Comprehensive Protection Plan

The protection of key personalities has come along way. Today in the era of terrorism, among other equally deadly threats, there has emerged a need to actually improve on the security detail that ensures the protection of dignitaries of various calibers be it a presidential detail visiting another country or an international celebrity on a mission to a war torn country. This therefore poses a challenge to any chief of security as heshe will have to organize a detail that is worthy of such a task.
Barker in his book states that in spite of great advances in technology which have subsequently changed the whole landscape of international relations, states remain firm in their resolve to provide adequate security as the success of exchange within the international arena is still of fundamental importance to states (2006, p.1). It is this resolve that has necessitated the advancement of security details all over the world today. According to Barker, we cant simply resign ourselves to the threats as this will not mean and end to the threats but a total domination and control from such perpetrators (2006).
The following plan will therefore include some of the key components in an effort to provide a procedure of security to a client in need. It will therefore include a communication detail that acts as the overall component, a personal security detail mainly comprising of armed personnel whose one goal is the security of the client and thirdly, a transport team which is very vital to the plan as it provides a key element of transport to and from the area to be visited by the client.

Communication is a key part in our everyday lives and without it a lot of things could go wrong. Communication involves the exchange of information from one end to another and this information is used to make important decisions at that particular time. For this case, several communication strategies will be adopted. The first will involve general information about the mission. This will involve giving limited information to the media or other sources of information but it will depend on the client and what heshe intends to accomplish. This information should therefore be very general so as to leave the other end guessing but it should also contain an element of truth so as to maintain the integrity of the mission. This is important as it gives credibility to the mission and thus justifies why the client needs the security detail (Barker, 2009).
Secondly will be the actual communication between the chief of the mission and the actual detail on the ground. This is the most important part of the mission as it involves the relaying of vital information as to whether the progress of the mission is ok or it has been jeopardized. Regular check-ins between the command center and the field should be established and maintained.  In addition, regular communication between the personal detail and the transport detail is to be established and maintained. Therefore, a network of information flow between the command center, the personal detail, and transportation detail should be maintained at all times. This will ensure the correct reaction time in the event that an attack occurs and therefore facilitate the safe evacuation of all the clients before any harm occurs to them (Barker, 2006). 

Personal Security
The other aspect of this plan will involve personal security the actual people protecting the client. This detail therefore intends to go everywhere the client goes as they comb every corner and room looking for anything that seems out of place. It is therefore this detail that will ward off any form of attack as they wait for the other teams to coordinate and reach them within good time. This detail should be adequately trained and instructed on the possible outcomes of any particular mission. Training is done before the actual mission begins and involves the personnel being given information that includes the number of clients, the location the client is visiting, the type of threat that they will face and the kind of weaponry and other gadgets they will be provided with. All this information is geared towards the success of the mission and should therefore be as accurate as possible.
The plan will enable the protection detail to come up with several techniques of execution, thereby giving them an upper hand in the event of an attack. These technical details are therefore vital to the success of any mission (Barker, 2006).

The transport detail is the final element but of equal importance to the mission. Basically, this detail is responsible for the transportation of the client and the personal security detail to and from the mission successfully. Therefore, coordination with the other two details is paramount. This detail will be engaged in coming up with the various routes that will be used for the mission it will come up with the main route, and the subsequent auxiliary routes that will be available in the event of an attack. Part of this transport detail will involve the air transport and ground transport. Thus, with the help of the other teams, the transport detail will identify the various areas that are safe enough to ensure an easy exchange from the airplane to the vehicles. The area should be sufficiently covered from all angles but again should provide adequate cover should an attack occur. It should also be easily accessible from the area to be visited by the client. Accordingly, coordination with the other two details is very important as their opinions will matter when it comes to ground cover (Barker, 2006).
The three elements mentioned above are therefore vital to the success of any security mission be it internationally or locally. But most importantly is the coordination between the elements in question. Their coordination will determine the rate of success in any situation. Nevertheless, each team should be adequately trained to ensure that they can survive without one or both the elements. For example, each team should come up with a backup plan incase all the others fail. In this case, it will involve the cooperation of the government in question. Earlier, the importance of the flaw of information was emphasized. Hence, informing the government or the local authorities of the events that are to take place is also important. The disadvantage of giving this information to the local authorities or a government is the tendency of such information to leak to the wrong hands. As such, controlled information to the right organizations is vital as the whole mission may depend on it. 
In conclusion, the exchange between states is highly encouraged as it ensures the propagation of peace and other forms of cooperation. Unfortunately, in this era of advanced technologies, these interactions have constantly been targets of terrorist threats.

Consequently, there is need to ensure that the various dignitaries and or clients have adequate protection so as to ensure that their interactions are not disrupted. States therefore have ensured that protection for such individuals will be guaranteed. Such protection will therefore incorporate such elements as communication at various levels, an adequate and well equipped personal security personnel and a transport detail. All these details therefore have an obligation towards the security of the client and the success of the entire mission. This plan therefore can go along way into ensuring the safety of many clients and other personalities.   


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