Effectiveness of Red Light Cameras in America
The red light cameras can be defined as the devices or systems that are photographic and automatically enforced. These devices and systems are considered to be controversial as the effectiveness of these devices is still having opinions that largely vary from each other. The purpose of this Red Light Camera is to monitor the traffic and it also indicates if any vehicle violates the rules of traffic. The working of this device is very simple. The camera is triggered when any vehicle passes by. The sensors in the device are used to detect the vehicles around. Mostly these devices are installed over the intersections.
If the vehicle violates the rules when the red light is on then the cameras takes picture of the vehicles front side. Tickets are then sent to the owner of the vehicle and charges are made over them. The purpose is to capture the image of the license plate and the driver. Since the year 2003, the use of these cameras has been significantly increased. The opinion regarding the effectiveness of these cameras keeps on varying. Many officials and police agencies believe the fact that these cameras have improved the level of security at the intersections. There are some people who criticize the use of red light cameras. According to them these cameras violates the privacy and rear end wrecks have also been increased as the drivers try to avoid getting cited. In this paper we are trying to analyze the effectiveness of these red light cameras in America. We have also tried to find out that to what extent these cameras have increased the level of safety. For this purpose we have presented a great deal of relevant information in the coming sections. (Brown, 2007)
In the 1970s, Australia and European countries first made use of Red Light Cameras. With time, the usage was increased and currently these are being used by 12 other countries of the world. The first application of these cameras in the United States was observed in 1993 in New York. at first these devices were only supposed to be installed at the railway crossings. In the year 1995, the Federal Highway Administration started a program known as stop red light running program. Also the automated enforcement systems were installed at the traffic intersections by the California legislature in the same year. As a result of these laws and programs, these devices came in to use. (Red Light Camera automated traffic cops in Orange County, 2005)
Problem Statement
In this paper, we have tried to examine the level of effectiveness of red light cameras in America. Surveys have proved the fact that most of the accidents in America are caused at the intersections. Different strategies have been developed in this regard and the enforcement of red light cameras is among one of these strategies. By keeping the problem area in mind we have formulated the problem statement as follows
Analyze the effectiveness of the installation of red light cameras in America.
For analyzing the effectiveness we have examined the facts and figures that may help us in knowing the potentials of these red light cameras for improving the level of safety. It is important to know the role that has been played by the installation of these cameras in providing safety. The problem statement requires an in depth analysis in order to examine the role of this device.
Research Objectives
Apart from the research question, the study also meets many other objectives while making the thorough analysis. Following are the main objectives of this study
The description and usage of Red Light Cameras.
The usage of Red Light Cameras in America.
The effects of installation of these cameras over the traffic violations at the intersections.
The level of safety enhanced by making use of these cameras.
The effectiveness of Red Light Cameras in America.
All the above objectives hold much importance in performing this study and getting to the results. These objectives make it easier to understand and analyze the research problem. Efforts have been made to cover all the objectives and produce the reliable results.
Purpose of the Study
Red light running has always been a major reason for the crashes and accidents in America. Red Light Cameras have been installed as the security measure for these accidents. Currently, many states and cities of America have installed these cameras at the intersections in order to control the traffic violations and accidents. The purpose of this study is to find out that to what extent this security measure has proved to be effective. The role of these cameras should be analyzed so that if these are effective then other states and cities should also start using these cameras. According to US department of transportation more than 92000 accidents are observed annually. This is quite a great rate and should be controlled. Only the application of strategies is not enough but also the results should be judged. This judgment will allow deciding that whether these strategies should be used in future or not. Same is the purpose of this study to examine the results of Red Light Cameras.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
Red Light Cameras in America
