Significance of Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech is one of the hallmarks of every democratic society.  It allows citizens to freely express their opinion on matters affecting their interest.  It also embraces a number of rights aimed at insuring the free and effective communication of ideas from one person to another.  The right is considered so important that the speech that is protected and guaranteed under the constitution involves not only those that reflect the sentiment of the majority but even those which are against the majority.  It admits of views that may stir up anger and induce a condition of unrest.  Thus, Voltaire was right when he once said that I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Otherwise, the Freedom of Speech will be rendered of no force and effect.  It will constitute an act of censorship if peoples opinions will be restricted.

Yes.  There have been changes in the implementation of the law nowadays.  These changes treat the people as if they are guilty until proved innocent.  It is as if the presumption of innocence so protected under the constitution is losing its significance and applicability in todays society.  Currently, it is common to read in the news law enforcement officers who are able to monitor the bank accounts of individuals, to read their personal emails and to check their phone records.  The government justifies their actions on the ground of national security.  In the past, these actions are abhorred and allowed only if there is a court order to this effect.  However, the constitutionality of these actions is questionable. 

It is true that the materials available for public viewing in the Internet and cable television are sometimes beyond what are appropriate.  It is true that these materials depict violent scenes and sexually explicit themes and content which are not appropriate for viewing for the children.  However, totally restricting the Internet and cable television amounts to censorship as it deprives the adults of their freedom to watch shows which they like.  The Supreme Court in recent cases has expanded the meaning of speech to include any form of artistic expression such as painting, music, poetry, motion pictures, dramatic works, radio and television entertainment, drawings and engravings (Freedom of Expression The First Amendment p. 1). Moreover, restricting the Internet and cable television is an act of censorship which is contrary to the spirit and intent of the constitution.  The best solution to this problem is to classify which shows are for general viewing and which shows are for adult viewing.  Public information campaign should be launched so that the parents will be taught what to do so that they could monitor which shows the children could watch.


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