International Studies

International Theories
Transboundary pollution is defined as pollution that originates in one country but, by crossing the border through pathways of water or air, is able to cause damage to the environment in another country (Environmental Statistics, 1997). Transboundary pollution is an example of a societal problem that transcends territorial borders because as people are living in only one planet the environmental pollution that is happening in the environment, especially air and water degradation can be felt by almost all people in the world. A good example of tansboundary pollution is the one happening in Mexico and the United States wherein the proximity of these countries resulted for the environment pollution is one country to affect the other and vice versa.  As a result, numerous people are experiencing violence in terms of the worsening condition of their lives through the lack of accessibility to clean water and fresh air. This kind of environmental problems are also causing detrimental effects to the health of individuals and some of which are even chronic illnesses. In order to further understand the problem of transboundary pollution it is necessary to use two specific theories namely, the Neorealist and Neoliberalist approach. Neorealism and Neoliberalism is chosen because these are two of the most prominent theories of international relations that are most commonly use and it also greatly exemplifies a better understanding of the issue. The perspectives of the neorealist and neoliberalist can be regarded as the caused for the existence of transboundary pollution because there are certain arguments within these theories that brought about violence through the worsening condition of the environment. The relationship of Neorealism and Neoliberalism explains the existence of transboundary pollution because despite the differences in the concentration of power in these theories, which is given to the state and the private sector respectively, the theories prove that the pursuance of these actors interests causes transboundary pollution. In the case of realism, the self-help philosophy of the states causes their lack of concern for the welfare of other nations, especially in terms of military activities that affects the environment of other countries and the world as a whole. In the same manner, the theory of neorealism gives due importance to the private sector in terms of developing the society by means of economic factors. In doing so, the private sector usually does not give importance to the environmental effects of their business operation, which is evident in their abusive use of environmental resources. In this sense, neorealism and neoliberalism elaborate on how different actors in the international system causes transboundary pollution.

Neorealism also known as structural realism is a theory that is popularized by Kenneth Waltz in 1879. In Waltzs book entitled Theory of International Politics, he argues that international relations is characterized by a systematic approach wherein the international structure functions as a constraint in the behavior of states. In relation to this, he explains that the survival of a state is dependent upon expected range that it falls (Lamy, 2004)(Teschke, 2003).

Discourse in neorealism is also observable especially on the way the proponents of nerorealism argue against some of the major tenets of the realism of Hans Morgenthau, E.H. Carr, Reinhold Niebuhr and others. Based on the neorealist perspective, it debunks the use of essentialist concepts of the realist, especially the idea of human nature in trying to understand international politics. Rather, neorealist asserts the presence of structural constraints that have a huge effect on the strategies and motivations of state actors. In line with this, neorealism posits that the international structure is defined by anarchy, distribution of capabilities. The international structure is also measured by the great powers that exist in the international system. The ordering principle in the international system is regarded as anarchic because it is decentralized due to the absence of a central authority. The international system is composed of equally sovereign states that acts according to the principle of self-help, which entails that they pursue their own interests and will not be subordinated from other states goals (Teschke, 2003) (Morgenthau,1978).

The concept of power in neorealism is seen in offensive military capabilities and foreign interventionism. The motivating factor of states is to ensure their own survival, as this is a prerequisite in order to pursue their respective interests. Neorealist points out that the relationship among states is characterized by the lack of trust because future intentions of other states are very difficult to identify, which is most commonly referred to as security dilemma (Kegley, 2007).

In the neorealist perspective, the states are recognized to have similar needs but they differ in terms of their capabilities in achieving their necessities. Being the case, the position of states in the international system is determined by their capabilities. The structural distribution of capabilities also affects the cooperation among states because states are mindful of the relative gains that they would acquire as well as the possibility of dependence of other states. In addition, constraint among states is also observable because of their desire and ability to maximize their power. The balance of power among states can also take place through internal or external balancing. In internal balancing, states maximize their own capabilities by enhancing their economic growth and increasing military spending. On the other hand, external balancing involves states establishing alliances with more powerful states. Nevertheless, neorealist believes that war or conflict among states will still continue because it is an effect of the anarchic international system (Kegley, 2007).

In the course of time, different theories had been present in order to understand different actions of various entities. In the course of politics different types, theories had been utilized in order to have a much effective resolution to an issue. Through different theories, various types of priorities highlighted to provide a much progressive country or circumstances.

