Keywords Cultural Differences, Cross-cultural communication, Project Performance, Cross-cultural project management
In the world of international business, people are all assumed to be different with one another. In the international business community different cultures and perspectives are available which provides the assumption that conflicts shall arise. In this paper, the researcher is providing the individualism-collectivism to explain and address the needs of the people in the given case. Hence, this paper shall be give recommendations and analysis of the cross cultural communication of different people from the countries of Switzerland, Germany and Italy in one scenario.
Die Sprache ist aber durchaus kein bloes Verstndigungsmittel, sondern der Abdruck des Geistes und der Weltansicht des Redenden (...).5
- (Humbold, 1903, p.22)
Globality - competing with everyone from everywhere for everything (Sirkin, Hemerling, Bhattacharya, 2008), the fully integrated philosophy of doing business in a global village, means that multi-national corporations are not only sourcing and selling goods and services across the globe under total competition but also allocating their dispersing of multi-disciplined competences and talents around the world. Particularly in engineering and technological based industries, like construction, telecommunication, IT, transportation, power and automation, this has a significant impact of the way projects are managed. The realization of larger, more complex and people-intensive projects can hardly be carried out by local teams alone. Instead the formation of internally dispersed project teams across organizations and nations is indicated as are consequence.
The first factor that distinguishes complete local teams from cross-national dispersed ones is the geographical distance. This means that the direct personal contact tends be limited to occasional physical encounters or relies utterly on IT-supported communication. The second point by how international teams differ from their local counterparts is the difference in culture. Culture in the world of business can be patterned into three categories National, organizational and professional culture (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 1997). While the geographical distance obviously constitutes a challenge for a dispersed team, the various cultural backgrounds with their different views to problems can encourage creativity of thinking and signifies a broader range of knowledge, skills and experiences. This enables the team to solve problems better and faster resulting in potential competitive advantage (Gordon, 1999 Van Lieshout and Steurenthaler, 2006). In contrast cross-cultural differences can also create a potential for conflicts due to diverse values, patterns of thinking, communication and behavior. These problems of communication and culture might outweigh the advantages of the cross-cultural team and can be the root cause for a lower project team performance.
Cultural differences of nations have been researched widely since the middle of the last twentieth century (e.g. from Hall, Hofstede, Trompenaars, Hampden-Turner) and their findings have been applied in various cross-cultural management theories. Culture and communication are regarded as adjunctive and inseparable main elements in cross-cultural relationships. Culture can be considered as the core element that determines ones values and thought-patterns, while communication acts like its agent to transmit the idea and message (Maugain, 2003 Hofstede 2005). Therefore the term cross-cultural communication can be regarded as the major key in overcoming differences in culture and communication of interacting people from different nations. Project management has been established as various-function-integrative management role for managing the projects constraints of scope, costs, time and quality. By globally dispersed project teams the kills of effective cross-cultural communication in international project management has become of significant importance (Harris, Kumra, 2000).
The practical issue
The influence of globalization on the way projects are organized could be experienced in two practical cases in my company, specifically in the operation of the intralogistics industry. The company is responsible for the automation competence in the European region, which is spread over three sites in Germany, Italy and Switzerland. The headquarters is located in Switzerland. In the past, each site operated autonomously and had the abilities and competences to execute projects under their own control and responsibility. The arrival of two other huge projects in terms of scope and complexity within the last two years, draw the necessity of building cross-national teams to master the requirement of the project schedule. In project A with a German customer, the automation engineering project team was made up by engineers from Switzerland and Germany, both German speaking, though the Swiss speak Swiss-German dialect. The project B with a Norwegian customer, the automation engineering project group was built by engineers located in Germany and Italy, with both project using English as the team language. Both dispersed project teams were managed by project managers and local coordinators, although at alternative organizational levels. Although all team members in both cross-national teams were working hard and made a good job to master the projects scope, the outcome of the project in terms of the measurable constraints of schedule and budget was less successful. An overspent of tremendous hours in engineering and the project management effort could not be addressed due to changes in the project scope or other objective matters. Instead, the distance that inhibited effective communication as well as conflicts, could be mainly attributed to the cultural differences in the teams, and have also been regarded as the root cause during lessons learnt sessions. Moreover, the involvement of the line management with the intention to solve conflicts might have led to additional uncertainty within the team members. Therefore, it resulted in lower motivation and consequently in less efficiency. Since worldwide competition is tough the project budget can not be increased in further projects. Therefore, the performance of cross-national teams is supposed to be increased by means of a productive cross-cultural project management approach.
