Identification of classes and whether existing issue is an original or modern dilemma in democracy

The issue involves the balancing of the United States health care funding among the different groups of people in the United States, namely the uninsured and the insured. In analyzing the article, 10 ways to Cut Health Care Costs Right Now by Catherine Arnst, there is a significant and painful discrepancy in the benefits that the uninsured and the insured are receiving. Whereas, almost one-third of the US medical care funding is wasted on redundant and unnecessary medical treatments, procedure and medications, 46 million of the US populace are not at all insured. This of course implies that the 46 million are not at all enjoying even the minimum of medical care, unless of course, they source out their own meager funding to provide medical care for themselves whenever necessary.

The current event issue identified is the wastage of the United States health care funding on unnecessary medical procedures, treatments, medical errors or malpractices and lack of awareness or consciousness of medical patients themselves. This issue is a modern dilemma in a democratic scenario. Although the concept of health care system in the United States has long been existent, preventive medicine or wellness is a relatively modern concept of medical practice. Wellness and Preventive Medicine have emerged not just in the United States, but in other parts of the world as well. Before, the concentration of many countries was in the identification of treatment programs and strategies for combating already existent diseases and illnesses. With the emergence of new diseases which are difficult to combat and which are more infectious, medical research institutes around the world are striving to divert efforts for the prevention of these diseases. This is especially because there are still no medications available for newly-emergent diseases. Most of the developed and the developing countries are now actively pursuing Preventive Medicine andor Wellness programs. For example, St. Lukes Medical Centre, one of the leading hospitals in the Philippines has already established its own Wellness Centre inside its big hospital compound. Many hospitals are also beginning to follow this strategy. In the United Emirates, big private hospitals are also preparing their facilities to accommodate wellness and preventive medical care systems.

The discrepancy in the distribution of health care system in the United States is a modern-day dilemma in a democracy.  As there is minimal government or state control in the implementation of the health care program, the distribution of the benefits of the system has not been rigidly monitored and designed in order to consider the possibility of balancing between those who are uninsured and those who are not. To balance the implementation of the health care benefits, as well as to probably reduce the wastage of the funds, the government intervention should have been reviewed to facilitate the balance provision of medical care between the uninsured and the insured.

Freedom, Order and Equality issues
In the United States health care system issue, there are no significant or apparent issues on freedom like some groups or individuals are being deprived of freedom. On the contrary, the freedom being exercised by the governing and implementing sectors in the current implementation of the health care system demonstrates the lack of check-and-balance in the system.  This implies that excessive mode of freedom or leeway has been given to the governing and implementing sectors of the health care programs. These include the medical practitioners, hospitals and even the medical care providers.  The unchecked mode and level of freedom has paved way for the wastage of medical care funds on such issues as unnecessary medical treatments, medical bill frauds and excessive doctors or hospital billings. Sometimes, excessive freedom either paves way for abuse or crimes such as frauds and misuse of funding. If this freedom is somehow curtailed or monitored at least, then the purpose of such freedom would maximize its utilitarian purpose.

There are issues concerning order and equality, as well. Roughly one-third of the countrys medical funding on unnecessary or redundant medical treatments, procedures and even medicines, medical errors or malpractices is wasted. In contrast, 46 million of the countrys populace does not enjoy the privileges of having medical insurance at all. If the US health care system would be modified and improved so as to eliminate or at least, minimize the wasted amount of money, a significant half of the savings to be generated could be used to provide medical benefits or insurance to the uninsured people of the United States. This way, the health care funding would be equally enjoyed by various groups in the US populace. Balance in the distribution of benefits for health care systems will be achieved.

On the concept of order, the issue is again, in the loophole in the countrys control and monitoring of the health care funding and program. If one-third of the countrys medical funding has been wasted on unnecessary medical procedures, treatments and medications, there is certainly a significant loophole in how the State controls and monitors such expenditure. This has apparently emerged because of the tradition that medical funds are spent more on medical treatments, or the corrective measures.

Apparently, medical practitioners and even hospitals are aware of this existing dilemma. But then, because of the natural desire to generate income instead of losing so, the medical sectors have either become silent or lenient on this, for their convenience. In this aspect, the US government could have provided awareness and alternatives for medical practitioners, hospitals ad the patients on the fact that medical funds can be spent and generated not only in treatments, but in wellness and preventive programs as well. How come that for such a long time, this issue was kept at bay

The Issue and Its Importance
The issue described is the wastage of the United States medical funds on unnecessary medical treatments, procedures, frauds and medical errors. This issue is importance because it involves individual, national and even global concerns.

The provision of medical care is a basic need for people around the world. People of all races, ages, classes and other attributes all need to be provided the basic medical care, particularly the Preventive and Wellness program. Hence, the findings that only a particular group is receiving adequate, if not unnecessary medical care, thereby wasting so much money which could have been used for the underprivileged, is definitely an issue to reckon. This issue cannot be ignored by the concerned groups, sectors and the government. After all, the wealth of the nation is in its health.

The Primary Persons, Group andor Stakeholders
The primary persons involved in this issue are the patients, medical practitioners and the government lobbyists. These persons are the key players in this issue. The groups involved are the medical care providers, medical practitioners, the lobbyists, the government sectors affected, the media, and the pharmaceutical companies. The stakeholders are government (fund provision), medical practitioners, medical insurance firms and the patients.

The stakeholders are the individuals, persons, groups or institutions which are internally or externally affected by the issue. They are also the parties who can influence significant decisions on this issue.

Who Benefits, Who is Harmed andor Obligated
Currently, the beneficiaries of the United States health program are the medical practitioners and the medical providers. Also benefited are the manufacturers and traders of pharmaceutical products which are dispensed by the medical practitioners. As to the patients who are availing of their medical insurance coverage to undergo the health care systems, I cannot really say if they are totally benefited by the system. Basically, the patients covered by the health care system are indeed benefited. On the other hand, if I look deeper into the system, and if the findings that some medical treatments and procedures are unnecessary, then there is a chance that somehow, the patients are also being taken advantage of. In other words, they are sort of harmed instead of being protected by the system.
The government and its coffers is also harmed and taken advantage of in this kind of health care system. The current health care system has also paved way for fraudulent and excessive medical claims which have taken a considerable percentage of the funds.

The article also implies that the patients are obligated to spend more for unnecessary medical procedures and treatments. In the current health care systems, the medical providers or the practitioners do not seem to present adequate options to patients. According to the article, patients are not given enough consideration to determine the best options without almost always resorting to costly medical procedures and drugs.

The State, National andor Global implications
This issue has implications for the entire State, as well as globally. Decisions, programs and legislations involving the United States health care system will definitely affect the State on a national level because its implementation and funding are dependent on the States coffers, as well. The US health care system is also consistent nationwide so any amendments, issues and matters pertaining to such would have state-wide implications, as well.

Globally, the United States health care system would also be a matter of interest, and impact as well. The economic and global position of the United States as a leader contributes to this implications. The dollar currency is the global basis for economic and financial movements around the world. Since the United States health care system is a matter which concerns the entire State, and which takes up a considerable amount of money from its coffers, any considerable change or movement will also affect the national economy and the health care industry. Many aspects of the health care industry will be affected as well. These changes will turn affect the entire US economy in a considerable way. And as we seen in the recent global recession, any economic upturn or downturn in the US triggers the domino effect on the countries which depend on the United States dollar movements, as well as various aspects of its industry.


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