The issue of climate change
Given the eminent climatic catastrophes, it is worth accepting that climate change is real. The world has over the past two decades witnessed varied climate anomalies such as extreme whether conditions, which include prolonged droughts and floods. Such climate changes have been closely attributed to the ever increasing greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, leading to global warming. According to scientific findings, carbon dioxide, the most common byproduct in industries acts to cushion the earth, thus improving its surface temperatures for sustaining lives. However, the high amounts of carbon dioxide have resulted into global warming.
Based on this scientifically proved principle, it is quite clear that an unchecked increase in greenhouse gases could have a direct result of increasing the earth surface temperatures. The high rate of industrialization across the globe has led to increased greenhouse gas emissions, a factor which has seen climate changes. Evidence of these changes include this ever common and unpredictable severe storms, rise in sea levels due to increased ice melting, increased tropical diseases, and high temperatures among others which are being experienced in many parts of the globe.
All these existing changes in climate have led to increased concern by the international community in seeking a sustainable solution to climate change. As an individual, I impact less in greenhouse gas emissions. However, the effects of these gases on the climate are equally affecting all human beings. It is based on this reason that I believe there is need to implement both mitigation and adaptation techniques for saving the globe from global warming effects. By mitigation, we need to adopt low greenhouse gas emitting production technologies, while adaptation involves such practices as planting trees, which would reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Answer from my production industry boss
The question of industrialization and its impact on climate change has been received with much controversy particularly by investors. According to my boss in the production industry business, climate change is not to be seen to be a result of industrialization. Global warming is basically due to our negligence towards environmental conservation. It is to be noted here that the worlds forest cover has rapidly decreased over the past few centuries, a reason to the natural resource imbalance being experienced in the globe.
As per his conviction, increasing the worlds forest cover through tree planting initiatives could greatly help in combating global warming. According to science, plants play an important role in air purification by converting carbon dioxide to oxygen during photosynthesis process. Carbon dioxide has been found to be the leading cause of global warming. Therefore, for the production industry the increased plantation of trees could limit the level of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere. This will have the ultimate impact of reducing the cushioning effect that this gas has on earth and will have end result of containing the problem of climate change.
Still cited by my boss is that the fate of the world is fast spilling out of our control. He claimed that, given our modern economic development, it would be costly to implement low greenhouse gas emitting production technologies. It is clear that the world is heavily dependent on industrialization. This means that any move to implement mitigation as a solution to the global warming problem could greatly compromise sustainable economic development across the globe.
Subjects that came up on the question
From the view of my boss, human beings and their activities are to be blamed for the current trend of global warming and climate change. Still from our discussion, we agreed that deforestation as well the emission of green house gases from industries and other fossil fuel consuming engines, such as motor vehicles are the main cause of increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It has become clear that the major drawback to the elimination of climate change problem is industrialization and its immediate economic importance. Industrialized nations will always perceive mitigating global warming as a potential loss in their current economic superiority. However, it is globally accepted that climate changes are mainly as a result mans activities.
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