Administrative Ethics and Decision Making

Public administration can be defined as implementing different branches of government. The goal of a public administration is to enhance the societys welfare and run effective and fair public services for the people.

An example of a public administrator is Abraham Lincoln who made immense efforts to gain knowledge. As a president, he strengthened the Republican Party into one strong nation. Moreover, he gathered the democrats of the north to support the Unions cause. In 1863, he issued Emancipation Proclamation declaring freedom from slavery of the confederacy.

A civil war began that the world will never forget. This war was fought for four years. Yet the result was victorious as the goal of freedom, democracy, and unity was achieved.

Unfortunately, on Good Friday, 1865 Lincoln was shot dead, assassinated while watching a play at Fords theatre. But what ever contribution he made will not be forgotten by the people of United States.  

Public administration consists of workers who monitor and manage governmental tasks with the goal of running an effective society and providing fair and just public services to the people. (University of Oklahoma, 2007)

Public administration is a vast field. It includes science, law, sociology, economics and management. Its goals follow equality, impartiality, protection and so on.

There are many political figures that have worked in the field of political science and had been successful. Particularly a famous individual was and still is remembered was Abraham Lincoln. ( HYPERLINK Milakovich and  HYPERLINK Gordon, 2008)
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States. He was one of the most ambiguous people in the history of US presidency.  He wanted equality for all the nations. There was racial discrimination at that time between north and southern regions against blacks. His emancipation proclamation in 1863, is considered as a historic effort of his presidency tenure. In his letter he emphasized on his strive towards saving the union to the editor. As the war was about to end, Lincoln wanted slavery to be abolished by its elimination in the 13th amendment. Unfortunately, with the accomplishment came his assassination in 1865. He was considered a national hero, martyrdom with his struggle to free the union and emancipation. (Charnwood, 2005)

Brief history
Lincoln was born in 1809, on the 12th of February in Kentucky, USA. In 1816, he came to Indiana. He later on moved to Illinois in 1830. He then settled in New Salem. He served himself as a postman, a shopkeeper, and assessor. He volunteered in the war of Black Hawk in 1832. This nominated him as the captain of the company. He practiced in law and the field of politics.   (Charnwood, 2005)

Political career
In 1834, he was nominated as a Whig i.e. a political party opposing Democrats and President Jackson that time. From 1847-1840 he served in the House of Representatives where he was against the Mexican war. The debates and controversy regarding slavery extension with Douglas gave him national attention even he loss the election for US senate in the year of 1858.  

He ran again for presidency in 1860 against Douglas and this time he won because of his image of a public honesty figure. He took over on 4th of March, 1861. There was a division made of the country into seven southern states. The southern nation was against Lincolns position of opposing slavery.

This led to the Civil war for America. He was an extraordinary leader, with an effort to direct countrys resources completely for serving the war. Moreover, his outstanding control over the army helped him win the war which ultimately resulted in killing slavery.  The (Columbia Encyclopedia, 2008)

Lincoln wanted to defend the Union no matter what and damned secession but without forcing the people. In 1861, when Fort Sumter was captured a war broke out namely American Civil war. (Columbia Encyclopedia, 2008)

There are numerous criticisms against Lincoln act of war, but the way he tackled the situation was one dynamic and the best skill. (Columbia Encyclopedia, 2008)

During the time of war Lincoln used his executive powers with its exercise in moderation and self control. He was not only encountering the hate from the southern state but even those who were on his side previously. (Columbia Encyclopedia, 2008)

Even then, Lincoln dedication and strive did not take an end state rather he continued by making wise decisions and patience more importantly.  When union succeeded at the battle of Antietam, Lincoln issued Emancipation proclamation. (Columbia Encyclopedia, 2008)

His command over colonization and measured emancipation led him to propose change in the amendment of the constitution regarding the abolishment of slavery. Lincoln realized the fact that to save the union emancipation is a necessary measure. (Columbia Encyclopedia, 2008)

Thus, Abraham Lincoln dealt with tow significant public issues and i.e. warfare and freedomsovereignty. His political skill managed to overcome the sin of slavery which was no longer has been seen in other leaders. He knew his strengths that helped him use his authority of the people very well.    (Columbia Encyclopedia, 2008)

Battles fought
 HYPERLINK httpwww.answers.comtopicbattle-of-gettysburg t _top Battle of Gettysburg
Blockade of Vicksburg
 HYPERLINK httpwww.answers.comtopicbattle-of-atlanta t _top Battle of Atlanta
Combating for Unity and Freedom
In Lincolns presidential campaign, he opposed to the expansion of slavery in the other territories taken from Mexico 10 years ago. Southern democrats feared that Lincoln would be able to abolish slavery in the south. This created crisis and chaos in the nation as he won the election. South wanted secession to remain for the whites whereas Lincoln was striving to make place for the blacks living freely as US citizens. (University of Virginia, 2010)

Therefore, Lincoln promised to save the union from the confederates even if it demands war. He increased the number of army for north against the south. North consisted of 3 million soldiers while south had 2 million.  Lincoln was victorious over the battle and imposed martial law and executed power over press as well resulting in riots. No president in the US history have had use such powers not for his own self but for the union his country. (University of Virginia, 2010)

The everlasting speech at Gettysburg by Abraham Lincoln was revolutionary in the history of US. This was held after the Civil war at the success of Union over confederates.

In his second speech, Lincoln explained how the war was a punishment from God for slavery in the country. Therefore, the judgments and decisions of the God are yet true in the time to come. Within five days, the war ended. Lincoln had been shot dead by John Wilkes at a theatre.

