Tea Party
(Tea Party Movement, 2009). Not everyone agrees with the Tea Party agenda, but it certainly has made a lasting impression on some important political figures and managed to ruffle a few feathers in the process.
Governor Perry, state of Texas, recently stated that, officials in Washington have abandoned the countrys founding principles of limited government, (Ward, 2010). The Tea Party supports the statement because they feel that the government has outgrown itself. In other words, the federal government is under the delusion that it has the power to create a massive deficit by which the middle and lower class will be responsible for as will future generations. The current administration also believes that it has the power to step in and dictate just about every facet of human existence. The federal deficit is only one issue of concern to the Tea Party. Other issues of concern include illegal immigration, unfair taxes, the violations of the US Constitution, and health care reform as defined by Obamacare (OHara, 2010).
The issue of states rights has been brought up and debated within different sectors of the TPM. Of course state governmental power would be limited by the people as is supposed to be the case in the federal government. The federal governments power is to be limited through Congress. It is often assumed that the current checks and balances protocol and procedure does not work because the federal government owns the state through bribes, or special provision as the government has termed it, brainwashing, and blackmail.
Adrian Murry is the President of the Fort Worth 912 Project, an affiliate of the TPM. At a recent demonstration Murry said, the time has come for people to rise up and defeat their federal government under Obama anti-American Marxist agenda, (Ward, 2010). This statement was directed towards members of Congress who are democratically connected with the Obama administration. Members of the TPM have alleged for some time that the governments current position leans more towards Socialism than Capitalism. Constitutionalism is the issue to be addressed. Any law or position deferring from the founding Constitution should be viewed as an act of federal treason. This is evident when looking at the number of Czars appointed by Obama (Zernike, 2010). These Czar positions are neither officially recognized positions in government nor are they officially linked to any federal agency. It would appear that Obama may be unethically and unconstitutionally establishing his own socialist government right under the noses of Congress and the American people and attempting to disguise it as part of the current government. The correct term here is mutiny.
A final controversial statement made in reference to states rights refers to states rights being racist and endorsed by the TPM (Benjamin, 2010). Politicians have come forth declaring that the TPM is a movement of white people masking their white supremacist agenda as issues of Constitutional governmental concern (Dickens, 2010 Benjamin, 2010). Television journalists and political leaders have called into question the diversity of the TPM by focusing on states rights. States rights are a big topic, and TPM members support a state seceding the union. The state of Texas has supported this statement and feeling to be true with regard to Obamacare. Unfortunately, the critics of the TPM have alleged that Tea Party supporters want to secede from the union in order to retain life as it was in the pre-1964 era (Dickens, 2010). This belief offered by critics of the TPM is without merit and slanderous to say the least. It is a poor and immature attempt to devalue the work and ethic of a substantiated political movement of individuals asserting their First Amendment rights.
The TPM is openly opposed to the health care reform now known as Obamacare. Whether the federal government or state level government should oversee the health care program is not relevant, since neither group is legally able or qualified to handle such issues. The federal government has no place in health care except for Veterans benefits, Medicare, or Medicaid funding. The state level government is not qualified either except for handling and disbursing Medicaid funding for that particular state. The choice of Health Care providers should ultimately be left up to the individual citizen and not mandated by a greedy, self-imposed government. Obamacare is a joke, but it will soon turn Americans to tears as taxes will soar to financially back this plan. The TPM is in support of the nullification process for Obamacare. In laymans terms, it is a strategic and legal means to block the federal government from enacting the healthcare bill even though it passed (Steinhauser, 2010). America does not want it in any form.
From the beginning to now, the TPM has stood for Americans and the Constitution that protects them. They believe in limited the power that the government has in spending. They also believe in prohibiting other issues from becoming law as it would mean that Americans would lose more Constitutional rights. If the federal government refuses to listen, then they endorse the provision of a states right to secede the union. Critics are fabricating stories against the TPM as a means of damage control to the federal governments already defunct organizations and programs. Obama was right about one thing, it is time for change and since America could not count on him, they are doing it themselves.
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