Research Proposal

Since the attacks of September 11, there have been radical changes in almost every part of the globe, as various countries confronted the payback attitude of the United States, whereas, some countries had no option but to support the super power in fighting the war on terror. In this war, besides combating strategies and military actions, a media war has been targeting various countries, especially the Muslim countries while relating them with the notion of terrorism. In such countries, Saudi Arabia is one of the countries that confronted a huge number of criticisms from the media, specifically the American press that played a leading role in damaging the image of Saudi Arabia on global level. For this purpose, the proposed research will put efforts to identify and analyze the image of Saudi Arabia in the American press, especially after September 11 attacks. In this regard, the researcher will focus on the following research statement to fulfill the aims and objectives of the research

To analyze the image of Saudi Arabia in the American Press, and identify alterations in such image after September 11 attacks

Literature Review
Analysis of a book has discussed and analyzed different issues that emerged after the attacks of September 11 in the United States, as well as in different parts of the Muslim world. The book consists of different studies involving works of various journalists that identified a war of cultural and religious identity of Muslims in the USA. For instance, after the 911 attacks, the American press has been criticizing Muslims living in the USA and other countries while trying their best to portray Muslim countries, especially Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc as the fundamental platforms for terrorists and terrorism, in brief, a threat for the United States. In this regard, this book will be very efficient in understanding the image of Saudi Arabia in the American press.

After the September 11 attacks, the press has played a leading role in influencing the thought processes of Americans in the United States. In specific, another author has indicated the role of American press in portraying Saudi Arabia as an enigma or a threat to the American society. One of the major reasons of mysterious image of Saudi Arabia in the American press is the dual role of Saudi Arabia as the holiest city of Islam, and on the other hand, a platform that supports terrorists who attacked the United States on September 11, 2001. This book consists of the criticism of American press that related Osama bin laden with the Saudi Arabia, a major factor that enabled American press in deteriorating its image.

Further identification of books related to the image of Saudi Arabia in the American press has indicated that the role of American press resulted in the crisis of Muslim identity in Saudi Arabia. In such analysis, one of the authors emphasized primarily on the effect of Saudi Arabian women after the 911 attacks, and the role of American press in damaging such image and existence of these women in the United States, as well as in other parts of the world. On the other hand, the author in the same book has done a remarkable job in identifying the constructive role of the American press in creating a bridge between American native women, and the Muslim women from Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries of the globe.

Furthermore, it is observation that after the 911 attacks, the Muslim world observed a radical alteration in its religious, as well as political landscape due to the beginning of military actions. In addition, huge waves of disparagement and condemnation by the American press multiplied the effects of military actions in the Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. On the other hand, besides the adverse role of American press, some of the experts have endeavored to identify the efforts of Saudi Arabia in getting back its sacred image in front of the whole globe that will be very effective in fulfilling the identified research statement.

Despite of such endeavors and efforts, American press has been successful in illustrating the image of Saudi Arabia as a terrorist country, and there have been several attempts of linking it with the terrorism, which is the part of almost every book related to the 911 attacks and the Muslim world. An innovative and different perspective of such analysis includes in another book identified during the literature review that has put efforts to analyze the role of both American press, as well as the Arabian television in deteriorating each others role in front of the globe that will be very beneficial in acquiring an unbiased understanding of the identified research statement.

Another remarkable piece of work identified is the work of Kristina Borjesson who has been very critical and efficient in scrutinizing the role of American journalists during the war on terror. In specific, this book includes various interviews of people associated with the American press. In addition, the author has been successful in acquiring personal stories of American journalists that they experienced in different Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, etc. Moreover, one of the significant attributes of this book is its emphasis on the historical contexts to relate the interviews with the American policies, etc that will be very crucial in providing a critical perspective to the proposed study.


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