Purpose of this work
The purpose of this paper is to analyze this practical problem under the aspect of cross-cultural communication, since this constitutes the main determinant of intercultural interactions and is supposed to be also a key factor on team performance.
A literature review is provided to identify and analyze the relevant terms of the current theoretical knowledge. The findings will be summarized and a common framework is created out of it. The theoretical findings and the practical case will be compared and analyzed, followed by a conclusion which suggests the answers to the research questions. Finally, recommendations for the practical case will also be derived from the research findings.
Research Question
The purpose of this paper is clarifying the questions related to cross-national dispersed project teams
Are there correlations between differences of cross-cultural communication styles and the performance in internationally dispersed project teams in Germany, Italy and Switzerland
What patterns or models of cross-cultural communication can be applied to raise the team performance (in general and specific for Germany, Italy, Switzerland)
What skills and competencies does those patterns or models imply for the team members and the project manager
How can those skills and competencies be obtained
The primary goal of this study is to explore and investigate cross-national dispersed project teams by means of answering the research questions of this study. In this research, there are four specific questions that address the different areas which are related to cross-national dispersed project teams. Cross-cultural communication styles and its corresponding patterns or models will be given importance in the study as well as its corresponding effects to the skills and competencies of the members of the project teams.
This is a scientific research that uses a practical case in order to exemplify the problem of the research study. The practical case involves a company that is responsible for the automation competence in the European Region. The specific name of the company is not stated in this research in order to protect the interest of the organization through confidentiality. The company used to operate autonomously but it established cross-national teams in order to deal with the demands of the two huge projects of the organization. In line with this, the main focus of the study is with the cross-national dispersed teams, specifically project A with a German customer and project B with a Norwegian customer. Any other cross-national dispersed projects that had been or will be created in the organization are not part of the research study. In addition, any project of the organization that does not involve the two specified projects, especially those that do not involve cross-national dispersed project teams because they are done autonomously are not included in the research.
The research only involves studying the problems that emerged out of the cultural differences of the members in the cross-national dispersed project teams. Since there are numerous issues that could be brought about by the cultural differences of the people in the project teams, the researcher narrows down the study by only investigating the effects of cultural differences in the communication among members of the team as well as other important people in the organization, who are also involved in the operations of the projects. In relation to this, the communication among the members of the cross-national dispersed project teams is studied in order to see whether it has any relation and effects to the performance of the project teams. As a result, the skills and competencies of the team members are also be given due attention and importance in line with its relation to the communication of these people in the culturally diverse teams.
In line with the methodology of the study, the research that is conducted only uses secondary resources in order to gather the necessary data for the study. The researcher only makes use of previous studies, journals, books, and other secondary references, which are the main means in answering the research questions of the study. Due to this, there is no empirical research that is done in this investigation of the cross-nationally dispersed project teams. Being the case, the researcher only implements the document analysis as the method in this study, which relies on the critical analysis of various types of documents.
Furthermore, due to the fact that the research does not involve any empirical study, the answers to the research questions are solely based upon the analysis of related studies and other documents that the researcher has gathered. The relevant and credible data that are obtained from the research are used in assessing and analyzing the practical case of the specific company that is studied by the researcher. The gathered data is only used in relation to the specific case and it does not include other possible problems that arise in a different scenario or organization. Nevertheless, the results of the research takes into consideration the universality concept of a research, which is why the researcher gives corresponding recommendations that shows the relevance of the findings of the study with other companies or organizations.
The current research which deals with cross-national dispersed project teams in relation to the way cultural differences affects the communication, skills, and competencies of its members is studied in this research. In the process of gathering and analyzing the necessary data for this research, the methodology of this study uses the qualitative type of research. More specifically, it applies the document analysis method that is regarded as part of the qualitative type of research. The researcher uses the aforementioned methodology in collecting the data for the study because the research does not employ empirical research. Being the case, the qualitative type of research and the document analysis method is the most appropriate methodology for this research study.
