Recycling Programs
Environmental problems are usually long term and the solution to these problems will only be realized at a higher cost if the remedy is not initiated early enough. Management of solid waste has come with a lot of challenges especially when recycling issues come to board. Solid waste management through recycling is something that has to do with behavior change among the population. According to environmental psychologists, recycling has been referred to as a commons dilemma. This means that natural resources are being overused due to the existing conflict between individual and group interests. Nevertheless, the government has taken center stage in conservation of the environment through the initiation of the recycling programs.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the implications of having federal and state agencies including the military being involved in recycling programs that includes the provision of rewards and incentives for those achieving recycling goals on one side, and punitive measures for those for not recycling.
Recycling has been identified as the best model of managing solid waste in the interest of the public. Reuse of resources has been hailed by most people and therefore there is a need to change the attitudes of individuals in an effort to encourage recycling as a solid waste management strategy. Recycling can be done at two levels including the technical means and the behavioral means. The technical aspect involves sorting and recovering materials at a central plant without the consumer having to change hisher behavior. On the other hand, the behavioral aspect involves persuasion of consumers to alter their behaviors by reducing the use of materials, sorting of the rubbish according to materials, and delivering the rubbish to a central place. These are some of the strategies developed to enhance recycling. However, the conflict of interests becomes another hurdle that has to be overcome. It has been argued that
The waste materials are commons, in that they are resources not owned by an individual. If an individual acts in their own self-interest, they will discard waste materials without sorting them. If the individual acts for the public good, and in an environmentally friendly manner, then they will sort their waste materials ready for recycling and reclamation. The dilemma is whether to act for self interest or the public good (Brain, P 250).
Federal Involvement
There was an amendment to the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965 requiring the federal facilities to comply with all federal, state, interstate, and local requirements with regard to managing and disposing solid wastes. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) that was adopted in 1976 provided way for the establishment of federal program for the regulation of solid and dangerous waste management. This Act was an amendment of the preceding legislation of Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965 that resulted in the complete overhaul of the 1965 Act. RCRA provides a definition to solid and hazardous waste at the same time authorizing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to come up with standards for facilities engaging in the generation andor management of the hazardous wastes. EPA has also the responsibility to ensure the establishment of the permit program for treating, storing, and the disposal facilities of the hazardous wastes (Zaikowski, Para 1).
In an effort aimed at waste reduction, resource conservation, and prevention of environmental pollution Congress did enact legislation in the year 1982 to further encourage the Department of Defense (DoD) to undertake recycling programs. This was to be realized through allowing proceeds from the sale of eco-friendly materials back to the generating DoD installation as an incentive. The installation commanders were to establish to separate out and turn-in eco-friendly materials to the local Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) for sale. Proceeds would then be returned to the generating installation to be utilized as a non-appropriated morale andor for welfare activities that would be beneficial to the military and the public work force.
The United States as one of the developed nations has a very big problem when it comes to waste management. Recycling has been identified as one of the best possible options to provide the best solution. More than twenty five states have implemented the recycling programs with eight of them aiming at the reduction of the flow of domestic waste in range of between 15 and 30 in the few years to come. Connecticut has emerged as the most ambitious of them all and is set to outlaw the incineration or disposal of materials that can be recycled (Dourado, Para 1). Nevertheless, the debate on whether recycling should be allowed or not has continued to rage with proponents saying that it would reduce the environmental risks whereas the opponents arguing that recycling may actually be harmful to the environment.
Arguments for Recycling Programs
There are two conflicting views regarding recycling programs with some advocating for the programs whereas others are opposed. For the proponents, recycling has been associated with beneficial implications for our environment and saves the earth from the destructive impacts of pollution. Recycling is usually considered as the cheapest way of dealing with the waste by cutting on the environmental costs and the financial costs as well. Recycling has been viewed as an economic booster with a majority of American companies relying on recycling programs in the provision of raw materials needed in making of new products. This also has led to job creation. Statistics shows that the recycling industry in the US is valued at 236 billion annually employing 1.1 million people nationally from the 56,000 recycling and re-use enterprises. The recycling industry has also been credited for reduction in waste, saving energy, and playing a vital role in the general environmental conservancy. The industry also prevents global warming, reduces water pollution, protects the wild life, and creates new demand in the market by producing new products (National Recycling Coalition, para 1). Recycling is also thought as the only way to have an item produce the highest value.
Arguments against the Recycling Programs
Some products should never be subjected to recycling. Toxic substances including nuclear and other radio-active materials are such dangerous wastes to be recycled. Recycling may introduce contaminants in the food, clothing, or medical paraphernalia causing illnesses and other fatalities. Recycling has been blamed for shouldering the environmental responsibilities of the companies which continues to release products that are substandard into the market (Herocious, Para 2). As much as recycling is meant to prevent environmental pollution, it has contributed towards the same through the use of chemicals in cleaning and processing of the materials that are used. A good example in this case can be identified in the bleaching of the paper slurry in an effort to clean and whiten the paper. Much bleach is used in the process than is needed in preparing wood pulp. Recycling has been associated with inferior goods and this has created low demand for the products which hurts the industry much further. An example in this case is the quality of a recycled paper when compared to the original. Plastics are also degraded when they are recycled. However, some recycled products still remain quality as it is difficult for the consumer to distinguish between the original and the recycled as for the case of metals and glass (Heimlich, Para 5).
Having looked at both sides of the argument, recycling still remains a contestable issue that needs to be addressed with sober minds. Environmental protection is at stake. The public needs to be weary of the dangers that are associated with environmental pollution. The public interests should prevail as opposed to the selfish interests. It would have been better to have only environmentally friendly products being released but unfortunately that is impossible. Recycling still stands to be the better option in this regard. Recycling programs becomes necessary at this stage. The federal and state agencies need to come up with these programs that will at least give us some assurance that someone out there still cares for our already dilapidated environment. Conservation of environment is imperative to human survival and thus our environment should not be left out to the dogs.
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