E-Government, the Base of Modern UAE
According to Shalhoub (2002) the philosophy of management has changed fundamentally over the last twenty years. In spite of many daily life projects and many processes which might still be managed and handled within traditional ways, and with the rapidly development of new IT technologies and techniques emerging, old tools and methodologies are became outdated even for the restricted productivity (Chambers, 2002). Therefore, new generation of modern management adapt and admire to use the most successful approaches and techniques that based on IT and network services to serve the nation and region in general and the United Arab Emirates especially, by developing and implement electronic technologies and IT based implementations to all functional departments and organizations processes, to be the authenticated procedures to transfer them from manual work to automatic and dynamic work strategy (Diwan, Kudyba Mcginn, 2002).
Using IT technologies in government daily processes makes accomplishing work different from other old fashion scenarios and this based and related due to changing business needs, ever changing technology, stakeholder expectations and the need for quick response (Beard, 1996). Furthermore, recently government is implementing IT projects applications that make work more flexible, less complicated than old scenario. E-government management is different from traditional one that makes life to become much easier because of the following characteristics and benefits that have been applied and implemented in such a sector of ministry of health, such as Daman and Thiqa (Betz, 2001). Morton Allen, (1994) suggested the following main principles of these sectors of health insurance
Government services will be available online a 247 basis in a secure environment.
Less time you spend to accomplish your business
Less cost that you need to spend by doing it online rather than traveling.
Easy to access anywhere in the world to gain information
Easy communications since you could use email, FAQ, chat rooms to discuss and negotiate about your situation.
Share information.
Maximize internal operational efficiency and effectiveness.
Facilitate collaboration between Federal Government entities.
Establish focus on policy identification and formulation.
E-government project management is a sub-discipline of electronic project management in which information technology projects are designed, tracked and managed (Howes, 2001). The project includes exploring and understanding HYPERLINK httpen.wikipedia.orgwikiInformation_Technology o Information TechnologyInformation Technology as a corporate resource, and defines both the strategic and operational abilities of the organizations to design and develop products and services. Additionally, it helps to maximize customer satisfaction, corporate the government sectors productivity such as the ministry of education, labour, interior, foreign, economy, finance, benefits and competition (Government Competitors) that represent the private companies which provide such services (Odagiri, 1992).
E-government projects involve a process in which information applications are implemented step by step and to be designed easily that it is follow and handled softly without any complexity and difficulty, and to be available online for 24 hours daily and even7 days a week. Of course that may come with many benefits and drawbacks (Reiss, 1999).
The project today has more and more demanding task. It has to interpret business requirements and turn it into an IT product and services (Lewis, 2007). It also needs to integrate IT technologies, budgetary constraints, and all functional departments within government organizations into a specific IT project development environment that rely and based on network technology (Ettedgui Graafland-Essers 2003).
As it has been mentioned previously that to implement and execute such technology or project many profits are gained and a lot of difficulties are experienced. Such as any project, project monitoring, controlling, development, and obstacles solving are considered and taken over (Thomsett, 2002).
In this report, the author is trying to cover and focus on some of E-government major obstacles, which may be considered as the major risky factors that weaken the project success level. These obstacles are to be analyzed, discussed, and solutions are to be nominated, followed by solutions implementations explanations (Ettedgui Graafland-Essers 2003).
Education and confidence with e-government facilities
Technology Familiarization and confidence
Problem Description
Since E-government is still a verging technology, and such as any new technology, people are still not familiar and having the trust to work or apply their businesses or jobs online or under what is called IT infrastructure (Susskind, 2008). The people still have the hesitation and scare against trying new facility especially for their critical and sophisticated issues, and they still think that they may fail to handle and deal which such high specified techniques, which they have never had applied before. So, education fare factor may play major role to build a fire wall which may push them back and scare them to change to the new method. With the lack of information and education they may believe that they themselves may cause to delay their issue which might be done by applying the traditional ways, where they have got used to, and that new risky new method (challenge) wont help them to accomplish their duties even faster or in easier way rather before (Jonassen, 2004).
