What are the problems and prospects of Australias relations with China

Dealing with China is considered the greatest challenge being faced by Australia at this point. Although the relations between two countries has its rewards economically, politically, and socially the fact remains that  conflicts may also arise from this relations due to Australias alliance with other nations like Taiwan and the United States (Tow 2001). There are two advantages in having relations with China, first, China, at present is Australias fifth largest trading partner. Large volume of raw materials and food stuffs are being exported to China (2001 3). The trade relation is expected to grow more as there are more goods that could be exchanged between two countries. Second Chinas advancing military power could add national security to Australia combined with the security being provided by the United States. This would perhaps help Australia in acquiring political and economic stability from both countries (White 2005). Third, Australia may help contribute in the development of human rights situation in China through Australia  China Technical Cooperation program, the effect will not be that big though as the latter is just in its third phase of improvement (Fleay 2006). China has come to acknowledge the need for administrative and judicial improvement and Australia can be of great help.
The scenario of having strong ties with China may put Australia in a very uncompromising situation. The Australian government is closely associated with the U.S. government for decades. It is real but not too obvious that there is rift going with China and the U.S. China has been accused by the U.S. of unfair trade practices causing large trade balance deficit for the U.S. Various trade malpractices have been thrown against China by the U.S. Having closer ties with China may affect Australias relations with the U.S, which would not be healthy.

Political and economic analysts cannot predict what would China become in the distant future but the present situation suggests that if continuous growth will happen, China could dominate some of Asia Pacific regions and that includes Australia (Lyon 2009). It is a frightening situation that Australia might not be able to contain such influences and soon they could be manipulated by China due to its increasing political and economic power.

Australias relations with China could bring about more improvements but the former should be able to protect its own interests and follow its own rules in shaping its country. China has been at odds with other countries that Australia is dealing with and Australian government must be able to balance the relationship in order to avoid conflict (Harris 1995). Australia must be able to absorbed China within its framework to have more effective political and economic reforms.


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