Qualitative Research
Qualitative research is recognized as one of the soundest ways in order to understand the complexities of social science. This type of research is usually associated with the field of social sciences because it enables the study of data that could not be quantified into numbers such as experiences, opinions, perspectives, and other similar elements. In relation to this, qualitative research gives due emphasis in the everyday life of individuals, especially the social interactions that they have together with the corresponding meanings of these social interactions. A researcher could better understand the social interactions among individuals through the use of the qualitative type of research (Marshall Rossman, 2006).
One of the main advantages of the qualitative type of research is its important characteristic of having a naturalistic approach. The naturalistic approach entails the use of different methods that provide essential attention to the humanity of the participants in a research study. In relation to this, qualitative research is also fundamentally interpretative in a sense that it enables the researcher to have an easy time in explaining the possible reasons to the occurrence of a phenomenon. In this sense, the qualitative type of research explores the natural settings of where a phenomenon rather than analyzing it in a controlled setting like laboratory studies. As a result, qualitative research provides a broad approach to the study of social situations and interactions (Marshall Rossman, 2006). Furthermore, the pivotal role of qualitative research in the field of social science is further elaborated by Bozinovski when he said, qualitative research seeks to understand the multifaceted and complex nature of human experience from the perspective of the subjects (Bozinovski, 1998, p. 67).
Qualitative research is the most appropriate and feasible type of research that is used in studying the cross-national dispersed project teams. Since the main area of emphasis in this research is the way by which cultural diversity affects the efficient communication among members of the team and other important people in the organization, qualitative type of research should be used because cultural differences and communications styles cannot easily be quantified. In addition to this, communication patterns or models and its corresponding effects to the skills and competencies of the team members and also to the results of the project as a whole can be better understand through a qualitative research approach as compared with a quantitative type of research. Communication among the members of the team and other personnel in the organizations is regarded as a means of social interaction, which is an important area that qualitative research gives importance to. Moreover, the effects of the communication styles to the skills and competencies of the team members can also be better assess through the qualitative approach. Being the case, qualitative research indeed has its valid justifications that make it an appropriate type of research to be used in this study.
Document Analysis
Document analysis is the specific method that is used in this research because the process of data collection involves gathering various kinds of documents, which are important in answering the research questions for this study. The critical analysis of the gathered documents has an important role in the research, as a valuable element in the collection and interpretation of data.
Document analysis is recognized as a type of qualitative research, which aims to establish relevant categories among different documents (Altheide, 1996). As a method, document analysis is used in studying different kinds of documents, which allows the delineation of the messages and facts that are stressed in policy papers, research studies, newspapers, reports, and other documents. Document analysis is composed of several parts, which are searching and obtaining access to the needed documents, gathering the necessary data from documents, managing and organizing the data, and analyzing the data. In addition, document analysis also has five stages, which are essential in the critical assessment of the documents. The five stages of document analysis include (1) documents, (2) protocol development and data collection, (3) data coding and organization, (4) data analysis, and (5) report (Altheide, 1996, p. 23).
Document analysis is a method of analyzing and examining data by means of assessing the relevance of specific documents with the issue that is being investigated through the analysis of the way the documents represent reality and contributes to social management. In line with this, the way and the kind of contribution that a certain document gives to the subject matter being studied is also part of the analysis. Document analysis provides the researcher with the opportunity to determine the relation of various statements and information within a document. In the same manner, document analysis also enables the researcher to establish a connection among different documents wherein it substantially helps in further exploring and understanding the subject being studied. The identification of the relation or linkages among documents also includes giving due importance to the social actors involved in these documents as well as their corresponding practices. In addition, document analysis also critical analyze the meanings and messages within documents by means of also assessing the messages that are not explicitly stated in the documents or simply put reading between the lines. Furthermore, the credibility and validity of the documents and its corresponding message and information are also given utmost importance in a document analysis because the data that will be obtained from it will only be useful in the research if its validity is proven (Humphries, 2000).
