. It was adopted in filling government jobs. The passage of the Civil Service Act in 1883 prospered the merit system in which federal employees were appointed on merit. Merit system has been widely practiced since then. Most of the United States civil service employees are based on the merit system. Merit system has been spread in states and even local governments. Merit system has been very pronounced in municipalities and national government. By 1905 only New York and Massachusetts had adopted the merit system although the Civil Service Act was passed in 1883. Other states adopted it as from 1905 after its inauguration by Wisconsin. It was widely practiced across the State several years after being inaugurated. Civil service laws have been adopted in many states in United States. States laws have been introduced to continuous scrutiny upon which improvements have been carried out (Canover, 21).
In conclusion, the merit system is normally based on individuals merit. It was adopted as early as in 1800 after the enactment of the Civil Service law in 1883.
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