America is using Red Light Cameras to reduce the road accidents. As road safety is the biggest problem all around the globe so just to increase the safety of the pedestrians as well as for the drivers America is using this red light camera technique. A study shows that in 1999 and 2000 about 20 of the drivers were failed to obey the traffic signals. In 2008, about 762 people were killed and approximately 137,000 people were injured in red light running. In most cases, pedestrians become the victims of the red light runners. So, the above study shows that red light running is very common in America. A study also helps us to note down that how frequent red light running is being observed in America. For this purpose, red light cameras were used in five busy intersections in Fairfax and Virginia and it is found on average that in every 20 minutes motorists ran red light at each intersection. From this study, the result came that in busy time red light running is common. For example, in morning when everybody is in hurry to move to their offices, colleges and universities etc, red light running cases happens mostly this time. Red light camera in such busy intersections showed really positive results. This technique is basically designed to reduce the violation of traffic signals. With the help of red light camera, the law enforcement agencies can easily observe the person who has violated the traffic rules. Red light camera actually observed the drivers behavior during driving. This camera captured photograph during red light running at any intersection. Number plate of that vehicle also noticed with the date, day and time. So, in this way the law enforcement department can easily get all of the relevant details about the driver. In case of any accident or injury, the police can easily arrest the runner. In Virginia and Arlington, intersections were equipped with red light cameras in 1996. It was that the red light runners were mostly youngsters. No gender difference was found. With the help of the camera, it was shown by their behaviors that the youngsters do not follow the traffic rules properly. A study was made in 2007 in Sacramento and California, which showed that red light runners in these cities found about 30 and under 30 years of age. The red light camera system is connected with the traffic signal. It helps to take the image or video when any vehicle enters the intersection. When any driver violates the traffic signal the ticket is mailed to the red light runner on the basis of photographs or videos taken by the red light camera system. This camera system in America helps the police department. Before the implementation of red light camera system in America, the police department was facing so many problems. It was not possible to look after the road accidents and traffic signals violation by the police because law enforcement communities do not have many resources to allocate police at every corner of the city. Policeman cannot follow every violating vehicle in the city. But, after this red light camera system, it has become so easy to follow every violating vehicle. Now, police department can focus on so many other cases rather than traffic violation in any city of America. (McGee, 2003)
Effectiveness of red light cameras in America
Red light camera system is very effective. Implementation of this system in major cities reduced many road accidents and injuries. This camera is designed to observe the complexity of the accident and the behavior of the driver. This system is effective, because the investigations, which are made on the basis of found evidence, are effective. Now the drivers are aware that if they do not drive safely then they would definitely be arrest by the police. Drivers now, drive their vehicles with the controlled speed. The red light camera system actually reduces traffic violation in motorists. The red light system is also implemented in six-highway rail crossing across the United States. In those six crossings there is a visible reduction in violation of highway rail crossings. Violation reduced up to 34 to 92 in those six sites. Now the result shows that this system is really effective in America. (Carroll Warren, 2007)
The public of America is supporting the red light camera system at signals. In 2000, an institute survey in ten cities of America in which five cities were equipped with camera and five were not equipped with camera resulted that about 75 of drivers supported the red light camera system. (Black, 2004)
When a driver of vehicle enters in to the intersection on red light, so he or she will have to stop his or her vehicle in red light but most of the times it has happened that the driver do not stop the vehicle and collide with the other vehicle who has entered the intersection legally. This results in an accident or injury. This is clear violation of rule. O with the help of the red light system this violation can easily minimize by the law enforcement communities. As we know that this system improves safety on the roads and signals, but now a days this system is also used by the jurisdiction. This system reduces the frequency of violation. The red light camera system is also effective in crashed experiences. These cameras reduced right-angle crashes. These crashes happened when the violating vehicle hit the adjacent vehicle entering the intersection legally on the display of green light. But on the other hand, there is an increase in the rear end crashes. When driver thinks that there is a camera system at the intersection, and at the same time when the yellow light is displayed then the driver stops his vehicle more immediately due to which the front vehicle hits the following vehicle from behind. As the following vehicle is too close to the front vehicle that is why the rear end crashes are now become so common due to the enforcement of this system. It shows that due to the enforcement of this camera system the right-angle crashes are reduced but rear end crashes are increased. Right-angle crashes are more severe than rear end crashes. So in this way, this camera system proves that it increase road safety in case of right-angle crashes. Overall impact of red light camera system is reduction in deaths and injuries due to the carelessness of the driver. Safety at intersections has improved a lot. This system captures the photograph of the red light runner after those fines are imposed on that person due to which that person would definitely take care during the driving next time. The intersections designs are also change because of this camera system. These designs help the camera to capture the photograph of the violating vehicle. Road sign, fines and other safety rules also help to decrease the crashes on the roads. The problem is the enforcement of this camera system means at which intersections these cameras should be enforced. As this red light camera system is expensive so the law enforcement communities should enforced this system in those intersections where the rate of accidents and crashes is relatively high. So, at busy roads and intersections this camera system shows high effectively. The agencies, which want to enforce this system, need to find locations and number of intersections to equip this system. This results in the benefit of road safety nationwide. Law enforcement agencies can now better concentrate on other safety issues more appropriately. As this system is become more mature and using more frequently in America so, better guidelines are now provided that where this system is appropriate for equipment. (Hakkert, 2002)
