The Vanishing Voter

In his book, The Vanishing Voter, Thomas Patterson, a professor of political science from Harvard University discusses a rather alarming development in the political participation of Americans.  Fewer and fewer Americans have been turning up at the polls during elections and according to Patterson, this threatens the very foundations of democracy.

Of the two arguments, Patterson presents, I subscribe to the argument that voter apathy is a threat to Americas democratic way of life (Patterson, 4).  Theoretically, Americas sovereignty rests in its citizens and being a democracy, the people choose the people who will manage its government on their behalf.  Voting (conscientiously) will ensure that we get people who are worthy to hold these positions and they can be trusted to run the government well in the name of the people.  To forego voting, regardless of the reason, would be doing a great disservice to America.  The ballot is more than just a piece of paper, it is an expression of ones will and electing good leaders is the sacred duty of every American citizen.  Refusing to vote will prevent worthy people from running the government and give a free ride to opportunists who will use their positions for self-serving purposes.  There is also the possibility that increasing apathy or negligence might make these self-serving politicians manipulate the laws of the land to serve their own ends and (worst-case scenario) even change the form of government.

Refusing to vote will not excuse nor exempt them from the consequences of the policies implemented by the people they did not want to vote.  They should not think that just because they did not vote for anyone that any policy or law passed will not apply to them.   As an Thomas Jefferson once said, people get the government they deserve.  If the citizens of the United States wants competent and responsible leaders, it is absolutely essential that they make themselves heard through the ballot box.  Otherwise, they are to blame if they do not do so and allow the wrong or unworthy ones come to power and their short-term gain of avoiding the inconveniences or hassles of elections would become long-term pain later on.  This is the reason why suffrage is a duty, not an option of every citizen.


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