The descriptions and characteristics of document analysis as a method of gathering and assessing data is most appropriate and feasible in the research of cross-national dispersed project teams. In connection to this, the limitations of the study that includes the lack of empirical research allows the researcher to still answer the research questions by means of using secondary resources. Collecting and analyzing secondary resources can be properly done by means of using the document analysis method. The way of collecting the necessary data for this research involves the reliance on secondary sources such as books, journals, previous studies, and other documents. Being the case, the research questions for this study is addressed through secondary sources, which is assessed through the use of document analysis in order to see its relevance and contribution to the topic that is being investigated in this research.
Literature Review
In the course of the study, it is important that the literature review would be provided in order to clarify and well acknowledge the aspects that are needed to be addressed in the research questions. Thus, this section of the literature review would address the concerns with regards to cultural communication in different countries such as Italy, Switzerland and Germany. Moreover, the literature review further emphasizes different countries through their cultural background and norms in order to view the concept of cross cultural communication.
In Switzerland culture is one of the most difficult aspects of the society. Due to the high regard to regionalism, Switzerland makes it very difficult for its people and foreigners to distinguish the main culture of the state. Furthermore, in the eastern mountains of Switzerland, there is a strong influence of the Rhaeto-Romanic Culture. Hence, although Switzerland is a strong nation and capabilities, its culture is very scattered in a sense that regionalism prevents oneness of Switzerland. (Simonis, Johnstone Williams, 2006)
Germany is a rich country. In the past, the culture of Germany had already been established by even before the rise of the current nation state of Germany. In the beginning of the enlightenment and the rise of philosophy, many great thinkers had risen from the country. Therefore, Germany is culturally aligned through the historical background which had been provided by different theorist in the past. In addition to this, Germany is very rich in arts which relates to the personal perspective and expression of different individuals. (Schulte-Peevers, 2007)
Similar to Germany, Italy also has a rich culture which every one in the world appreciates. For many years, Italy had made changes within the international community. Furthermore, Italy had been largely known based on its culture, philosophy, literature, music, cinema, fashion culture, cuisine, opera, archeology and the likes. In addition to this, the society of Italy is one of the most diverse given that different foreign individuals are able to work in the country. Thus, the social culture of Italy is flowing from different types of influences may it be from its historical context as well as the current influences available. (Simonis, 2004)
Cross Cultural Communication Theory
Based on the written work of Carmen Lee and William Gudykunst (2003), there are variety of ways in which culture could be incorporated with communication theories. Culture could be seen as a part of the process of communication in the theoretical point of view. Also, communication could also be linked in to the creation of another form or culture. Furthermore, theories which had been made are all incorporated with one culture and later on generalize to other forms of cultures. Otherwise, culture could also be seen as a boundary condition for other proposed theories. Moreover, communication is responsible in explaining the communication process between different cultures. Hence, different theories do explain the process of communicationwhich varies in different cultures.
The view point of individualism and collectivism lies largely on the major measurement of the concept of cultural variability which is utilized to explain the various similarities with different cultures. Moreover, the individualism-collectivism is proven to be existing in the level of culture as well as in the individual level. Thus, both levels shall be discussed.
Cultural Level (Individualism-Collectivism)
Individuals are much easier to attain. In addition to this, the emphasis of these types of goals is much faster and accessible compared to the goals of groups. On the other hand, a groups goal is much difficult to be attained. In order for a groups goal to be realized some of the individual desires and values must be compromised. Hence, sacrifices are needed to be made in order to address the needs of the group. As stated, people are supposed to look after themselves and their immediate family only while the collective perspective stated often views such, people belong to ingroups or collectivities which are supposed to look after them in exchange for loyalty (Gudynkunst, 2003).
In the discussion provided by the authors, the concept of importance of ingroups had been discussed. Therefore, there is an argument that the importance of the concept of ingroups is one of the major factors that distinguish the difference of collectivism and individualism.
In the individualistic perspective, it is already assumed that people have various ingroups families, religion, social clubs and the likes. All these ingroups do influence other people such that of their decision and actions. Although this is the case, the many ingroups which is present in the lives of individuals also creates limitation upon the individual. Due to the different ingroups the individual stays true to themselves. On the other hand, collective groups have much probability in attaining much influence with other people or other groups due to the low number of ingroups. In other situations, it is noted that individualistic perspective utilizes a much universal point of view. Thus, these types of individuals only apply the same values with everyone while the collective group is usually particular in addressing different individuals. (Gudynkunst, 2003)
Furthermore, the individualism-collectivism perspectives provide the perfect background of what types of actions is done by different individuals depending on situations. Therefore, upon seeing individualism-collectivism perspective the application on the current research question must be provided in order to attain the answers to the research questions provided.
