Is it important for a leader to be ethical and moral
It is the job of the leader to establish certain goals for their organization. This is done in such manner that the goals of the organization are also in some way or the other is consistent with the principles, ethical and moral standards of the community in which the organization is operating. This helps to clearly define some image of the organizations ethical and moral standing among the employees and they then try to mould themselves and their activities as per the standards set for them.
Thus, when the responsibility of leadership comes to an individual then it also becomes that individuals duty to create, promote and foster a certain level of organizational integrity. The ethical and moral stances upheld by a leader in the organization lead to foundation of trust and credibility in organizational culture. These stances however need to be continuously being elucidated and reminded to those who are a part of the organizational culture. A leader should thus set standards for the employees about such organizational values of honesty, impartiality and equality by following those values themselves. The leaders should practice what they are preaching to their followers. If the leaders would not pay any conscious attention to making such efforts which highlight the moral and cultural organizational values then the employees also will not pay any heed to those values. (Hamm)
An ethical leader is not the one who just bears a good character. But in fact an ethical leader is one who is able to find out the best people for his organization and is consequently develops them into productive contributors. The ethical leader will understand his place in the organization as compared to other individuals. For him it is not about satisfying his personal ego but it is to achieve something bigger success of the organization. Furthermore, an ethical leader is that person who is able to engage more with employees in maintaining an integral organizational culture and is also able to push back those values practiced in the organization that have become obsolete or a source of displeasure for the organization success. (Stewart)
If a leader preaches to employees to arrive on work at time, spend time more productively and waste a minimal of organizational resources. But the leader themselves comes late to work, wastes a lot of their work time and also makes an improper use of the organizational resources. Then the employees would not follow the organizational moral and ethical values. For an employee usually does what their leader does they imitate the attitude and activities of their leaders in the organization. Thus, as leaders are trend setters it is important for a leader in an organization to be ethically and morally responsible.
People might argue that the ultimate responsibility of an organization is to maximize the profits being made. (Hamm) This particular goal however has little or no relation with any ethical or moral values. But the trick here is that to achieve this ultimate objective of profit making the means to be used by the organization must be ethically and morally correct. As by following these particular standards help create an image of be a socially and communally responsible organization. And the business is able to establish goodwill in the society and hence, this in the long run leads to further business success.
So for leaders to set the focus of the ethical values of the organization it is important that leaders themselves highlight and identify what are the main moral problems their organizations are facing. And then they should encourage their employees and followers to discuss the issues they consider are ethically important for the organization. Such communication would not only establish trust between the leader and the follower but also will help determine a committed and shared ethical vision.
However, the vision cannot be effective unless it is accurately communicated to everyone who is part of the organization. (Stewart) As this is done, then the leader must lead the ethical behavior by acting upon the standards and vision set at every moment of his work. This should be facilitated by rewarding followers who give importance to organizations ethical values and punishing those who violate it. It would enable to establish and foster a culture of good ethical behavior in the organization.
However, standards of personal morality are of less important for leaders be it political or business. We can here look at the case of former United States president Bill Clinton. Clintons sex scandal had been a rage for the media and the tabloids. However, people did not approve of such misconduct but there was rarely anyone but a few harsh critics who pointed their fingers on how Clinton ran the country. Everyone accepted that the man had highest ethical standards when it came to his work.
And it was hence, under his leadership that the United States economy had seen an economic boom and inflation, unemployment and other macroeconomic indicators were showing positive results. And Clintons popularity among the population can be judged by the fact that in a Gall Up survey of best presidents of all time in United States history. Bill Clinton secured second place people hence remembered him for this professional morality and hence, for a leader personal morality is not of greater importance.
This was the case for political leaders. Now if we have a look at the standards of personal morality of that of business leaders. (Hamm) Then we realize that their personal morality and life is like completely unimportant for their organization. Unless the personal life of the business leaders involves some active participation in organizational affairs their personal life is a private affair and has no consequences on the community. And rarely, does it ever happen that due to some inappropriate display of ethical or moral standards in the personal life has become a consequence for a leaders failure in the business world.
Also one should keep it in mind that leaders in fact are humans. And that it is impossible for any leader to achieve and retain the highest possible standards of morality and ethics for ever. Leaders like any other individual are capable of making mistakes so one should give them that space and chances. Another important matter of concern is that if a leader emphasizes more on morality and integrity then it is possible that other important qualities of a leader like effective communication, extensive knowledge and ability to bring a change might deteriorate. (Quinn) This can subsequently, may cause the leader to become ineffective for their organizations. Hence, morality and that too communal morality and ethics are important for leaders but these standards are not the end of the world for them and so must not overshadow other important characteristics of leaders.
But an ethically and morally responsible leader is able to bring a lot of added advantages to the organization. Not only there is an enhanced image of organization in the public. But it also stimulates the confidence of investors and hence, more opportunities of growth for the organization may be discovered. Furthermore, such leadership results in high employee morale, less absenteeism, lower turnover and less employee dissatisfaction which consequently decreases any lawsuits or penalties being faced by an organization. And last but most importantly, such leaders are able to create market leadership for their organization by being more responsive to customer needs and hence, bringing more business for the organizations.
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