In traditional system, police have to follow the person who violated the signal, and then that person is warned to drive safely. But, this procedure is not long lasting and may be the warned person again does the same violation at any other corner of the road. But this camera system has proper investigating team. This system keeps record of the driver and if the driver is caught again somewhere due to violation of traffic signal then he is charged heavily with fines. This means, that this system really works. Photographs taken by the red light camera are the basic evidence against the violating vehicle. Red light camera enforcement does not include just implementation of cameras at the intersection and collect fines from the driver of the violating vehicle. It has other purposes too, like education about driving rules and regulations and publicity of this system, adjudication, and levels of fines, different signage, and the number of equipped intersections. With the above purposes, this system is running in America. (McGee, 2003)
In the United States, Oxnard enforced cameras at its intersection. Then the result of this system was compared with other cities without camera system. An analysis was made, which showed that at signalized intersections the violation of red light is reduced by 7 and number of injury crashes by 29in Oxnard. Researchers also estimated that reduction in right-angle crashes were 32 and reduction in right-angle injuries were about 68 which showed highly effectiveness of red light camera system. But 3 rear end crashes increased against this reduction. (Griffith, 2005)
Chapter 3 Methodology and Findings
Research Design
The aim of this chapter is to explain the methodology that has been selected for performing this research work. We have also presented the findings of the study in this chapter. Basically, methodology is used for providing the users with the realization that how we can prove this research true in practical. Research methodology also proves the validity of our ways of collecting data and also of our result. Research methodology also has to discuss the elements like collection of data, type of data used, and tool used for analysis of data and population and so on. Research methodology can also be termed as the design of the research. The research design can be considered as a bond that holds all the elements of the research together. The first thing that the research design should observe is to find out whether the research question is worth for searching or not. Before start searching it should be confirmed that this question is a valid question and this issue should be raised or not. After validating the research question this field should be explored in depth in order to find out much about the topic over which you are working. Research design also includes the decision of choosing the right methodology over which the research has to take place. What equipments and components as well as resources would be available for us is also decided in the research design of the project. In this chapter we also have to focus over the established hypothesis for this study. For designing a research project it is necessary to find out the appropriate methods and techniques that are most suitable for our research question as there are many kinds of methodologies and ways by which the research project can be carried out but choosing the most appropriate one is the major task that takes place during the research design.
Research Methodology
As we know that for performing any research two methods are available namely quantitative research and qualitative research. Although two methodologies are available but thorough observation is required to choose one between these two methodologies. This is the crucial stage because choosing the right research methodology is the basic element for the success of any research project. For this research we have chosen the methodology of qualitative research. We found qualitative research to be the most appropriate research methodology for performing this dissertation. This research methodology has helped a lot in finding out the objectives and to solve the questions that came in mind during this dissertation. Basically, qualitative research refers to the method in which the primary aim is to understand the concept of the study. We have made in depth research in order to find the concepts and meanings of this dissertation. This huge amount of information has allowed us to find out and observe the current conditions and situations of the traffic crashes at the intersections in America. The in depth study has provided the answers of all the questions related to this research objective. By using the qualitative research methodology, we understood role of the Red Light Cameras in enhancing the level of safety and reducing the amount of intersection accidents. We can also observe from this research study that many countries of the world are now making use of this strategy in order to have a grip over the traffic at the intersections. America is also making use of number of these devices for improving the conditions. This dissertation has focused over finding out the level of effectiveness of installing these devices. The main purpose of performing this study is to find out whether the use of these devices should be continued in future or not This information in this dissertation will make it easier for the people to make a clear idea about the role of Red Light Cameras in improving the safety over the intersections.
