What is classical liberalism and in what ways is it different from modern American liberalism

Classical liberalism is an ideology in politics that was developed in America, England and Western Europe by 19th century. The ideology was committed to liberty of individuals such as freedom of religion, assembly, press, free markets and speech. Classical liberalism was contributed by notable individuals such as Jean-Baptiste Say, David Ricardo and Thomas Malthus. Milton Friedman and other economists led to revival of interest in classical liberalism in the 20th century.

Classical liberalism in another context is used to refer to forms of liberalism that occurred before twentieth century. It is an ideal term used to describe minimal government and economic freedom in America. Classical liberalism is used to mean early liberalism in America that focused on laissez-faire economics. Libertarians believe that classical liberalism is a form of governance in which the government is not in a position to provide social services to its citizens. The government in classical liberalism does not banking and industry sector. This was a common belief shared by American founding fathers. Classical liberalism includes belief in free markets, civil liberties, natural rights, individual freedoms, limited government, property rights and equality in law. The importance of classical liberalism was the idea of laissez-faire economic policy that benefitted the entire society. However, this policy did not prevent the state from providing basic public goods to its people. The term classical it is a contradiction of the recent 20th century concepts of liberalism (Huntington, 6). In addition, it relates to civil rights movement and modern liberalism.

Economic depression of late 19th century and early 20th century made classical liberalism to fall out of favor. This led to development of modern day classical liberals who had an objective in the welfare of the state. The individuals credited with revival of classical liberalism were faced by critics from their opponents who termed the process as neoliberalism. Classical liberalism share common practices with modern libertarianism and in certain instances the terms are used interchangeably. In other circumstances, a difference arises between classical liberalism and modern America liberalism.

Classical liberalism involves activities such as self interest, voluntary association and incentives that are not common in modern America liberalism. People in classical liberalism way of governance are bound by their own contracts, decisions and agreements. In this case classical liberals can engage in unpleasant jobs because they are entitled to their own decisions. Individual freedom is a common observation in classical liberalism that changed the way of doing things. Individuals recognize the rights of other individuals and have uncontracted obligations toward other people. Modern liberalism on the other hand contrasts the ideas of classical liberalism. Modern liberalism is the common or dominant political philosophy in America.

Modern liberalism in America also known as Welfare observes that every individual should have a guaranteed income. Modern liberals argue that the government has the responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of its citizens. Modern liberalism in America advocates for social obligations rather than basic rights. One common idea of modern liberalism in America is that individuals who are fortunate enough have the obligation to serve the entire community (Johnson, 10). The modern political philosophy in America has developed a system of state and public education that is used as a tool to shape responsible citizens.

Classical liberals argue that the idea of modern America liberalism to provide state education is mare propaganda and have been suspicious about the idea. This approach brings out differences between classical liberalism and modern America liberalism. Classical liberals believe that the right way to shape an individual is through family upbringing and participation of such individuals in ordinary institutions. On the other side, modern liberalism favors socialism which they belief is an important aspect of making individuals to realize their life agenda.

Classical liberalism favors incentives that help individuals to enroll in institutions of commercial society. Welfare liberalism has real problem with incentives and this gets problem on how individuals get things. Since the government is accountable for every need of the citizens, many individuals are not able to work on their own. Welfare recipients receive little incentives that force them to take unpleasant jobs and this is a major problem associated with modern liberalism. The political system in modern America has policies that government has the role to help its citizens through provision of basic commodities.

Individual freedom and right is a basic element in classical liberalism.  As a matter of fact classical liberals believe that individual freedom should be treated as a moral right. In case of individual right, there has been disputes on the scope and character of these rights. According to classical liberalism provisions, the role of any existing government is to protect individuals rights. However, this is not a common practice by government in classical liberalism and this as per classical liberals is considered as the role of legitimate government. When individuals rights are safeguarded each citizen becomes happy and this promotes individuals welfare (Orem, 11). Individuals are considered as the best judges of their own judges and this idea contrasts provisions of modern liberalism.

Government should not intensively interfere with individuals consent and rights to life, property and liberty. On the other hand, modern liberalism in America is a combination of mixed economy, social liberalism and progressivism associated with Democratic Party. Individual freedom in modern America liberalism exists under the protection of a strong democratic elected government. The government is mandated to participate actively in society activities and development of economy. Provisions  such as  freedom or religion, voting  rights, education and  health as are provided  for by  modern liberalism is a clear indication that individual freedom is promoted  in a free democratic government.

