International Relations and Politics
Why is Morgenthaus realism identified so closely with American views of the international system and international politics Referring to Professor Wights talk, Morgenthaus realism focused mainly on concepts like power, interests and the state. Morgenthaus realism tends to be pessimistic with efforts and foreign policies aiming to achieve ideal world order. The US for example pushed for liberal democracy ideologies in the Middle East but somehow faced resistance. For Morgenthaus, international conflicts are ever present as human has inherent evilness and lust for power. While he believes in efforts for international order in government and to avoid a state of anarchy he stressed that politically powerful states like that of the US can posed threats even more. Conflicts of interest and lust for power is what characterized realism in politics and international relations.
What is the more appropriate name for Af-Pak and how does that identity challenge the US, Pakistan and Afghanistan as to the attempt to defeat the Taliban Af-Pak is the term used by US military operations, envoy and the NATO for the 2 regions to directly pertain to their places of operations. A shorthand word used to help them identify easily the operations associated within the boundaries. It aims to encourage most especially Pakistanis to be active in participating in the US effort to fight terrorism and the Taliban in Afghan territories. More appropriate name could be, is to name it only under Afghanistan operations as to avoid putting Pakistan on equal with Afghanistan as the states differ greatly from one another.
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