Data Collection
For performing this dissertation a great deal of data has been collected. The data is collected because it is a qualitative research and it needs a lot of information regarding the topic so that the concepts can be developed. The data collection is performed in order to collect the information that can be used further for making decisions. It is recommended that data should be collected from the reliable sources so as to generate the valid result. When it comes to data collection then again we have many different techniques that can be used for collecting the information. The data collection methods that we have used during this dissertation are surveys, observation and the use of written descriptions. We have surveyed the online information that was available regarding the integration of women in shipping industry in order to find out that to what extent the Red Light Cameras have improved the situation of traffics at the intersections. The written descriptions have also played a great role in conducting this research. These written descriptions allow to get the concepts and meanings cleared and also to understand the scenario. The collected data that we have gathered for performing this research again has got two options i.e. primary data and secondary data. For this report we have used secondary data collection as it was the suitable one for this dissertation. For collecting this secondary data we have used many different sources.
Secondary Data
It has been mentioned above that this paper is based on the secondary data. A great deal of search has been performed for gathering the desired and relevant information. Secondary data is actually the data that has not been produced by us during the dissertation but it was generated earlier by some other writer or researcher but being used by us. The reason for using secondary data in this dissertation is that it was relevant and was providing us help in completing our tasks. Secondary data is available for anyone to use for research work and can exist in many different forms like books, journals, websites, and surveys and so on. The secondary data that we have used for this dissertation was previously used for some sort of analysis or observation. The literature has been given by observing the available secondary data and then developing our own analysis. For this dissertation secondary data is the best choice because primary data needs a lot of time as it is not necessary to generate primary data in short span of time. Secondary data provides us a great deal of information in a limited time. This helps in completing the dissertation in the given timeline. Many people consider that secondary data is not useful as none of the work is being done by own. But this concept is not a valid concept as secondary data is really useful in providing with the huge information. In this dissertation detailed information is gathered regarding the effectiveness of these devices in America. This was a broad topic and in this time period it was not possible to develop the primary data for this dissertation so secondary data was the most suitable data type.
More than 60 of the US, which contributes to around 35 states, is currently using the red light cameras. At an average there is around 5,000 to 6,000 red light cameras are operating in the United States. There are around 9 different companies that are operating those cameras in the United States. Nearly 200 communities in the US have red light cameras operating.
Red light cameras prove to be quite effective in law enforcement than conventional law enforcement methods. They provide safe and steady enforcement of law at an economical cost. Other than that they considerably reduce red light violations and crashes. The basic goal of Red Light Camera systems is to help reduce a very major issue of safety at urban and rural traffic circles it is a problem that an average has produced more than 100,000 crashes and nearly 1,000 deaths annually in the United States. Studies were made to study the effectiveness of red light cameras in United States and it was found that red light cameras could decrease right angle crashes and increase rear end collisions. Some of the facts that were related to the effectiveness of red light cameras in the United States are listed below
From 1994 to 2005, violations in red light in New York City decreased to around 73.
In Arnold Missouri accidents have decreased by 11 and at Rockport intersection that is located in front of a school the accidents have decreased by 50.
In Fairfax, Virginia, the red light violation cases were decreased by 40.
In Oxnard California, significant citywide crashes have reduced by 7 and injury crashes have reduced by 29, reduction in side crashes by 32.
In Baltimore, red light running accidents decreased by 30 in the first year after installations of red light cameras.
In Georgia, red light running accidents have decreased by 45 after installations of cameras. (Teille, 2007)
Another study was made across the United States and the goal of this study was to conduct a multi jurisdictional that represented different locations across the United States. The allover effect of all red light cameras sites was of main interest.
Table 1 represents the combined results of seven different areas there is a considerable reduction in right angle crashes where as an increase rear end crashes
Table 1. Combined results for seven jurisdictionsRight angle crashesRear End crashesTotal crashesDefinite injuryTotal crashesDefinite injuryEB estimate of crashes expected in
the after period without RLC15423512521131Count of crashes observed in the
after period11632962896163Estimate of percentage change
(standard error)- 24.6
(2.9)- 15.7
(11.6)Estimate of the change
in crash frequency-379-5537532
Table 2 indicates the significant changes that were viewed after the installation of red light cameras in those jurisdictions. The analysis indicated a modest run over effect on right angle crashes.
