
Globalization is a multifaceted course of action for the reason that it involves drastic societal change. A change that is taking place concurrently across a number of dimensions in the global financial system, in political affairs, in media and communications, in the physical surroundings and in society  and each one of these alterations are interacting by way of the others. As a result it is a intricate procedure to take hold of in its entirety. Globalization refers to the quickly emerging and rapidly multiplying system of interdependencies and interconnections that illustrate our contemporary social lives.

Hence, at its core, globalization is rather only a portrayal of these systems and of their connotations. For example in the different streams of resources, supplies, people, information, knowledge, thoughts, fashions, beliefs, values, crimes, pollution, epidemics, images and so on all across global borders. And the biggest consequence of globalization is connectivity. This rising connectivity is, in a number of ways, an apparent facet of our lives. It is something that in at least in modern societies can recognize in daily routine practices.

In our utilization of communications technologies cell phones, computers, emails, social networking sites, and internet. In the built surroundings we live in, in the kind of food we consumer, in the way we make our livings, and in the means we entertain ourselves in movies, TV and so on. It is pretty understandable that we are breathing in to a large extent more internationally connected humankind nowadays than even thirty or forty years ago.

The most important effect on my life by globalization has been that of internet and high tech technology. A couple of decades ago, it was rare to see even the presence of computers, the internet or cell phones within the society. And a large majority of people were not able to be in possession of such technological items for the reason that such technologies initially would cost us an arm and a leg. And above all, only some parts of urban areas and only governmental departments could afford to use them. Nevertheless some well-off people used them they were not being as extensively used by the people as we use them now because of globalization.

Previously, I could not communicate so frequently and instantaneously with those who were at a distance from me. And even the prevalence of news and media was available to the community to a limited extent. Even if I look at myself, when I was little I did not know what about the nature and the purpose of the internet and did not know that I should I use it to communicate worldwide.

Whereas nowadays, the affects of increasingly globalized use of technological systems in my surroundings. Things have noticeably altered over the previous few years. Now a computer and internet connection has become a necessity for me and my peers. And this technology continues to upgrade drastically. This internet continually breaks down the cultural boundaries across the globe. It has today enabled simple and almost instantaneous contact between people everywhere in an assortment of digital means and the media.  (Tomlinson, 1999)

The Internet I can easily associate with the route of socio-cultural globalization for the reason that it allows dealings and interaction among people with very diverse lifestyles and coming from very dissimilar cultures. Then there are photo sharing websites which allow communication even where language would have otherwise been a barricade.

I cannot imagine a day without internet as by its help I am able to do all my assignments. Internet serves to bring me the most valid information by the research sites available in the short possible time. And it not just helps me in my homework but also keeps me updated on news and I am always aware about what is happening around the globe. And additionally, today because of all the social networking websites, I am more in touch with my peers and family members with whom I could not interact much due to the nature of my studies.

And thus it was because of this internet that I began blogging. And now blogging has enabled me achieve a sense of purpose in my life. I love to write down every single of my thoughts, beliefs and opinions. And what makes it purposeful I have found out that in one way or the other. My blog is able to create a little or significant impact in the mind or heart of those who read through it regularly.  Now I have a whole new group of people who follow my blog regularly and whenever I get a new follower to my blog I get absolutely delighted that more and more people are willingly to listen to what I have got to say.

It is this gift of globalization for me that someone in France read a post on my blog or that someone in Egypt has become a regular reader of my writings. These people not only read through what I have to say but also give me their opinions. And there is an exchange of ideas taking place between people who have never met in real in life. Hence, it is by writing on the blog that I have come to realize that I can actually influence someone elses life. And this has given me a sense of purpose and a different identity.

Another change that came in my life because of globalization was increased usage of different kinds of food. Today, globalization has changed the way food was being prepared and cooked and how we are consuming it now. Our eating habits have become internationalized. The joy I derive from this advent of food being internationalized is that I get to experience new kinds of flavors and cuisines every now and then. This also helps me learn about the norms and values of the different cultures.

For instance, if it was not because of globalization I would have not been introduced to the traditional Indian curry. Besides such cuisines globalization I think has also resulted in the rapid development of the fast food joints all around the world. Today, not only Americans but even a kid in Middle East knows what he can find at a Mc Donalds and at a Starbucks outlet. A lot of boom came in the food industry because of globalization.

Another advantage I find because of globalization is in our health care systems. The transfer of technology has made better health care facilities been available to many underdeveloped countries. Now not only developed countries but also many new emerging economies are trying their best to develop their health care sectors. Nations are upgrading their systems from staffing better people, giving improvised training and doing research in developing better medicines.

Hence, it is through globalization I think one can easily serve the humanity today. For one thing I can voice my opinion through blogging. But besides that I can actually contribute to improve things around me. And I can actually through my volunteering in the health sector through my blog I can help improve the lives of those who are the underprivileged. There are social work blogs on the internet. Here people are highlighting various issues about poverty, gender discrimination or poor standards of health and education. My writing would not be just able to attract the attention of the masses. Btu by this one can also generate revenues and invite other people to donate for such noble causes.

Furthermore, it will be through my blogging that I plan to promote the flexibility and viability of the social workoccupation. By my blog I hope to that I will be able to break through the established social work methods and concepts. And I would be able to forefront new processes and ways ofaddressing to the needs and the issues of the universal wellbeing by the use of technology. My efforts would also be emphasizing and sustaining the creative spirit and I would contribute all the funds that I raise to the betterment of such issues. Be it for the improvement ofthe local arts, education and media community. Hence, my blogging would be to encourage efforts towardsgiving to others, to the ones who need our attention. And I would also inculcate in my readersprofessional and personal lives the strength and custom of social work.

Hence,  HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTMLHidden.1  HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTMLHidden.1 I would use globalization to the benefit of the people around me. I would use these reduced cultural barriers and improvised technology and communication to the advantage of those who need it. Making this world a better place not just in my imagination but in reality.


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