The war took four years, taking away precious lives of 600000 Americans. Lincolns practice of emancipation freed all slaves from Confederacy and thus accomplished freedom at last. (University of Virginia, 2010)

Leadership Qualities of Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln was known to be the brightest in his Cabinet. His leadership qualities have led his success in public administration. His consistency was in was to face adverse situations while moving on without frustration and losing hope (Moreton, 2008).

Faculty to listen to others Points of View
Lincoln shared open communication environment where the members of the cabinet were free to share and disagree without fearing the consequences. Moreover, he was able to control a discussion and after a thorough analysis of it come upon a final decision. (Moreton, 2008)

Able to Learn at work
In his administration he developed a culture of leaning and sharing. He recognized errors and gain knowledge from them. (Moreton, 2008)

Sharing the enthusiasm of success
Lincoln would respond to his fellows concerning about his actions and the actions of the members of the cabinet by stating that ambition goes with success altogether. (Moreton, 2008)

Accepting failure
When problems arise, mistakes took place by the members Lincoln accepted them and faced them. When a member made a mistake in the cabinet arising serious queries, Lincoln took the lead and confronted by accepting the blame on his cabinet. (Moreton, 2008)

Acknowledgement of Own Weaknesses
Weaknesses of Lincoln included his willingness to provide number of chances to the people for which he knew how to handle it. An example from that time is when the Chief commander of the union McClellan rejected to follow the planned directions was removed by Lincoln with setting a deadline for him first. (Moreton, 2008)

Capable of controlling emotions
Lincoln treated his workforce fairly and justly. However, the times did come when he got frustrated and lost temper. But to handle these emotions he would write a letter referring it to hot letter addressing the individual he was upset with but not give it to the concerned person. If things would get worsen he would stop his anger from gesturing kindly to inform the person of no hard feelings.  (Moreton, 2008)

Relaxing and replenishing
Lincoln realized the significance of relaxing and engaging in humorous conversations at times to overcome the day to day stress. He is known to have a good sense of humor with a love towards sharing amusing stories. He stressed on a relaxing and humorous atmosphere in the administration. Moreover, he liked theater plays and spending time with friends. (Moreton, 2008)

Direct management
Civil war took away the lives of many soldiers bringing hardships for everyone. Lincoln however managed to build enduring connection with the troops by going to the battle field.  He also took public opinions. Furthermore, to strengthen the communication with the public he would shake hands with individuals and speak to them personally. (Moreton, 2008)

Potential to stick to the goals
In 1964, when northern states were not doing so well in the war the party members of Lincoln advised him to quit the war against slavery and surrender. But Lincoln did not listen and continue to fight for freedom. (Moreton, 2008)

Capability of communicating Goals and Vision
Lincoln understood the concerns of his fellow country men and communicated the goals in a way they can be easily understood and work for. (Moreton, 2008)

After the war finished, Lincoln did not celebrate on his accomplishments but focused on combining the country as a whole in his second speech. He continued to emphasize on cleaning out the malice of slavery, and work for this purpose of creating unity among all and to cherish the peace and tranquility for everyone who lost his life in the honor of saving the country. Lincolns character can be defined by his integrity in his work.  (Moreton, 2008)

Leadership Lessons from Abraham Lincoln
Abraham said that a house cannot be divided if it is build to stand as one.  He believed that government has to be free. He did not want the house to diminish but wanted to abandon the secession. He said either it will be divided or stand as one.

The lessons that we can draw from Abraham Lincolns leadership strategies are as follow (Danforth, 2008)

Friends should be close but enemies yet even closer-
Lincoln strategy was to having close friends on his side but being closer to his rivals. He brought many of his rivals in his close circle. This indeed caused problems as the war initiated, but it did not allow the rivals to break off and form their own group within the party. (Danforth, 2008)

Be scholarly-
Because Lincoln was interested in law, he kept himself surrounded by some 5100 cases in the state of Illinois for two to three years, despite the fact that he never went to a law school since he couldnt afford it. Hence, he carried on his practice of law as an apprentice and worked as a circuit lawyer to make his own place.

He studied books to help him learn the cases and prepare for them to sharpen or strengthen his talent and ability.  (Danforth, 2008) Act Modest - maintain a Low Profile-

Usually the politicians become affected and showy when they are at the success level of their career. Lincoln on the other hand never forgot his origin and roots as to his lifestyle from house to his wearing, clothes etc. he was the man for everyone that made the people of north trust him and respect him. (Danforth, 2008) Be Available - request Feedback -

It would be quite astonishing to note that the people at the time of Lincoln had the accessibility for their president to hear their voice.  It would be impossible now to have our leaders to listen to our queries and feedbacks regarding wars and foreign policies. (Danforth, 2008)

Because Lincoln did listen to the peoples complaints from the union army he laid an everlasting impact of his presidency for everyone.  He would still consider listening to his members while considering important decisions for his administration. (Danforth, 2008)

Dont ever Give Up-
Lincoln never gave up as he ran for president seven times and at last he won. We should know that because of him the nation exists today. (Danforth, 2008)

When the times of hardship fall upon us, we should take the example of the life of this honorable man. No one can deny the fact that from where he came and what he achieved which was yet unimaginable for other leaders to accomplish. (Danforth, 2008)

Lincoln is a great example of an individual who served for the good will of the society in short the entire nation. He followed the philosophy of equality for all advocated by the declaration of independence and viewed the civil war as an effort for the union as well as emergence of freedom for all the citizens creating one nation with no dominance of state on the individuals.


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