Agencies and Interest Groups
Some of the interest groups that may have some parts to play in this constituency are the Parental Drug Association. This is a group that is known to take part in ensuring that children are not involved in the use of drug. It is also responsible for ensuring that all the departments which are responsible for keeping school students out of drug use. More information on this interest group may be found on HYPERLINK httpwww.pda.orgMainMenuCategoryProfessionalResourcesIn-the-PDA-Bookstore.aspx httpwww.pda.orgMainMenuCategoryProfessionalResourcesIn-the-PDA-Bookstore.aspx website. (Parenteral Drug Association, 2008)
Another interest group that may have a part to place in this constituency is the National Rifle Association. This is a group that is concerned with practically all the activities that are related to the use of guns and the rights to possess or privately own rifles. More on this organization can be found on HYPERLINK httpwww.nranews.comclassic.aspx www.nranews.comclassic.aspx website. (Anderson, 1996)
In the past couple of years, there have been a lot of cases of damages that has been caused by the use of firearms by individuals. There have also been a lot of issues that revolve around drug use in the United States especially by the young or the school going individuals. This has resulted to the community wanting to deal with this issue seriously. Over the years, there has been a lot of publicity on the negative effects of drug use. Many organizations have come out to deal with this issue of drug use and drug trafficking. It is due to this reason that some drugs are prohibited in the whole world. (Parenteral Drug Association, 2008)
The interest groups are known to affect the performance of these agencies. One of the main reasons why these agencies fail to perform well is by lacking fund and some other means to execute their duties. These interest groups are known to provide these agencies with the funds that they may need and the good publicity that is also necessary. When these agencies achieve their set goal with the help of the interest groups, the interest group is known to benefit by ensuring that there is peace in the community something that they cannot achieve without the help of the government agencies. (Gonzales, 2006)
It is necessary that the organization have a formal or mutual relationship with all the agencies. The reason is that the form of relationship that it may have with one of the agencies may have a great impact with the relationship with the other interest groups. For instance, if the agency has a good relationship with an interest group that advocates for the rights to keep guns in a certain state in the united states, it is likely to have a very weak relationship if any with an interest group that is fight against the government allowing citizens to privately own guns. (Anderson, 1996)
In conclusion, it is clear that in every country, there will always be constituencies which are composed of government agencies and some other interesting groups. The government agencies will always need funds and they get them from these interest groups and in return keep the conditions that are given by the interest group may need. Therefore, it is clear that these two are key factors in running most of the activities in a country.
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