As it is well known that new IT solutions still have a lot of challenges and disadvantages, the people are keeping in mind any failure or irregular applications, as example they prefer to wait to assure if their process have been checked up and reviewed by the government representative. In this case government should be aware of tour people and attract them about interrelated with adapting and enhancing to use the online forms to achieve their needs and explain to them how easy and accurate doing their business online (Diwan, Kudyba Mcginn, 2002).
Proposed Solutions and their Implementations
The UAE government has recognized and been aware of people education and familiarization to the new government scheme (Cordesman, 1997). Therefore many steps have been taken and implemented such steps include people education campaign. This campaign has been done by utilizing many facilities and media, as example education courses, flyers and posters, radio and TV programs, newspapers and magazines, in institutions employees who may guide, advise, and acknowledge people to follow and apply the modern government application scenario etc. (Frame, 2002).
Security of information
Problem Description
Security is ever considered as one of the major problem which may face any application that uses IT infrastructure as a base of its application, and always has the highest priority before measuring any other factors. People are always worried and aware, if their information might be hacked or published. Personal information is categorized as red line especially in the UAE culture, therefore many people are caring to share their personal information within the wide governmental institutions, which may lead to the case that any one of this huge environment might been hacked or attacked, so that issue is always is defined as is a big one in UAE especially from the cultural point of view. Therefore the people in UAE are still insisting their work personally (Foerstel, 1999).
Proposed Solutions and their Implementations
Since the security aspect as a major danger factor in all IT based applications. Therefore the UAE government does respect and appreciate that fare and people aware. To solve this huge problem, the UAE government takes variant solution methodologies and strategies (Cordesman, 1997). In general two major solution categories are defined technical solution and knowledge one (Foerstel, 1999).
The technical solution has been done by applying most modern secured techniques to assure information security and protection. Contracts with well known experts and solutions vendors have been taken placed to bring a lot of advantages and confidence spirit and believe. The second solution category is how to inform, acknowledge the UAE people with the high security techniques, which might be very complicated and non understandable for different people educated levels. Special education, psychological treatment and motivation methodologies are implemented and undertaken (Mehra, 2006).
Lack of measuring E-government progress
Problem Description
Project evaluations are taken as a real success key which may shape the project progressive scale. To do this evaluation many tools, processes and procedures are to be done. Upon gained results project success factor is calculated and development curve is drawn (Stuckenbruck, 2001).
In E-government project, progress evaluation does have a lot of difficulties due to many associated and related aspect as example, project brings a non familiar idea, fare factor again technology implementation and complexity, people cooperation and beneficial feed back which may facilitate shaping the evaluation (Richman, 2002).
In the case of ministry of health mentioned above, because of the new application and practice to accomplish people request and business which could be done online, government sector employees, such as in medical filed departments believe that there are lack of measuring to the department progress and find out the needs and new requirements of customers and employee performance (Richman, 2002).
Proposed Solutions and their Implementations
To do an evaluation, many factors are playing major roles. Some of these factors are understanding the importance of customers feedbacks and opinions, employee proficiency, modern evaluation tools and methods which could be done and implemented to help reaching best evaluation process operation (Koteen, 1997).
The ministry of health does find a solution which might help to improve the project progress evaluation by connecting all clinics and hospitals with a network system that enable all of them to share information and find out the performance and lack of progress in each division and department that relate. The other step is taken by educating the UAE people of their role to design the project success through their participant and contribution by feeding the government with their suggestions and practiced difficulties. Next step leads to information analysis and discussion, which might bring better solutions and performance to achieve peopleemployees satisfactions (Cheema Rondinelli, 2003).
The UAE E-government is an undertaken project which is planned to shift the UAE to be as one of the modern countries in the glob (Cordesman, 1997). For many people E (electronic) is always considered as a fare factor, which push them backward or always to be avoided (Botterman, et al 2001). The success and obstacles are the poles which might draw project shape. Many E-government problems are considered, analyzed, and their solutions are proposed which lead to conclude that this project needs all joined factors to work harmonically together to achieve aimed successful target. The best modern technology utilization, employees education and performance level, and people knowledge, understanding, and trust play major roles to decrease or hopefully dedicate these problems (Moore, 1995).
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