With the collapse of the cold war, new threats and challenges to world peace have emerged from different quarters. The spread of terrorism and religious fundamentalism, primarily in Muslim dominated states, is responsible for many of the attacks on civilian and military targets.  Trade disputes are also emerging as a potential cause for conflicts among nations (Hufbauer, 2006). Governance issues have raised tensions in states where the political dispensation is undemocratic. Major world powers have intervened in states to topple leaders they accuse of abusing democratic principles the war in Iraq is an example of such a case. In addition to these factors, conflicts over resources are likely to contribute to escalation of disputes as reserves become depleted.

Changes in leadership tend to alter the political landscape with respect to the ruling elite. However, a nations permanent interests are paramount irrespective of who has the reins of power.  US policy is informed of the need to ensure that its borders and citizens remain safe. Military adventurism as witnessed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia was aimed at eliminating any threat to American interests (Richardson, 2006). The Russian government eschews any interference in its spheres of influence which is why it supports states considered rogue by the western powers. China has complained of interference in its internal affairs when other states make overtures to the Dalai Lama or Taiwan administration.

Developing states emerging from political chaos and instability are trying to find their footing in a global environment that for the most part is biased against them. Unfair trade pacts and an impossible debt burden have forced these states to seek for development partners that can uplift their status without conditionalities. Chinas relative success in supplanting western states as the main donor nation has contributed to tensions between the ruling elite which support the west and those who embrace Chinas support. 

Most nations have different interpretations of power. The spread of US hegemony and suppression of any threats to this status is considered a show of power. Establishing democratic principles globally is part of the US strategy to entrench its presence the more states that ascribe to democratic practices, the greater the USs influence over them (Honig, 2008). Chinas power emanates from its economic strength and military might. In some instances, it substitutes economic pressure with shows of military might to achieve its goals. Asian and African states rely on their numbers to achieve regional advantages through bodies like ASEAN or the African Union. By applying diplomatic pressure, global players are forced to take note of their grievances. The power of numbers enables them to extract concessions from developed nations. 

In conclusion, global conflicts will escalate because of resource wars, acts of religious based terrorism, trade issues and the spread of US hegemony. Resolving such issues will require delicate diplomacy to bridge the differences between competing interests. In some cases armed conflict is the best option to subdue an enemy that believes in exterminating others. Establishing fair trade practices will lead to greater harmony in international relations.


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