Law and Justice

Law in general sense means set of rulesprinciples of action prescribed by set of institutions on the people, organizations and authorities for their better control. For example, Civil law was enacted to provide immunity from civil wrongs. Justice generally defined as determining rights and wrong at the particular moment for happiness and betterment of individuals and society.  

Liberalism  Liberalism in brief sense means  liberty  to individual and to society. It is modern day and most recognized concept developed over a period of time because of the change in overall environment, work culture. However lawrules enacted under this are of more liberal and flexible nature because they are developed taking into consideration the current demand prevailing in the economy and even easily amendable to fit into the situation. Whereas, justice under this more concerned with fairness, right and wrong, good or bad under social, economical and political environment to the people and society. Liberalism provides democracy, prosperity and civilization.

Conservatism It is that philosophy which is based on usage, custom, belief, saying and practices. This concept is old age concept in which institutions are required to follow the law blindly without watching its applicability in present scenario. As justice is also based on law, principles, decisions issued from time to time. So there is possibility of less fairness while giving justice. In this way we can say that theory of conservatism is an opposite of theory of liberalism because of change in approach of both the theories.

Socialism    In contrast to liberalism and conservatism, socialism ideology is based on equality in social, political and economical environment. The socialist concept of justice is to make the work itself as enjoyable as possible, this gives people the liberty to do work of their interest. Although the reward is less but people have equal say in organization and there is uniform development throughout. Public benefit is the motive of the government.
Universal Healthcare Policy intends to provide medical, dental and mental healthcare facilities to all the eligible citizens of the country and it varies according to the extent of involvement of government in the health care system of the country. The effectiveness of this policy can be best realized in countries like UK, Spain and Italy that are greatly involved in providing these facilities to people, following a socialism kind of approach. Other than this, in countries like US, insurance and healthcare systems are owned by employers and private beneficiaries and  are regulated at high rates. This leaves number of people uninsured. This clearly indicates that following a conservative approach can  never lead to an effective healthcare system.


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