The Century of Revolution

The pen is mightier than the sword. This famous line captures the importance of literature as a movement that could change and develop frames of mind and influence the action of the people. Even way back in history, the importance of different wrttings has played an important role in order for people to express their opinions, perspectives, feelings, and sentiments about different phenomena and issues in the society. On relation to this, the power of the pen even became more observable during the time that people were restricted to explicitly express their opinions and sentiments about the religion and government that are established in their country. As a result, people found refuge in writing wherein they could voice out their commentaries about the situation in the society without literally expressing their dissatisfaction in order not to incur the wrath of those in power or against them. Nevertheless, through writing, they could still substantially help in changing the minds of the people wherein they could use an accepted theory in order to pursue a certain political purpose. Being the case, it is necessary that these important writings are given due attention in order to better understanding the development of political purpose through writings of different theories. In relation to this the work of John Locke entitled two Treatises of Government, great exemplified the way which Locke was able to pursue in his writing a specific political purpose.

Brief Background
The Two Treatises of Government is a political philosophy that is written by John Locke and it was published in 1689. The main content of the book is divided into two parts namely, the First Treatise which discusses the contentions against patriarchialism by means of the every sentence refutation about the Patriarcha of Robert Filmer and the Second Treatise deals with the political theory of civil society, which is grounded on natural rights and social contract theory (Locke, 1824).

First Treatise
In the First Treatise, Locke criticized the theory of Sir Robert Filmers regarding Patriarcha. First, Locke debunks the thesis of Filmer by arguing against the Scriptural support of Patriarcha. Second, Locke even said that Filmers thesis is absurd. As compared with other theorists, Locke decided to criticize the study of Filmer because the latter have already carried his study to the farthest, which is why perfection is expected from such study but Locke did not see such in the thesis.

The main argument of Filmer pertains to a divinely-ordained, hereditary, and absolute monarchy. This theory is grounded on Biblical scripture that refers to Adams role as the father, who have unlimited authority over his children that have been passed down to generation. In addition, the authority also comes from Adams perceived ownership of the world. On the other hand, Locke argued that the authority of Adams fatherhood is only applicable through begetting and as such, it cannot be passed to ones children. In relation to this, Locke also asserts that the power of the father over his children is not absolute. Moreover, he also points out that the ownership of Adam is only limited to land and brute animals and it does not include human beings. In this sense, the power of Adam does not mean that he has the authority to enslave humankind in a sense that they would follow his orders.

In relation to Lockes debunking of Filmers theory, he argues that the doctrine of divine right of kings will eventually be the caused of the governments downfall. He further elaborates that since it is impossible to identify the true heir of Adam, the people should obey the present rulers that they have. Locke further criticizes Filmers thesis by saying

I think he is the first Politician, who, pretending to settle Government upon its true Basis, and to establish the Thrones of lawful Princes, ever told the World, That he was properly a King, whose Manner of Government was by Supreme Power, by what Means soever he obtained it which in plain English is to say, that Regal and Supreme Power is properly and truly his, who can by any Means seize upon it and if this be, to be properly a King, I wonder how he came to think of, or where he will find, an Usurper. (1st Tr., p. 79)

Second Treatise
In the light of the book provided by John Locke, he was able to create a second treaty. The second treaty which had been created was dedicated for different kinds of themes. The themes that are mostly given attention were slavery, conquests, right of revolution, representative of government and property. Moreover, Locke mentioned that the state of nature presents that an individual is not naturally inclined in not following orders of other people. Moreover, the aspects of human nature shows that the issues with regards government are not very applicable however, it is through the desire to have a much healthy and prosperous life as a community. In one paragraph provided in book Locke provided this message

To properly understand political power and trace its origins, we must consider the state that all people are in naturally. That is a state of perfect freedom of acting and disposing of their own possessions and persons as they think fit within the bounds of the law of nature. People in this state do not have to ask permission to act or depend on the will of others to arrange matters on their behalf. The natural state is also one of equality in which all power and jurisdiction is reciprocal and no one has more than another. It is evident that all human beings  as creatures belonging to the same species and rank and born indiscriminately with all the same natural advantages and faculties  are equal amongst themselves. They have no relationship of subordination or subjection unless God (the lord and master of them all) had clearly set one person above another and conferred on him an undoubted right to dominion and sovereignty (Locke, 2009, p.70).

Moreover, Locke discussed that people are naturally individualistic. Thus, they will act in anyway that they desire. In addition to this as people, each and every individual has their own decisions, ideas and priorities and the likes.

Furthermore, this second book section provides different aspects with regards to different humanistic priorities in the government. As people, there is a need for people to cooperate with the requirements of the government. Given that the government is needed to somehow be given the rights of its people to assume the peace and security of the people. In exchange of this right, the government is then responsible to the different needs of the people. Those needs are mostly to provide welfare to its people such that of health care, education, military and local enforcements, and etc. Hence, through this the people are able to be secured to their basic needs. Through this basis of responsibility of the government, the people should also have the capability of being responsible of their actions. With such, there is a give and take relationship with the part of the government and the people. Through the cooperation of both sides, it is assumed that the situation of the people through its government shall be peaceful and prosperous.
In analyzing aspects of the second section, the state of nature of every individual is sacrificed in order to promote the desires of the whole nation. Through this sacrifice, the greater good is given priority. Given that every individual has its own desires it is inevitable that conflict would be present. However, through the concept of Locke, different situations shall be much peaceful. Thus, the government is able to maintain the desires of the society as a whole while maintaining the individualistic desires of each individual.

In conclusion, the book of Locke is a great literature which provides the history of government and governance. As a person who had a great wisdom of how governance must be, Locke was able to establish the importance of governance, government as well as the past experiences of past governance. In the First Treaties Locke had debunked the concept of the doctrine of divine rights of kings. This concept of governance, does not promote equal methodology of supremacy because it limits the people from ruling. In addition to this, dynasties meant that the control would not be passed or shared to other individuals who are also capable of ruling.

In the Second Treaties, Locke had highlighted that concern with regards to the relationship of people and the government is important. Through the peoples ability of providing the government some of their rights, the government is able to provide different welfare concerns of the nation. Throughout the cooperation of the government and people, there would be a prosperous governance and country.

As an analysis, Locke was able to encompass the various types of reasoning of governance through the point of view of a person who had seen the concerns regarding the ruling of James II. Through the basis of his learning the author was able to analyze that the old concepts of governance must not practice anymore. Through his point of view of political governance, the Divine Right Theory must not be a part of how the public governance. As mentioned earlier the Divine Right Theory creates limitations of other individual. Although some cultures believe of the Divine concept with regards to governance, people and government must also consider the other factors such as reality and changing of time. Hence, different nations had started a democratic form of ruling with seeks to provide equality for the whole country and its people. Through a democratic form of government, voting is open to different kinds of individuals who are acknowledged to be a citizen of such territory. Through this, people from different walks of life and gender are able to serve their country not through the eyes of God but through the decision of the people.

On the other hand, the purpose of the Locke for this book is to present the various types of aspects related to concerns of governance. Through this book, the importance of the people is highlighted in the second treatise. Thus, if the concept of the first treatise is reflected to the second treatise which presents that in order to have a great country, the support and participation of the people must be present. Where as in the Divine Theory, there is one family which is reins the whole nation. Thus, decisions and actions are coming through the vision of a few people unlike democracy. Through democracy change is possible through the active participation of people and their responsible actions. Thus, Locke had enabled us readers to engage in the importance of usthe people in governance. It is not only the rulers that are responsible but also the people who are governed.


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