Preemptive war policy

Preemptive war policy protects nations against economic destabilization
Lay out your research. Organize it around a carefully prepared outline. Analyze what you find in your research. More than likely the material you find will not address specifically what you will search, and may even present problems in logic, based on your own definitions.

Explanation of the study question and the purpose of the paper
The study question is about the war strikes by countries and entities in speculation of a war threat from other entity. In this paper we would try to see that how such preemptive war may help a nation protect itself from economic crisis that is inevitable if the other country strikes before and causes to hurt the economy of the country in one way or other.

To fully answer this question we will study a few recent wars and see that how these wars have saved these nations from economic destabilization by attacking other countries when these states were threatened by other rival states.

Research Findings
Several research journals particularly with emphasis on politics, economics and international relations point to the fact that the preemptive wars have been common in the recent times and were very common in older history.

This is to be noted that these preemptive wars have never been legalized by the UN. The super powers or usually countries which are stronger than the other nation have tried to snatch the economic resources and help their own economy but more than often it has brought economic depression in these war waging countries.

Wars have always been fought for economical benefits and obviously a preemptive war can result in the capture of the resources Gulf War which was fought between Iraq and Kuwait was a preemptive war for an area which had oil wells and Iraq waged the war to get economic benefits by capturing these wells. The war didnt help Iraq get those lands and oil wells but left a bad impression and destabilized its economy.

Another example could be of wars fought between Pakistan and India on several different times. The war between both the countries is basically on the purpose of a territory capture, Kashmir, from where originates the river Indus and irrigates much of the lands of the Pakistan. Kashmir has been a disputed territory because Pakistan doesnt want to let go of Kashmir and hence the control of its rivers in the hands of India, its largest rival. The possible economic benefit of waging war to a Pakistan is the control of its own rivers and at the same time India can use the Kashmir to weaken its rival, Pakistan, and achieve economic stability.

Kargil War a recent war fought between the two countries was a preemptive war initiated by Pakistan to get the control of the Kashmir, this action of Pakistan was opposed by the whole world and Pakistan finally had to retreat and it lost millions of dollars in the war along with the loss of the reputation and to India also had to bear a loss of billions of dollars

War in Iraq waged by US, although was framed in the light of Weapons of Mass destruction (WMD) but the root causes were not the same, presents another case. It sole purpose was to control the Oil that Iraq was able to produce, this is most needed by the US to help stabilize its economy as its growth and survival depends a lot on the crude oil produced there. (Cohen, 2005).

And obviously if US wouldnt have taken this action its economy could have been in a jeopardy in a long term, this affirms the fact that economic destabilization was expected even before the war in Iraq started. But because of huge spending by the US government to win these wars have in effect brought disability into its own country where people have become jobless , stock markets have reduced in size and companies have crashed .

Several wars in Africa can also be considered as preemptive wars, to get the water resource in control, and to achieve economic stabilization for the betterment of the country.

How these findings respond to the study question
Studies show that recent wars in history have not been able to protect the country from economic destabilization but in fact brought closer to it and more often at a faster pace as these wars have cost the involved parties billions of dollars.

In most of the described cases the legality of any such war can also be challenged because war is not an answer to any kind of threat, be it an economic destabilization but it should be noted that the UN charters Article 51 clearly permits self defense which in some cases may allow preemptive wars.
In case of Gulf war, Iraq which waged the war faced severe consequences such as trade embargo which crashed the economy of Iraq and Iraqi people were severely affected. In case of Kargil War, Pakistans stock markets crashed as the investors lost faith in the government, the war didnt help achieve Pakistan its main goal of protection from economic destabilization in the long run but instead caused its market crashed in a very short time.

War in Iraq has no different results, to achieve a long term goal of economic stabilization US waged war but it resulted in huge losses at home, within US, where companies and stock exchanges crashed and people got unemployed. The reason can be attributed to the fact that US government had to pump its financial gains to win the war this has dissatisfied people of America and created lot of troubles.
In the historic past it was easy for the large countries to protect themselves from the economic destabilization by conquering smaller territories but this case is no longer valid in the digital world of today.

We have studied several wars that were undertaken in the past such as Iraq War, World War II, World War I, Iran Iraq War, Gulf War and Kargil war.

With all these post war studies in terms of economics we can easily conclude that the aggressor usually has the aim of making some economic benefit from the war, but in recent times all these wars have brought greater devastation in terms of economy to the attacking countries.

The economic situation compared before and after in case of US, fighting the Iraq war, clearly shows that the in the US unemployment increased, stocks market shrank and several of its large companies completely got bankrupt.

For this purpose the budget of these countries and other economic data was glanced through.


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