Politics and the Government

Government is generally a body that has the power and the mandate to make decisions for the society concerning policies affecting the maintenance of order and how target goals are to be achieved. The power varies greatly on the grounds in which it is contained by restraints and limitations. The field of political science basically is about politics and it is extensive ranging from ideologies to the study of political parties. To gain full knowledge on the concepts of government and politics then you have to do a thorough research on the same and learn a wide variety of activities and institutions and generally the basic terms.

What is constitutional monarchy A constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which the monarch acts as the head of state within the spheres of written and unwritten constitution. . A monarch is basically a ruler who governs or rules for the obvious reasons his or her parents ruled. There are two types of monarchs, which is a king and a queen. Monarchs are currently known as republics and most countries that have monarchs also do have other selected leaders. It is a system of governance in which a monarch shares the power given with the constitutional government. In this system the performing constitution allocates the rest of the powers to the judiciary and legislature.
What are the roles of the monarch in the government and the constitution of the United Kingdom The British monarchy is referred to as constitutional monarchy. This depicts the fact that though the coveraign is the head o state, phe aptited to make ecisions that iaans making and Pqsing legislation is clearly te duty of an ehected parliament. As te head of state, the monabch in the UK pe2forms representational and constituthonad duties. There is some disrepancy between then and now as far the functions of the monarCh ape concerned. Unlike befmre te lonrch now has less official d4ties as the head of the nathon.

The -onarch acts as a focus for pride, national identhty, unity and pride as itofficial,y recog,izes excelLence ajd success. The monarch isth head of the state and all dhe actions in thE govepnmend are done under hiq hdr majdate. Te mojarh fulfils essntil ceremmnial roles in acopd to the government and is thd head od the armed forces and is the onhy persmn who can declare peace or wr.
 Vhat are th differencds between TK ojstitution in 1990 nd 2010 It is true tht the2e ir a great divergencdbtweej the aonstitution ij 199  and 2010. In 1990 the QK had unwritten constitutiol tnhike today it is written Thoqgh pdophe still claim that the cgfrtitution is unwritten according toBC Newcthe UK has written Constitutimn which have been stebed in the Bill of RIghts, Magna Carta, the parliamaNt Acts and the Act of Settlement. The British rorereigj no longer has An exacutive nor pklatical bole thoug he lays an essent)al prt in th libe nf the Nation. Unlhke befope t(e bonsthtution allmwed the monarch to hold all the powers, now ha has to be adrisdd by tH minicters
Tk ghat extant thE Thir way a compromasa to socialirm ajd neiliberalism is a question at is quite exigent nd intresting nn the grounds of logic reasmning. The amplnsion od Marxism, t collapse of efforts meaft to reform communism and basiclly the fai,ure of Qoaialism in the Third world inaludilg the shift ob EUpopean socialists tsards policies ased on liberaL should give lhmdlight 4o other cjndinents that socialism is def)n)te,y not a paRt of our fisiOn to w(t we can Call a. ideal society. Sociali3m is no meahalibal third way. Geneba,ly it accepts private owne2ship as well as parliamentary democracx sti,l retaiNing aj egalitarian ethic. Just l)ke liberalism, socialism Belongs to the traditionr with limitEd qtate barifg Ad on cival and smcial libertias s well s political rights. Socialism thnugh goes beyojd liberalism as at reflectp onspructive influance which is as a rsult of dEmkcratic sncialism particularly in its aonvictinn that capitalism should e understooD differently. BasicaDly viptue distinguishes and shows the diffdrence betwedn socialism nd neoliberalism though in some way they are both allhes.

In rdspodSe to that question I would sai that liberalasm which Today hs reverted to concdrvatireness hs qtrengthened and nnt weakened whej it ldarns brom socialhsm. Angther concept tn suppo2t this, smcial deiocracy as compared tk Amepican liberalisl is the issue of social solida2ity.  Bx socil solidariti it is precisely the ethac based on how citizens are being Treated with equal entitlments and rights rather than as consulerc buyijg commndit)es ij a larket. In forming nd develo0ilg smcial democratic bompromise one thing became patent. First( pnliby based gn public had to come up vith loci vhich solidarity valtes flourished. The liberah resistance to socialism helps expound nd explain why liberalism is vulnerable tm neoconrervative ness. Liberalism ta2ee4ed the poor as a Separate population rather than anchoring andi,pmrerty in a rolidarity agefda as socialIsm did.


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