Introduction to the United Nations

Mid-term Exam Questions

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The following are the midterm exam questions.

(1). Which is not a correct description of the ITUs activities

It meets at intervals of five to eight years
Non-political experts rather than conferences are assigned the task of resolving
technical issues.
The penalty for nonratification by its members of an amendment is loss of vote
in ITU organs.
Decisions are always reached through unanimous agreement.

(2).  Which  actor  below  sought  to  eliminate  colonialism  for  reasons  other  than
humanitarianism and nationalism

The Soviet Union
Indias Mahatma Gandhi

(3). Which of the following is not how some states view disarmament

Disarmament would result in the loss of jobs.
Disarmament is viewed by all states as the inappropriate involvement of the UN
in state sovereignty.
Disarmament  is  viewed  as  posing  an  economic  threat  to  the well-being  of  the state.
Disarmament is viewed as facilitating economic savings.

(4). What is the minimum population size for admission into the UN.

There  is no minimum any  independent  territory  with at  least one person may
30,000 non-seasonal residents.
It depends on the recognition of the state by its neighbors.
It depends on the economic strength of the territory.

(5). Which of the following is false

ECOSOC has contributed to womens rights.
The  United  Nations  continued  the  League  of  Nations  practice  of  centralizing
Lack  of  cooperation  with  ICAO  is  related  to  technical  limitations  and  are  not
A convention proscribing torture entered into force in 1987.

(6). The Amphictyonic councils was not based on

Shared temples.
Common foreign policy.
Common culture.
Established rules.

(7).  What  event  signalled  the  end  of  U.S.  Congressional  support  to  United  Nations

The chairmanship of UNESCO by Algeria.
The end of the Cold War.
The 911 attacks on the World Trade Center.
The collapse of the Berlin Wall.

(8). Class C Mandates exclude which qualification

Small geographic extent.
Territories  requiring  transitional  administration  to  independence  because  of
military occupation.
Remoteness from human civilization.
Small population.

(9). Which aspect of the UNs representation is not egalitarian
Equality exists within the seven main committees.
The application of international law.
The disbursement of project funding.
Participation in international conferences.

(10). Si vis pacem para bellum has what effect on nuclear weapons

The legal principal implies responsibility for nuclear first use.
It produces greater insecurity in arms races.
Threats produce greater horizontal proliferation.
Weapons producers are legally bound by the consequences of their exports.

 (11). Which  organization  has  not  been  associated  in  a  regional  cooperation  with  the
United Nations


(12). Which African state did not possess UN membership in 1960


(13).  Which  grouping  was  surpassed  as  having  the  largest  number  of  UN  members
between 1998 and 1999

Asia and Pacific.
Latin America and Carribean.

(14).  Which  state  refused  to  impose  naval  limits  subsequent  to  the  1921  naval
limitations conference


(15). SORT committed the US to reduce its arsenals to what amount


(16). When do regular sessions usually begin for the General Assembly

First Monday in October
First Tuesday in September
Third Tuesday in September.
Last Monday in October

(17). The United States departed which organization in 1977


(18). Which state was denied independence by France in 1956

Tunisia .

(19). What theme was not discussed at the Millennium Summit

Conflict prevention.
Poverty and development.
Environmental problems.
Weapons proliferation.

(20). The League Covenant did not establish which organ

The Assembly.
The Secretariat.
The Security Council.
The Council.


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