Women Rights in Islam

Are women equal and have same rights as men in Islam

According to the Islamic doctrine, all persons are the subjects of God.  There is nobody who has superiority over anyone else or a preferential right over the rights of other beings. Hence all enjoy equal rights, equal status and equal opportunities. Thus, in Islam there is no concept of mans dominance over other men, and all veils arising out of men women discrimination are instantly knocked out. It is said that four out of every five Western converts to Islam are women.

Four of every five converts to Islam are women. The question is why is it that so many women are converting to Islam Probably the reason for this can be found in the fact that Islam safeguards the rights of women and gives them more respect and security than does any other religion.

Womens inferior position in the society
Islam grants equal rights to men and women and it by no means avoids women from public exposure. Bibi Khadija was herself a very successful trader. It is extremism that exists in the minds of people that has limited the role of women in Islamic societies.

Islam grants woman equal rights to contract, to enterprise, to earn and possess independently. Her life, her property, her honor are as sacred as those of man. If she commits any offense, her penalty is no less or more than of mans in a similar case. If she is wronged or harmed, she gets due compensations equal to what a man in her position would get (2178445, 92-93)

Women Rights in Islam
Islam brought a revolution by giving women their due right in the times of ignorance. Islamic teaching has always focused on modernizing the way we think, we live, we see, we hear, the way we feel and the efforts we put in raising the womens status in the society. Islam believes in equality and of men and women but equality does not necessarily mean being identical. In Islam the role of men and women is not conflicting rather their roles complement each other. (Naik Zakir, 2010)

Right to Work
Women in Islam are allowed to work if she is willing to do so. There is no verse in Quran neither is there any Hadith that prevents women from doing any work.  The condition is that the work should be lawful and women maintain their code of conduct while doing their work. (n.a, 2008)

A lot of professions that are termed as unlawful for woman are also unlawful for man. Islam encourages women to adopt professions like doctors, gynecologists, nurses and teachers because they are a society need.

However, woman in Islam has no financial compulsions it is her choice whether or not to work. No one can force her to work. (Naik Zakir, 2010)

Law of inheritance
Under Islamic law two-third of the wealth is distributed amongst long list of relatives. This divests the capital amongst wide range of people eliminating capital accumulation. In Islam women has been given the right of inheritance. The woman is part of it whether she is a mother, a wife, a sister andor a daughter. The share of woman has been fixed by Islam. In a lot of place in Quran Surah Nisa, Surah Baqarah and in Surah Maidah woman right of inheritance has been emphasized. (Naik Zakir, 2010)

Rights of Women as Wife
Islams philosophy is that if both husband and wife start discharging their own duties then there will be no dispute as their mutual rights will serve automatically. 

In his Farewell Pilgrimage, the Holy Prophet declared
O you People You have rights over your wives and your wives have rights over you. Treat your wives with kindness and love verily you have taken them on the security of Allah.

We can understand from the above citations that both Quran and Sunnah emphasize on the role of husband in a marriage as the provider of clothes, shelter, and food for the wife. Many critics say that women especially in the role of wives are suppressed and their rights are not the same as those of the husbands. This actually is a misinterpretation of Islamic philosophy and teachings. Islam preaches Muslim husbands to treat wives with kindness. Islam clearly endorses that man and woman are equal in all aspects though because Islam is a practical and complete religion therefore it also explains the different roles of women as wives and men as husbands. (Hasan, n.d)   

The misinterpretation arises from the wrong intentions of the critics. Because people dont have enough Islamic knowledge in the west, moreover what is more bothering is that critics dont see it the way Muslims see it. Why should the Islamic role of women be seen at something lesser or not worth as much as the role of men Such biased approach by the western critics doesnt serve the mankind and the idea of globalization and one World cant be successful unless Islamic ideology is properly understood. 

We will now have look at what the Quran says about womans role
Therefore, the righteous women are devotedly obedient and guard in (the husbands) absence what Allah would have them guard.