Classical liberals  belief in rule  of law other  than rule  of men whereby the w rule  should be  general, based son rational foundation, publicly available, capricious, not arbitrary, objective and not retrospective. Legitimate government is supposed to act on the basis of law but not as per prevailing circumstances. The law should be neutral as per individuals right on religion.  Classical liberalism does not show emphasis on matters related to national defense and public goods. Modern liberalism agrees on protection of individuals right of life, liberty and happiness but this is not a common observation in classical liberalism (Dautrich, Yalof, 14).

Another  area  of  disagreement  is  in the case  of mail service or  other basic  necessities as are  needed  by individuals and can only  be  provided s by free market. Modern liberalism as was developed from liberal tradition aims at promoting the welfare of Americans and securing their liberty and prosperity. Modern libels believe in mixed economy in fear of improper wealth distribution and increased level of poverty. The reduction of poverty was a successful project of mixed economy since World War II. Americans belief that citizens have the right to enjoy basic commodities, protect environment and support equitable distribution of wealth.

Private property is another emphasis of classical liberalism whereby early classical liberals believed that individual rights include right to liberty, life and property. During the period of U.S declaration for independence, right to property was changed to something relevant in individuals life. Right to property was changed to right to pursuit of happiness. The main reason for making this change by classical liberals was that right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are considered as absolute rights while right to property is secondary. However, some classical liberals never  agreed with these  provisions  and  disputes arose  among believers of  classical liberalism. These  differences among  classical liberals are a strong  aspect that means that traditional liberalism is a recognized  political philosophy living  in modern world.

This is  supported by the  presence of various  practical and theoretical problems yet  to be  resolved. Private property should not be  interfered  with by other  individuals, state and any  other provisions  outside the law. The law should safeguard private property acquired through proper means except  in cases of  emergency. During specified emergencies, the law should take wits due process to show the importance of individual property. The acquisition of private property should be in the right way so as the law  to take its course. Any individual who confiscates the properly of another individual is considered as a trespasser and he or she should be dealt with accordingly (Johnson, 16). In  modern liberalism, the government has the role  to protect individual property. Every individual has the right to own property and use it in the right manner.

Development of classical liberalism
Three important  figures  are associated  with development of  early liberalism and these include John Locke,  Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill. John Locke was a British political philosopher  who emphasized on individual rights. He argued that the right of  individual right and property is critical and should  not be  interfered  with. John argued that individuals are  in a position to acquire their own rights  without the  interference  of  government.

The sole  purpose of  government is  to protect the rights of individuals on property and any  government that does not  recognize  such rights should  not be  voted in. These views or ideas  influenced  colonists during  time of America Revolution and  are even instrumental in todays political philosophy. The idea of John Locke about the poor  benefiting  from surplus of the rich was instrumental in development of  modern liberalism in America (Orem, 21).  Welfare liberalism adopted this idea and many needy  citizens have since benefitted from this idea.

Adam Smith a Scottish economist from 1723 to 1790 gives an account on individuals rights. He argues that individuals right is the basis for accumulation of  wealth in a commercial society. Adam considers  division of  labor  as  one  of the ways through which a legal government helps individuals to develop their own goals. Specialization of individuals  in various tasks contributes  to improved  production. Another important  development  by Adam Smith is  coordination of  activities  in a commercial society to  improve production.

Adam argued  that to get  good  results  in a wider  community a leader should be  appointed  to  foresee the  activities  of  other  individuals. In a liberal society, peoples rights are respected and problem of coordination is  resolved. These are the provisions  of Adam Smith that has led to development of strong  US market economy. According to Adam Smith, government should  not be considered as the major  source of individual right but individuals can develop their own means  of protecting their well-being. He  believed that wealth could be  generated automatically and thus individual needs  could  be left to charity.

John Stuart Mill lived between 1806 and 1873. He was a  British philosopher known for  his contribution about individual liberty. Mills arguments on individual liberty were  based on autonomy  and self development. He  claimed that if  other people  tolerated individuals liberty and freedom it would  be  a  benefit to the entire society. According to Mill, toleration of diverse opinions is not easy but he argued that knowledge is fallible (Oerm, 27). The development of classical liberalism as per the three individuals is a true reflection of  the political organizations  in America. The ideas of the three thinkers led to development of  modern classical liberalism. However, the three philosophers lacked metaphysical foundation that is necessary for  classical liberalism.