Table 2. Results for individual jurisdiction for total accidents.Jurisdiction NumberPercent Change in right angle crashes (standard error)Percent change in rear end crashes (standard error)1- 40.0 (5.4)21.3 (17.1)20.8 (9.0)(9.8)3-14.3 (12.5)15.1 (14.1)4-24.7 (8.7)19.7 (11.7)5-34.3 (7.6)38.1 (14.5)6-26.1 (4.7)12.7 (3.4)7-24.4 (11.2)7.0 (18.5)
The above findings clearly show the fact that Red Light Cameras have proven to be quite effective for the traffic control at the intersections in America. (Griffith, 2005)
Chapter 4 Discussion
Red light running is the most common violation of traffic rules. Majority of accidents and crashes are observed at the intersections due to red light running. In order to manage the issue of red light running many strategies have been developed and being used widely. In this paper we are going to discuss the effectiveness of one of these strategies known as Red Light Running. We have chosen to analyze the effectiveness of this device in America. In America, a huge difference is observed in the traffic issues after the installation of these devices. The following figure shows the reduction in the traffic rules violation at the intersections after the implementation of these devices.
Figure SEQ Figure ARABIC 1 Reduction in Violation
In figure 1, it is quite obvious that a huge difference is seen in the traffic behavior. The figure shows the reduction in traffic rules violation from the year 1994 till 2005. This reduction shows that in America these devices have proven to be quite effective.
This type of safety is being appreciated by the public, officials and also by the other authorities. The following letter is an example of appreciation which is written by the commissioner of Palm Beach County, Florida. The letter has strictly favored the installation of these cameras.
Palm Beach Post, Feb 3, 2010 Letters To The Editor
A letter-writer suggested that evidence from red-light cameras should be admissible in court, since a court would admit a surveillance video of a murder occurring in a store. The difference is that in the surveillance video scenario, much more evidence would be required.
At the very least, witnesses would need to testify that the person in the video is actually the defendant, and the defendant would be afforded an opportunity to cross-examine those witnesses as to their veracity and memory. The defendant is granted the presumption of innocence, and his guilt must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
In the case of red-light cameras, a person is presumed guilty and must actually prove his innocence. The burden of proof, in Juno Beach for example, is a simple preponderance of the evidence. Once the municipality has a picture in hand, the entire burden of proof then falls on the defendant. The red-light cameras get only a picture of the vehicle without identifying the driver. No proof is offered as to the drivers identity. There are no witnesses for the defendant to cross-examine regarding the drivers identity. The defendant does not get an opportunity to face his accuser, because his accuser is a photo.
The above letter clearly shows that if the populated and high density traffic area like Palm Beach County is in favor of installing these cameras then these should be installed everywhere. The cameras have proven to be quite effective and should be used for controlling the traffic issues.
Chapter 5 Conclusion
In this paper we have deeply examined the role of Red Light Cameras in the traffic control of America. In America, the red light running is very common issue and also many accidents take place in this red light running annually. Obviously a solution is required to control the number of traffic accidents and rules violations. Red Light Cameras have proven to be one of the best available solutions. All of the above findings results, that, in America red-light camera system is enforced in many major cities. This system benefits the reduction in red light running and increase safety for pedestrians and drivers. Red light runner not only violates rules but also makes their lives and other lives in danger as well. All of the illegal driving evidences are collected with the help of red light camera. But this system also has some of its drawbacks. This camera captures the photograph of the vehicle not of the driver. So, in this way sometimes other drivers become guilty in spite of the real one. But somehow, somewhere its effectiveness is much higher than its drawbacks. Law enforcement agencies are also generating revenues from this system. Fines, which are charged on the driver of violating vehicle, generate revenues for these agencies. Now, America is progressively worked on red light system to more reduce these accidents. They are spending so many amounts to equipped intersections with this effective system to increase safety of every single person walking or driving on the road. Although the red light camera system has proven itself to be a really costly one but on the other hand it is really effective to reduce road accidents and injuries that take place at the intersections. Now, the drivers try to control on the speeds of vehicle especially at intersection of traffic signal. Major cities in America are using red light camera system like, Atlanta, New Orleans, Denver, Baltimore, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, San Diego, Houston, Chicago, Albuquerque, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, DC, Phoenix and other local and smaller communities. This shows the success of this strategy in controlling the accidents and rules violations at the intersection. So, it is recommended that Red Light Cameras are quite effective in America and should be installed everywhere for safety.
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