From the perspective of a Muslim one needs to understand that the makeup society is such in Islam that chaste men and women are extremely respected and Islam promotes rational thinking and a lifestyle which safeguards both from sins and potential chance for a sinful act.

Men are in charge of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other. (434)
This verse has been misinterpreted by many Muslims. They believe that this verse suggests that a husband is in charge of his wifes affairs, meaning that he is the master in the relationship. This is a wrong mindset because Islam does not consider the relationship between a husband and wife as a master-servant relationship. Instead, both husband and wife are supposed to be on friendly terms and be on such close and amicable terms that they become a source of comfort for each other.

The Importance of helping ones wife at home can be explained from the following example. One day the Messenger of Allah paid a visit to the house of Imam Ali and Fatemah. He saw that Imam Ali was sieving the pulses and Fatemah was busy cooking. On observing this Holy Prophet remarked,
O Ali, I do not speak except what is revealed to me. Anyone who helps his wife in her domestic affairs obtains a reward of one year of worship equal to the amount of hair on his body. This year of worship will be as if he has fasted during its days and prayed during its nights. Allah will reward him equal to the reward of all the patient ones, Hazrat Dawood and Hazrat Isa.

Many people are disgruntled about the fact that the right of divorce is given to the man only (except for certain cases). Islams rationale behind this is that if both men and women were extended the right to divorce, then there would have been a lot of chaos and confusion in the marriage. Women have not been given the right to divorce because they have a higher tendency of succumbing to passion and emotions.

The differences between men and women are, obviously, the physical ones and then, less obviously, the internal ones like the dispositions of the nerves, the different mental and emotional talents, both of which are of supreme importance for the future of civilization.

A man is generally more reasonable and he stands to lose the sum he has given as a marriage portion in case of a divorce. In addition to that the man will be answerable to Allah on the Day of Judgment about whether he exercised the right (of divorce) granted to him in a right or wrong way. Thus there is more responsibility and accountability on men than women. (Dr. Alexis Carrel, n.d)

Apart from this, Islam has made other arrangements that ensure that a person adopts responsible and conscientious approach while exercising the option of divorce.

Haq-e-Mehr Islam has also given women the rights of Haq Mahr  a substantial dower set at the time of Nikah. This has been made compulsory by Quran in Surah Nisa, Chapter no. 4. To sanctify the marriage it is essential to give dowry to woman. Unfortunately, in our society the dowry has been limited to a very nominal limit. Islam has however, prescribed neither any lower limit nor any upper limit. On the other hand, demanding any such haq-e-mehr from woman is termed as unlawful in Islam.

Clause a clause that the marriage can only be dissolved by mutual consent of both husband and wife can be added to the Nikah. This way a divorce and subsequent termination of marriage will not occur due to the rashness of one partner.

Women rights as a mother
When a child is born, the mother of the baby is equally partner of the father in raising that child. The role of the father as well as the mother is both a necessity for the nurturing of the baby. By no means is the mothers importance less than the fathers. (Abdul-Ati, n.d)

The mother has all the rights that any male parent has over his son or daughter. She undertakes different responsibilities to raise her child than the father, but they are equally important activities in the childs life. She has invaluable qualities that are essential in the childs life and cannot be replaced by any.  A woman is an equal partner in the childs life as the man, at which the Quran says
O mankind Verily We have created youre from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you may know each other... (Quran, 4913 cf. 41).

In Islam, It is essential for every child to be good to their parents. It is regarded as being next to worship of God. 
And we have enjoined upon man (to be good) to his parents His mother bears him in weakness upon weakness... (Quran 3114) (See also Quran 4615, 298).

The Quran further mentions the importance of being kind to mothers, one of the parents.
Your Lord has decreed that you worship none save Him, and that you be kind to your parents. . . (Quran 1723).