Metaphysics is a philosophical term that is used to investigate reality that transcends science. John Locke was an Empiricist philosopher and Empiricism lacks rational metaphysics. This means that their ideas cannot provide strong foundation of politics. Adam Smith was not a strong  supporter  of metaphysics and thus his ideas did not provide  support politics. Mill advocated for Utilitarianism a movement that provided little metaphysical foundations. Explicit metaphysical foundation is necessary for modern liberalism that is experienced in America. There is need for metaphysics among the provisions of the three philosophers.

Classical liberalism is a development in social and  political environment in which the rights of human beings are protected. This  happen where individuals are in an environment where they can judge their own interests, are bound by their  own contracts, agreements and contracts. This contrasts the provisions of  modern liberalism in America whereby the political environment does not  allow individuals to engage  in unjustifiable activities. The social aspect of modern liberal environment is a guided  by certain provisions that ensure the government is responsible for  its citizens social life. The government is supposed to provide health care, education and other social amenities to the people (Johnson, 41). This  is  a  basic  necessity and  every  individual in a  modern liberal economy is entitled to such services.

Classical liberalism develops from political and social environment and it is possible to ground  it on Classical Realistic metaphysics and realism. The metaphysics of man is the most  basic element in the development of classical liberalism which is used to create happiness in human beings. Development of traditional liberalism to modern liberalism was an aspect of protecting individuals rights, liberty and right to property. Classical liberalism is a development in specific formulation that is essentially necessary for purpose of moral support.

Creation of wealth according to classical liberalism was a major area that raised conflicts with modern provisions. In modern American liberalism, creation of wealth is the role  of government. The government is entitled to provide humble environment necessary for creation of wealth. The economy should be in a position to support individuals right of investment, owning property and creation of wealth. Political philosophy in modern America liberalism is a major factor that has contributed to a strong economy in the world.

Modern America liberalism supports adoption of scientific ideas such as  global warming  and  evolution that  does  not exist in the ideas of conservatives. American modern liberals believe that they are open to change and subject to new ideas. While classical liberalism advocated  for  state ownership of basic means  of production, modern liberalism support a  political system in which leadership power is based on one democratic leader elected through voting (Dautrich, Yalof, 37).
American liberals believe  that political freedom and opposition cannot be observed when power is vested in the state. The  objective of modern liberalism is to create an environment that is conducive for economic development. This aims at regulating  competition in business, create or establish good patterns of social security, supervise standards  of life and labor. The ideology of modern American liberalism is a less aspect as compared to administrative and political development.

American ideals such as liberalism, democracy and equity are associated to political philosophy that led to increase in the level of production. Huntington argues that American politics are driven by class conflict and consensus  theory. The classical or traditional liberalism provided that U.S had no conflict in class and is  usually marked  by consensus in the society. The strong political unity in American is due to democratic equality, liberty and authority. These ideals  have  been frustrated through hierarchies and institutions necessary to carry on essential functions of democratic society.
The  ideals of democracy and power realities have led to political up heals. Americans in the modern American liberalism are working on strategies to reconstruct institutions so as to reflect national ideals. The objective of Huntingtons writings was to remove the disharmony between ideals on which America was founded and reality of  government. He argues that in future tension between ideals and institutions will increase if a concrete solution is  not found. The fate of liberty and democracy in America is  linked to power in global affairs (Huntington, 16). These provisions are  essential in support of sentiments as are provided to define classical liberalism.

A political creed in n mid 20th century provided a validity of impressionistic that was underscored  by overwhelming evidence from poll data collected from public. The data provided that political creed of liberty, authority and equality  were supported by 75 percent of the entire population. However, American creed is expressed in terms  of  support for majority rule, liberty, and religion, freedom of speech, democracy and minority rule. All these ideals receive massive support from American groups in modern liberalism. When the provisions of such values are made to support  specific situations  it becomes very difficult to create consensus in political philosophy.

The people who are in a position to support such ideals are the educated, individuals more active in politics and those who occupy high positions in organizations. Individuals  with higher  social economic  status are in a  good  position of understanding  the  difference between ideals and institutions within a  given political system. Classical liberalism promotes free trade and world peace between nations a view that is usually recognized as the modern development in American political system (Hintington, 23). Classical liberals aimed at abolishing royal charters and monopolies while modern liberalism aimed at encouraging entrepreneurship, increased productivity and promotion of  democracy. Wealth of nations developed from wealth gatherers to industrial societies that have led to America reach its status of having a strong economy and super power nation. 


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