In the recent past, the government has lost the trust among its citizens and the remaining little faith in the government is quickly dwindling day after the other. Trust is the dependence on the moral uprightness, assurance, and strength of something, government in this case, and exposing your weaknesses to this party knowing that it will not take advantage over the citizens. This has not been the case and thus, trust has slowly but surely been eroded. There are several causes which have led to public decline in faith and trust for the system. This has been affected by mismanagement and misuse of resources by public office bearers, poor governance mechanisms, deep rooted corruption and poor planning among other causes.
In the recent past, among the reasons that are contributing to governments trust decline are issues like the governments secrecy o the AIG insurance. The unrelenting bailout of the insurance giant AIG is infuriating given that it continues to get billions of taxpayers funds and the government isnt doing a thing about it. No one knows the faces of AIGs trading associates who are enriching themselves and the government says that their disclosure would lead to monetary mayhem.
In the health care system, the government seems to have rubbed the citizens in the wrong way. Majority of the people dont want the policies being imposed on them. They believe that compared to the insurance companies around, the insurance companies will actually bring down the costs of health care. According to Galston (para 5 ), 47 of American think that the government would not do as good as compared to 36 who thinks that insurance companies would do bad in terms of health care delivery.
In Haiti over 5,000 U.S equipped workforce has been deployed with the number projected to rise. Some airplanes transporting therapeutic equipment were turned away by the U.S forces while traveling to the Dominica Republic. This has raised fears that the U.S military wishes to reclaim their military control in the nation. This is according to Lazare (para 2). There has been corruption scandals involving government officials and this is tainting the government, making it untrustworthy. In July 2009, more than 40 suspects were arrested by the FBI and were politicians and administration officials, according to the BBC news, on 24, July 2009. There are some campaign pledges that the president made and has not honored his word so far. Example includes the closure of Guantanamo Bay incarceration facility in Cuba by the conclusion of his first year in office. The promise to cut the national budget discrepancy by more than half now appears unlikely as 2009 national budget discrepancy hit 1.42 trillion.
In some areas, the government can be trusted. According to Aitoro (para 2), more than 55 of the population believes that the government is delivering in terms of information safekeeping. Agencies that keep sensitive information in databases keep the records sheltered. The government can also be trusted as it keeps us safe and secure from invasion by other countries. The arming of our military and the proper training is all thumbs up to our government. Despite having been in office for only thirteen months, the president has shown some commitment in the stimulus recovery plan and the economy is improving substantially. This increases the level of trust with the government. The president has also kept some of the pledges he made during the campaign to white house. The spreading out of eligibility for state childrens health insurance fund, rising funding to enlarge population based prevention programs, set up a credit card bill of constitutional rights among other promises he has kept.
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