
Globalization fuels insecurity
Globalization is the involvement of many nations and or regional organizations and economies are integrated into world wide trade unions and connected through communication net works to form a global village with free and quick movement from one region to another.  The economies, political characteristics, cultures, social norms interact at global level. Mittelman insists that the world in the era of globalization is going to have insecurity. He draws a devastating picture of insecure and unstable society of the future global village and issued early warning signs to the emergent state of confusion in the world (Mittelman, 2010). 

Globalization is viewed as the promotion of trade routes for military equipment, or the easy way to globalization of free exchange and flow of army weapons from region to region and the promotion of development of self defense mechanisms for different nations. Mittelman argued that the development of global trade would increase insecurity, fear, and political strife towards the hyperpower and stiff economic competition among the involved regions (Mittelman, 2010). 

According to Mittelman, Hyperconflict Globalization and insecurity describes globalization as a source of intensifying conflict among political powers and stiff competition among the global trade region which he though would be the main source of conflict and insecurity in the world regardless of the robust security systems that would be installed. He stated that the intensified interaction between nations and regions would promote highest multinational conflicts (hyper conflict).  By conceptualizing what is put forward by him, we can certainly acknowledge that globalization fuels insecurity form the underlying prospects of exchange in various security related aspects. 


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