Neoliberalism is a theory which had been utilized in the recent years. Due to the changes in international community and globalization, neoliberalism became present to support and provide better options for states to cooperate and rise together in the new global economy. Neoliberalism came from the theory of liberalism which highly adheres to the concept of higher power from the private sector rather than the government it self. Hence, Neoliberalism is a concept in which encourage different entities such as Multi-National Corporations (MNCs), Transnational Corporations to be active in the economic development of different countries. In addition to this, neoliberalism is a theory which is highly sustaining the ideology of globalization which is the current trend of the world.  One example of such is the rise of China and other developing nations through the help of outsourcing or off-shoring. Through the active participation of different MNCs and Transnational corporation that factors of Neoliberalism is applied around the world.

In the studies which had been created by Nye and Keohane mentioned that there is a need for a complex interdependence of different countries in order to have a much successful neoliberalism. Hence, neoliberalism is highly liked to the interdependence of different states. Although there is interdependence with different states in the international community, hierarchy is still present for there are states which has a stronger influence with other states (Keohane and Nye, 1977).

Another author named Richard Ned Lebow that mentioned that the neoliberalist theory is present due to the failure of the neorealist perspective.  On the other hand, Kenneth Waltz had mentioned that the people who had created the system are those who become obsessed with the market as well as the actors who are active in attaining development in their activities. However, as mentioned by Lebow in support with the statement of Kenneth Waltz, Lebow stated that the failure of the of realists were caused by the failing assumption that every state is similar to one another that different types of policies and integrations would be easily adapted by different nations immediately (Lebow, 1994).

In the point of view of Mearsheimer he points out the active participation of different international organizations in the international community. He mentioned that he believes that non-state meddling could not fully happen. Due to the hierarchy and power which was formerly attained by different states, the non-intervention of states is not possible. Due to the past theory of realism which was formerly utilized by the international community the sudden overtake of international organizations will be very unacceptable in the point of view of different nations. Thus, Mearsheimer stated that the international organizations which are currently present in the international community has underlying and hidden activities which are assumed to be intervened by different powerful nations (Mearsheimer, 1995).

Neorealism and Transboundary Pollution
The major tenets of the Neorealist Theory exemplify reasons that caused transboundary pollution. First, the anarchic international system that lacks a central authority shows that there is no supranational government that can effectively enforce environmental laws among sovereign states. Second, states operate under the logic of self-help, which means that they only think about their own welfare and are not necessarily concern with other states. Due to this, more powerful countries like the United States does not care about the environment of Mexico, they can dump their garbage near Mexican border because this is what is advantageous for the country. Third, since power is seen through militarization, the United States tend to develop various weapons that can affect the environment, especially during its testing stage, which can affect the environment of Mexico and other countries. In the same manner, Mexico also conducts necessary weapon testing and other environment-harmful activities without much care with its neighbor countries. Lastly, neorealism also believes that war would still take place in the future and this kind of incident greatly contributes to the destruction of the environment. The environmental consequences of the neorealist perspective of state behavior greatly disadvantage the common people. Violence is indeed observable because the lives of innocent civilians are affected due to the environmental damage that is being done.

Issue of Violence Neoliberalism
In the case of Neoliberalism, the violence is often untold. It is well known that different corporations and manufacturing companies are few of the leading causes of pollution. In the neoliberalist perspective, companies and industries are given much freedom in their own activities. However due to such type of situations, the factor of environment is affected by the activities of different corporations.  One of the environmental threats in such type of situations is the pollution in the air, land and water which is very harmful for the people and the future generation. For the reason that air and water are non-territorial and transboundary the harmful effects of chemicals in the air and water is not only dangerous for the country but to its neighboring countries. As a government, there must be actions to be done in order for such issues to be addressed. In the condition that the situation is not addressed properly, the people shall be affected by different types of illness which would result to great difficulties in maintaining the quantity and quality of labor.

The world had been in different phases and different challenges. Most of these challenges are due to the changing times. Thus through these theories, it is very clear that each had brought various kinds of difficulties. In the point of view of the neorealism every action of the country in power is due to its self interest in order to maintain its power and influence towards other nations. On the other hand, the neoliberalist view that in order to have progress in the international community the international organizations must be the entity in order to relieve the bias and achievement of the vested interest. 

Therefore, it is evident that each theory has the power to make or break the international community. Hence, the international community is also utilizing theories which are addressing the problem of the current world however creates another issue which shall be addressed in the future. In the end, the hierarchy between different countries will still be present however, this will be evident through different types of entities similar to the current situation of international relations.


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