The Concept of Public Administration
The concept of Inter-Governmental relation (IGR) in Public Administration
In the most contemporary sense, the pillars of public administration have gotten some theoretical response to the institutionalism of the government. These theoretical paradigms converge on the most endearing arena in public administration. Research shows that an Inter-governmental relation (IGR) is a new concept that has contributed largely to the process of displacement and the resultant need to collaborate and manage the governmental policy structures (American Public Association, 2006). Vocino (2001) define IGR as the numerous combinations of interdependency and influences among public administrators in all types of governmental units.
IGR lay much emphasis on the political, financial and policy issues. It therefore understood by many public administrators as rooted in political science but the dynamics of federal development and the emphasis that is placed on fiscal policies and the administrative actions that are influenced by IGR well outside one discipline. Considerably, IGR is a routine function for all working within the administrative state on the government.
In addition, Good (2003) points out that in the outside the field of policy implementation, the study of IGR has been dominated by those public administrators who emphasis on counting the manholes of federal state and local connection. The IGR strategies are understood in public administration as the legislation of the state because it mandates and monitor the fiscal transfer. This premise definitely portend many reasons as to why the IGR is lacking n solid governmance.IGR has led to the federal action to be misconstrued with federal dominance. Ideally, this leaves the more generalized and easily available information to analyze and the resulting effect lies in the need to centralize the administration of government agencies as well as department.
Ecology and Public Administration
The knowledge of the general environment does impact on public administration. Accordingly, Gaus argues that a bright hope in applied social science through an ecological approach facilities a concise approach to administration. Gaus believed that new and renewed institutional pattern could be devised for individuals living in an age of change. Knowledge of the environment, in the light of Gaus, is a powerful instrument that public administrators can use to comprehend, modulate and direct the forceful shocks of changes in the contemporary life (Vocino, 2001).
Bowman and Rabin (1984) outline that in almost sixty years that have been passed since Gaus studied ecology in the realism of public administration, his concept is still critical among public administrators and many of them apply the environmental approach especially as regards newer areas of comparative and developmental public administration.
Practice of Balance between Resources, Politics and Program
The management of resources, politics and programs among public administrators should be guided by the legislative changes that affect how public managers collect, evaluate and distribute their resources. For instance, political alignment should not be a priority to public administrators but the theoretical underpinning of information gathering and execution of responsibilities holds that the use of professional sophistication serves as an important myth in promoting greater delivery of services among public administration (Institute of Public Administration, 2009).
With regard to this, legitimacy and confidence is realized in the governments department thus providing good services. Being cognizant of this approaches, public administrators should use the policies in their various departments, look at the objectives they should attain and avoid the dark path of control, loss of freedom and thus balance the management of resources, politics and programs.
Role in Value and Ethics in Decision Making Process
The concept of decision making process within public administration should imperatively and fundamentally rest on the ground of value. Pittman (2009) argues that values of mankind and the secularization of ethics strongly influence public administration even if it works outside the linkage of spiritual wisdom. The underlying idea therefore is public value.
Research in public administration holds that public administrative dichotomy is built on the premise of logical positivism based on Value (Good, 2003). Accordingly, the practice of public administration acknowledges that values play an integral role thereby public administrators should dismiss the value-free neutrality approach. It is essentially an imperative factor that during the process of decision making. Right from hiring employee, managing resources to making policies, public administrators should narrow their choices to value and use the full range of the available human inquiry that ranges from scripture within the realms of all religious orientations such as Christians, Hindus, Jews and Islam.
Conflict of Interest
Conflicts of interest are considered to be major risks across all sectors of government. According to Bowman and Rabin (1984), a conflict of interest results when the private interests of public service employee interfere with the official duties. Conflict of interest should not be misconstrued as any form of misconduct but it can be easy for employees to place their own personal interest before the interest of the public.
A succinct example is where a teacher in the government during his tenure does operate a private school. Pittman (2009) notes that where a conflict of interest exists, it should be dealt with in transparent and accountable way. To manage their issue, it is important that the organizations of public sector enact a conflict of interest policy and sensitize public administrators to be fully aware of their obligations.
Discretion in Public Fund Expenditure
Primarily, public administrators should exercise their own discretion over funds they spend but however, this must be done within the realms of transparency and accountability. With regard to this, senior executives in the public sector will set qualities specific to public administration and thus ensure a high level of performance among public administrators. In having discretion over the funds they spend, the public administrators will play a prominent role in building relationship among managers and finance officers as well as develop a concise mindset on transparency in paying attention on the projects. This will in particular impact on the implementation of the project (Vocino, 2001).
The Role of Agent of Change
The role of change agent is the human dimension of a project work. Good (2003) argues that it therefore becomes important to institutions builds and develops human capacity involved in the project implementation. As a result, technical corporation helps the personnel in public administration in the sole objective of implementing the project in all government sectors.
The whole concept of public administration in the contemporary society resides on the theoretical basis that guides how public administrators should execute their duties. From the forgoing discussion, it is evident that public administrators benefit from IGR and borrows widely from Gaus concept of environment in relation to public administration. As such, public administrators base their decision making process on value and thus they rationalize the precinct in which they should avoid he conflict of interest
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