Contemporary International Problems

1. What was colonialism What problems has it left behind in Africa
Colonialism is usually defined as the process of exploitation wherein a stronger country, usually referred to as the colonizer takes control of a weaker nation, the colony. In the same manner, colonialism is also referred to as the establishment and maintenance of colonies in one territory by foreign invaders. The sovereignty of the colony is taken over by the metropole. In doing so, the colonizer changes the social structure, government, and economy of the colony, which include taking control of the resources of the colony and uses it to further strengthen and enrich the colonizer (Roskin et al., 2007).

The process of colonialism has left behind problems that are still observable even up to the present time. The adverse effects of colonialism have greatly devastated the African continent, which is one of the main causes of hardships that the people in Africa are experiencing. The exploitation of the natural resources of Africa by the colonizers in the past has destroyed the environment, especially the natural habitats and species of the continent. Due to this, people in Africa are in dire poverty because of the lack of natural resources, which has already been exploited by the colonizers. In relation to this, the African people were also able to acquire the mentality and practices of their colonizers and some of which are the negative characteristics of this foreign invaders. As a result, most of the African people also became materialistic, which further worsen the condition of their environment (Roskin et al., 2007).

2. Why was decolonization more difficult where there were many European settlers What examples can you give
Decolonization is not an easy process because it requires great effort coming from the native settlers of the colony and most of the time decolonization does not merely took place with one revolutionary effort but rather it entails continuous action towards the achievement of the colonys independence. In line with this, decolonization is even more difficult for colonies that have many European settlers. A great number of European settlers in a colony, usually entail that these European people have greatly change the way of life of the colony from its economic situation up to the philosophy and attitude of the people. As a result, it is quite difficult to change the mentality of the people and convince them to fight for their independence. This is quite observable in the case of South Africa wherein the dominant British settlers were able to change the ways of the people, especially with the implementation of apartheid. Due to this, the colonizers were able to take political and social control of the people. It was only recently that apartheid has been eradicated from the country (Roskin et al., 2007).

3. How did Nuremberg ultimately lead to the trial of Saddam Hussein
The Nuremberg Trials is recognized as a series of military tribunals, which was established by the Allied forces of the Second World War. The main highlight of the Nuremberg trials is the prosecution of prominent personalities, especially those political, military, and economic leaders of the defeated Nazi Germany. Nuremberg Trial has left behind a legacy when it comes to placing prominent personalities into trial, especially if that individual is guilty of war crimes. As a result, the concept of the Nuremberg Trials is also applied to the case of Saddam Hussein, which eventually led to his trial (Roskin et al., 2007).4. Is war illegal under international law Under what circumstances is military force permitted

War or armed combat is not necessarily illegal in international law. However, the legitimacy of a war is dependent upon the reasons and justifications for a certain party, specifically a state to participate in armed combat. Under International Law, military force is permitted in cases wherein the sovereignty of a state is threatened. This can be exemplified in a scenario wherein a state was surprisingly attack by another party to the point wherein the enemy breached the territory of the state. In addition to this, military force can also be used in instances wherein a state with the agreement of the United Nations, specifically the Security Council order to attack a certain country or group in the sake of international peace and security. This is exemplified in cases wherein civilians are greatly threatened and military intervention is needed in order to save innocent lives (Roskin et al., 2007).


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