Figure 1. Individualism-Collectivism
Correlations Between Different of Cross-Cultural Communication
Cross Cultural relationship is very important in the case provided in this study. Given that Italy, Switzerland, and Germany are very different states with different culture and language, it is also significant to pay attention with the differences which are able to enhance the performance of different entities present in the situation.
In the provided situation, there are three various entities of culture such as Italy, Switzerland and Germany. In such cases, there is an immediate difference which is seen with the different societies involved. Given the situation that every individual is doing the best work they could possibly accomplish, it is only proper to note that the concept of work is all the same with all the entities involved. Although they are all of different cultures and languages, they still strive to attain the best possible customer relationship and end product of every project. Provided this case, it is also notable to include that the concept of culture is a very significant matter which should address the issues regarding productivity.
Upon reading the scenario, the projects could have been more successful if the communication process which had been utilized is much faster and easily to relay. In accordance to the first project, the client was Germany and had Germany-Swiss speaking engineers to handle the issues. Given that both the client and the representatives of the company have the same language it is very obvious that the process of communication is much faster and understandable. Through the factors provided by the individualism-collectivism it is mentioned that the ability of a person to understand one another is through the individual perspective that they have. Through the beliefs that they have gained through time by, these individuals are already well known to different kinds of factors relating to the socializing with people. More importantly, through the individualism-collectivism perspective any individual that socializes with different people relates to them in a much generalist point of view. Therefore, individuals provide a much general relations with other people.
On the other hand, different people with the perspective of collectivism provide a much detailed relationship with other people. Due to the lessened number of the ingroups, the concept of application of socializing is much more realized. Furthermore, collectivism is much related to how groups are able to interact with other groups. Given that project B had made a much difficult work relations with its clients due to communication barriers. It is already assumed that people will have conflicts due to the differences that they have. Although English was the general language utilized, it is important to take note that application of words often comes from the cultural background of the person or the group. Reflecting that words, actions and decisions come from the experience of a person as well as his or her cultural norm translation of words does not perfectly fit a general language. Moreover, understanding could only come from a sameness of culture or a great understanding of the individual.
In order to address the issues, it is significant for the group needs to incorporate a team member which is able to relate to the client. Provided that there are able employees possible to interact with clients, the company must be able to provide for the needs of the clients based on a cultural perspective. Therefore, the company together with its employees must be able to address the needs of their clients. The willingness of the company to invest in providing customer satisfaction is direly needed to increase the performance of the company and its members (Mulholland, 1991).
The skills which are needed in these types of situations are understanding and ability to be flexible with different clients. Provided that that different people are present in such industry the flexibility of people are significant the progress of each transaction and process. It must be noted that in order for different individuals to relate with each other is to highlight the specific differences which clients and the company has. Given that language is one of the barriers, the company must hire different employees with variety of skills more importantly the ability to speak different languages. Moreover, the company must also provide lessons for their team members to enhance their skills in language and cross-cultural understanding. Seminars relating to cultural understanding and process of communication with other people would be of great help for the companys performance and customer satisfaction. It must be understood changes in the business industry is very important. As mentioned by Thomas Friedman (2008) that the current era does not only requires the skills which are taught in school. There must also be learning of the basic knowledge such as different languages. It is not enough that people are used to utilizing their own native tongue. People must be knowledgeable in other languages which are often used in the world. Furthermore, the company together with their team members must acknowledge that changes in the business industry is moving fast. Hence, the company must be flexible in various requirements of clients to create a much progressive business.