There is an incident from the life of Prophet (PBUH) relating to the importance of mothers in Islam. (Badawi, n.d)

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was approached by a man who asked O Messenger of God, who among the people is the most worthy of my good company
To this, the Prophet (PBUH) replied, Your mother
After this, the man asked Prophet (PBUH), Who else
The Prophet (PBUH) responded, Your mother.
At this, the man inquired, Then who else
After this the Prophet (P) said, Your father. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
This incident shows how much respect and obedience should be given to mothers. She has to give many sacrifices and experiences many sufferings in her childs lifetime from pregnancy to raising him. (n.a, 2008)

The Quran says
And We have enjoined on man to be dutiful and good to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship. The duration of carrying him (in the womb) and weaning is two years. So thank Me and to your parents unto Me is the final destination. 3114

Every Muslim is aware of a very popular saying by the Prophet (PBUH)
Paradise is at the feet of mothers. (In AlNisaI, Ibn Majah, Ahmad).
From this, the importance of a mother in Islam and womens rights in this regard can be easily understood. A mothers love is the highlight of her childs life and her striving to protect and raise his child as he grows in time defines the nature of the child. The natural bond between a mother and child is stronger than many other bonds and thus Islam holds the children responsible for being kind to their mothers just as their mothers have loved their children with all their heart and given them all their time to raise them.(n.a, n.d)

Rights of Women as a daughter
Female infanticide is forbidden in Islam prohibit. In the early times, it was a practice that female child was buried alive. The Quran says in Surah Taqveem, Ch. 81, Verse No. 8 and 9,
When the female child is buried alive and when she questions you, for what crime was she killed.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, Whosoever has a daughter and he does not bury her alive, does not insult her, and does not favor his son over her, God will enter him into Paradise. (Ibn Hanbal, No. 1957).
He also said, Whosoever supports two daughters till they mature, he and I will come in the Day of Judgment as this (and he pointed with his two fingers held together).

Not only this, But it is also not allowed in Islam to be sad over the birth of a female child while celebrating the birth of a male child. It is also a requirement in Islam to raise the female child properly and that there should be no unfairness in bringing the male child or the female child. (n.a, 2008)

An incident in Prophets (PBUH) life communicates that such impartiality is not a feature of Islam. Once while Prophet was present, a man kissed his son and made him sit on his lap while he did not do any such thing for his daughter. At this, the Prophet instantly objected and told him, You are unjust  You should have even kissed your daughter and placed her on the other lap.

The Prophet himself carried out the kind of behavior that he taught. He was very kind to his daughter and used to respect her a lot. (Siddiqui, n.d)
His youngest daughter was Fatimah and Prophets (PBUH) love for her is a model for the Muslim father. Prophet (PBUH) said, Fatimah is a part of my being whosoever annoys her annoys me (Mishkat-ul-Masabih, XLIVS)

There is no evidence that Islam restricts women from exercising their freedom. Recent researches have disapproved the widely held belief that Muslim societies intrinsically provide less freedom to women than those dominated to men. Such misconceptions exist in the society because individuals tend to think in their own limited capacity and they understand Islamic principles within the bounds of their rationality. One common example would be of the women rights in Islam. Some people argue that Islam has alienated women from certain domains of life.

(n.a, 2007)
They quote Quranic ayah, Men have one degree above women. Quran 2 228
In fact, to understand this Quranic verse, you should see another one, related to the issue in question. It reveals the wisdom behind this concept.
In the Quran it also says (what means)
Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more than the other and because men support them from their means. Quran 434

This verse implies that it is a mans duty to support his wife, and not the reverse, but this, in no way, makes him superior to her. In fact, the rights and duties of women are equal to that of men but they are not necessarily identical. This is one instance that implies that humans think within their limited capacity and so they are unable to identify the true meaning that lies behind the revealed scriptures. Individuals need to think out of the box to understand the true meaning. (n.a, 2007)


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