Why do young people not vote

Democratic elections are supposed to propel into political and civil office leaders who have a clear vision of the future. Only such a visionary leadership can guarantee the strengthening of social and political institutions for the prosperity of future generations. Because of this fact, young adults between the ages of 18 and twenty four would be expected to be the most enthusiastic voters but this has not been the case. Less than 50 percent of those below 25 responded in the affirmative if asked if they would vote.

The main reason behind this is that parents and the society have overlooked their responsibility of teaching their children the political system and the essence of voting. Secondly, politicians have shown little interest in addressing the matters affecting this population group. The main policy suggestions during campaigns are revolve around the interests of the working class without paying due attention to youth matters in a manner that would suggest they are actually the future of this country.

In assessing the candidates running for office, I look at the suggestions they make in the media about how they would make life for all Americans in their targeted group better. If a candidate has sound policy, he or she will have the support of the majority. The media also plays a big part in the decision as they decrypt most of the rhetoric and jargon used by campaign camps while asking for votes.

However, to increase the levels of voter turnout especially among the youth, the media should take more responsibility not just in reporting campaign stories and developments but deeply interpreting the contentious issues for everyone and also in educating the public on the importance of participating in the electioneering process.


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