The practical case that this research is studying involves the problems that a company, which specializes in automation competence, is experiencing. Previously, the company worked autonomously despite the fact that its operations are spread in three different countries namely Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. The site of the company in each of these countries has people that are responsible in controlling and managing the respective projects that they have. However, the operations of the organization started to change when the company has to deal with two huge projects, which have challenging scope and complexity. As a result, the company needs to build cross-national teams in order to address the requirements of the projects within the specified deadlines. Two cross-national dispersed teams were created. The first team is responsible for project A, which has to cater to the needs and specifications of a German customer. The automation engineering team for project A is from Germany and Switzerland and speaks German although the Swiss speaks Swiss-German dialect. On the other hand, team B has to provide services for a Norwegian customer. The automation engineering team for project B came from Germany and Italy and speaks English. However, the outcome of the projects is not successful, especially in terms of the measurable constraints of schedule and budget. Cultural differences is recognized as the root cause of the problem that adversely affected the efficient communication of the members of the team and other people in the organization as well as create conflicts in the teams. Moreover, the involvement of the line management further worsens the situation because it resulted to more uncertainty among the team members. As a result, lower motivation and less efficiency have been observable among the members of the teams.
Problem Assessment
In order to better understand the issues in the company, it is essential that every situation is carefully assessed to see the reasons behind the emergence of the organizations problems. Initially, the company was used to operating autonomously in its respective sites in three different countries. Due to this, the organization was not used to having projects that are done by cross-national project teams. As such, it can be said that the organization lacks the necessary preparedness in conducting projects through cross-national dispersed teams, which is why dealing with the two huge projects that requires outsourcing the operations of the organizations is rather difficult for the company.
The decision of the management of the company in the establishment of the cross-national dispersed project teams is also not properly organized and also shows the lack of efficient knowledge of the company when it comes to cultural factors in the creation of the team with culturally diverse members. In project A, the customer of the company has a German nationality while the engineers of the team are composed of people with German and Swiss background. The company made a right decision in including German engineers in the team in order to better communicate with the customer. However, it failed to realize that the Swiss engineers could feel marginalized as they might not have the same role and importance with the German engineers, especially in establishing a relationship with the client. In relation to this, it is important to point out that the culture of the Swiss is usually characterized by their strong sense of regionalism. Due to this, Swiss have a strong attachment with the culture of their regions, which makes it difficult for Switzerland to establish cohesion in the country (___).
Being the case, it is even more difficult for the Swiss to relate with foreigners. In the same manner, the Germans also have a history of exhibiting superiority complex, which became most observable during the time of Hitler. Nevertheless, Germans have already changed a lot from those times but it cannot be prevented that they might still have a tendency of being hesitant in interacting with other nationalities, which further creates difficulties in the communication of the team. Moreover, despite the fact that all engineers can talk in German, the Swiss still have their accent which can also be a barrier in effective communication.
In the case of project B, the customer of the company is Norwegian. The engineers of the team came from Germany and Italy, which uses the English language as their primary medium of communication. In this situation, the members of the team have to make an extra effort in establishing good lines of communication with the client because of the differences of their culture. The German and Italian engineers have to make the extra effort in efficiently communicating with the client. In addition to this, the members also have to deal with the cultural differences among each other. The important cultural considerations in this situation are the norms and attitude of the Italians and the Germans. Most Italians are used to interacting with people from different nationalities because there are many foreigners that are working in their country. However, the Germans might not be as comfortable in interacting with people that have a different culture as compared to them.
The cultural differences that exist among the members of the project teams are regarded as the main reasons for the inefficient communication among the members as well as the unsuccessful outcomes of the projects. Unfortunately, matters even worsen because the involvement of the line management, which has the purpose of addressing the conflicts in the project teams, was not able to effectively resolve the problems. The team members were not comfortable with the idea that the line management will meddle with their affairs. In this scenario, despite the good intentions of the line management, it did not yield good results because to start with the members of the team are already having conflicts because of the cultural differences that they have. Involving other people in the conflict did not sit well with the teams because they perceived the line management as another group of people that they have to deal with.
The inefficient lines of communication among the members of the cross-national dispersed teams are brought about by the cultural differences of the people involved in the projects. The team members fail to work toward the achievement of a cohesive goal because they are having difficulties in establishing a common ground, which they could work for together. Despite the fact that each member is working hard in accomplishing their task in the team projects, their efforts became futile because they are not working towards a cohesive objective. As a result, the outcome was not successful.
Addressing the Problem
The main problem of the lack of efficient forms of communication in the project teams can be attributed to the individual cultural differences of the team members. In line with this, it is important to point out that there is a difference between individual culture and organizational culture. In individual culture, people are mostly affected by ingroups, which are the family, religion, social groups, and other similar affiliations. These ingroups have a large effect in the decisions and actions of an individual as well as the goal that he or she wants to attain. Due to the fact that there are various ingroups that affect an individual, it is inevitable that influences of every individual can be different and even conflict with other people. However, in the case of organizational culture, there is only a limited number of ingroups that affects the goals and operations of the organization. In addition to this, an organization establishes a coherent goal, which the employees and other stakeholders of the company will follow and work for its attainment.
In the case of the conflicts that are observable with the company, specifically with its cross-national dispersed project teams, the theory of individualism-collectivism greatly exemplifies the necessary concept that can understand and address the problems in the organization. The root cause of the conflicts and inefficient communication in the project teams is the individual cultural differences of the members of the teams, which are largely influence by the ingroups by its respective members. In order to address this problem, it is necessary for the management of the organization to make its members focus more on the organizational culture of the company rather than their individual cultural differences.
The individual cultural differences among the members of the team are something that cannot be prevented because they have different nationalities. Nevertheless, these cultural differences can still be addressed by properly managing the people and allowing them to see the importance of organizational goals and culture. In organizational culture, the concept of collectivism is greatly emphasized wherein despite individual differences, people still have to work together in order to achieve a common goal that is beneficial not only for the company but also to its employees and stakeholders. The individual differences in a collectivist perspective is not really taken for granted but rather it is use in a positive manner wherein the cultural diversity of the people is used in a creative sense in order to create more ideas and ways, which can help in the attainment of the organizational objective.
By establishing a common goal among the members of the teams, a common language is established in a sense that despite the differences in their cultural norms they could still effectively communicate with each other because they have the same objective in mind. Nevertheless, having the same objective is not enough because conflict might still arise due to various ways that the members of the teams will do in order to achieve it. As such, it is important for the management of the organization to conduct the necessary meetings, seminars, conference, and other similar activities that will enhance the communication of the employees. In line with this, the aforementioned activities can also substantially help in providing the opportunity for employees of the company with different cultures to understand each other and to be able to accept each others differences. In doing so, members of the project teams can effectively work together and also collaborate their efforts in the successful outcome of the projects. Furthermore, the skills and competencies of the members of the teams can be further develop because working in an environment wherein people can easily and effectively communicate with each other allows people to further excel in their respective field of profession.
In a business industry, people must learn that individuals should realize that the world is already globalized and is continuously globalizing. Therefore changes are constantly present and could not be hindered. In the situation provided in the earlier part of the paper, it could be noted that changes is definitely one of the challenges that is present. Moreover, the barrier of cross-cultural communication with team members and clients plays a big role in providing progress to the company. Given that the company is expanding to a larger market more difficulties will come at hand.
In order to address all the issues concerning such difficulties, it is proposed that individualism-collectivism must be used in order to properly answer the problem. Through the better understanding and assumptions of the actions of individuals and groups, people are able to be attaining a better relationship. Through understanding and skills which is present with the members of the team, the company shall be able to adapt with different clients and situations. Through individualism-collectivism perspective the team performance would be of much positive outcome. Hence, this will bring change and progressive outlook for the company.
The patterns if well applied shall bring change to the team members and project managers. Although those changes would be difficult for them all to comply, there would be different types of aspects which will make their negotiations with clients faster and easier. Therefore, this implies that the company should also be supportive with the members of the company. Furthermore after complying and applying the various aspects of individualism-collectivism, there would be progress in the company.
In order to attain different skills, the company must support the whole company. Changes are not an easy task yet it must be done. There must be special seminars and guides to promote cultural understanding together with the different kinds of skills such as language. Therefore, long trainings and close supervision must be done to comply with the possible changes in the company.
In this study, only one theory had been utilized in providing a logical explanation. Therefore, the researcher recommends that other forms of theories must be utilized in order to explain and address the situation at hand. There are other forms of theory which addresses the needs of the people. As mentioned in the earlier part of the paper, each theory of communication is highly dependent on one culture.
Also, the researcher recommends that other forms of studies must be used in the subject of globalization in the international business. A study which focuses on international business and communication is deeply needed in the globalizing world. There must be other forms of suggestions pertaining to how the changes in the business world must be addressed as well as the strategies which will be best applicable in the European context.
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